Wibree vs Bluetooth: Difference and Comparison

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Wibree and Bluetooth are wireless connection technology for transferring files or data. The primary reason for introducing Wibree and Bluetooth technology is to overcome the large cables.

Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the work, your choices may differ.

Key Takeaways

  1. Wibree consumes significantly less power than Bluetooth, making it ideal for devices with limited battery capacity.
  2. Bluetooth has a higher data transfer rate and a longer range, while Wibree focuses on low-power, short-range communication.
  3. Wibree is better suited for small, low-power devices like sensors and wearables, whereas Bluetooth is more versatile and can be used for a wider range of applications.

Wibree vs Bluetooth

The difference between Wibree and Bluetooth is the continuity of data transferred from one device to another. Wibree has a few breaks while transferring data, whereas Bluetooth has no cracks. Both of them have the same bandwidth of 2.4hz. The range of data shared is also different in both technologies. Wibree transfers data up to 20m, whereas Bluetooth transfers data up to 10m distances.

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Short-range wireless communication is provided by Wibree technology. Only less power is needed for the Wibree. The primary reason for the production of Wibree is to exchange with Bluetooth.

Wibree can connect with transmitters and batteries and make the device lightweight. The Wibree itself is light. By using the Wibree, reduce the weight of the whole machine and make it easy to carry.

Wibree technology needs low power to work efficiently. It is the best option for short-range products.

Bluetooth is a device with the technology to transfer data in short ranges. It is a short-range wireless technology.

By using UHF radio waves, Bluetooth works efficiently. The UHF radio waves of ISM brands are 2.40 GHz to 2.48 GHz. The primary work of Bluetooth technology is to build the personal area network.

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Bluetooth technology is an alternative for RS-22 data cables. It works as a wireless alternative and helps to overcome large wires.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonWibreeBluetooth
PowerWibree has 10mWBluetooth has 100mW
Battery LifeWibree has 1-2 yearsBluetooth has days or months
RangeWibree has 20mBluetooth has 10m
Data rateWibree has 1MbpsBluetooth has 1 to 3Mbps
Frequency HoppingWibree does not useBluetooth can use
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What is Wibree?

Nokia Research Center introduced the Wibree technology in 2001. It can be submitted to reduce the power consumption in mobile devices.

In 2001, the lower power consumption was in high demand. The Wibree technology provides low power consumption along with interoperability and low cost.

It is an open specification technology. Based on the radio, the Wibree technology works. Bluetooth Bright is the re-branded version of Wibree technology. When compared to Bluetooth, Wibree technology will transmit the data at a slow rate.

Wibree uses meagre power with solid or long battery life. The Wibree is a tiny chip which is small in size. Wibree is more efficient when compared to Bluetooth technology.

Both the Wibree technology and Bluetooth technology operate at similar bandwidth of 2.4GHz. The distance of 200m is covered by Wibree technology.

It can transfer data at a range of 1Mbps. 0.2 is the throughput of Wibree technology. The Wibree technology also supports star topology but can not have voice capability.

The Wibree technology has two types of implementation. They are single-mode implementation and dual-mode implementation.

The single-mode Wibree technology is easy to implement with low energy consumption. The dual-mode implementation is nothing but a combination of Bluetooth and Wibree technology.

The Wibree technology is used in health and fitness gadgets. In computers, the Wibree technology is used to reduce power consumption.

What is Bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a technology help to transfer data by wireless connections. Mobile phones, wireless headphones, and music players are connected to Bluetooth technology.

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The Bluetooth technology can need a transmission power of 2.5 mW. The Bluetooth technology provides transmission up to 10m.

Wireless headphones are a popular Bluetooth technology device that is a high-selling music device. Many brands are available for various Bluetooth technology devices.

Bluetooth Special Interest Group is the one who developed the Bluetooth technology. The IEEE standard Bluetooth is called IEEE 802.15.1.

The manufacturer of Bluetooth must clear various processes like SIG standards before selling it to the market. Each device needs to cross the qualification standards before selling.

The shipments of Bluetooth devices are increasing yearly in a range of millions. Before transmitting the data, Bluetooth splits the data into packets and then transfers it to other devices.

Bluetooth technology was introduced in 1993. The Bluetooth technology is compatible with personal computers, mobile phones, and audio devices.

Jim Kardach, on,e of the founders of SIG, proposed Bluetooth in 1997. In 1999, the first consumer Bluetooth devices were introduced.

Frequencies of 2.402 to 2.480 GHz are the operating range of Bluetooth technology. Frequency-hopping spread spectrum is the technology used behind Bluetooth.


Main Differences Between Wibree and Bluetooth

  1. The power of Wibree has 10mW, and the power of Bluetooth has 100mW
  2. The battery life of Wibree is one to two years, whereas the battery life of Bluetooth is in days or months.
  3. The range of Wibree is 10m, whereas the range of Bluetooth is 10 to 30m.
  4. The data rate of Wibree is 1Mbps, whereas the data rate of Bluetooth is 1 to 3Mbps.
  5. The frequency hopping is not used in Wibree, whereas it is used in Bluetooth.
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.