Edge Radius of Cutting Tool vs Nose Radius of Cutting Tool: Difference and Comparison

edge radius of cutting tool vs nose radius of cutting tool difference and comparison 658543

Key Takeaways

  1. Edge radius on cutting edge, nose radius on tool nose
  2. Small edge radius better finish, large radius stronger edge
  3. Nose radius affects contact area, heat generation and forces

What is Edge Radius of Cutting Tool?

The edge radius of a cutting tool is defined as the spherical curvature present at the intersection of the rake face and the tool’s flank. The purpose of the edge radius of a cutting tool is to reduce the possibility of fracturing or chipping and also help to bolster the cutting edge. The edge radius of a cutting tool is primarily used in roughing operations.

The cutting tool’s edge radius has a long life and helps limit chipping and wear. This tool is commonly used in milling and inserts cutters. It alongside helps in reducing the possibility of chipping with the tool edge.

What is Nose Radius of Cutting Tool?

The nose radius of a cutting tool is defined as the spherical curvature present at the cutting edge of the tool from where the cutting action takes place. A cutting tool’s nose radius is to help reduce the forces while cutting, improve the surface finish, and control the chip formation. The nose radius of a cutting tool is used mainly for finishing operations, leading to enhanced smooth finishes.

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It affects the tool life with small radii, which has more probability of wearing. These tools can be commonly found in single-point cutting tools like boring or turning tools. The nose radius increases the risks of chipping.  

Difference Between Edge Radius of Cutting Tool and Nose Radius of Cutting Tool

  1. The edge radius of a cutting tool is defined as the spherical curvature present at the intersection of the rake face and the tool’s flank. On the other hand, the nose radius of a cutting tool is defined as the spherical curvature present at the cutting edge of the tool from where the cutting action takes place.
  2. The purpose of the edge radius of a cutting tool is to reduce the possibility of fracturing or chipping and also help to bolster the cutting edge. At the same time, the purpose of a cutting tool’s nose radius is to help reduce the forces while cutting, improve the surface finish, and control the chip formation.
  3. The size of the edge radius of a cutting tool is large. While on the other hand, the size of the nose radius of a cutting tool is small.
  4. The influence of the edge radius of the cutting tool on cutting forces is quite limited. In contrast, on the other hand, the influence of the nose radius on cutting forces is very significant as, because of its small size, it helps reduce the forces.
  5. The influence of the edge radius of the cutting tool on surface finish is limited and minor. On the contrary side, the influence of the nose radius on the surface finish is significant. Because of the nose radius’s small size, it helps provide an improved surface finish.
  6. The edge radius of a cutting tool is primarily used in roughing operations. And at the same time, the nose radius of a cutting tool is used mainly for finishing operations, leading to improved smooth finishes.
  7. The material removal rate of the edge radius of a cutting tool is higher, and this is because of the large size of the edge radius. On the contrary, the material removal rate of the nose radius of a cutting tool is low. 
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Comparison Between Edge Radius of Cutting Tool and Nose Radius of Cutting Tool

Parameter of ComparisonEdge Radius of Cutting ToolNose Radius of Cutting Tool
DefinitionIt is defined as the spherical curvature present at the intersection of the rake face and the tool’s flank.It is defined as the spherical curvature present at the tool’s cutting edge from where the cutting action takes place.
Purpose It reduces the possibility of fracturing or chipping and also helps to bolster the cutting edge.It helps in reducing the forces while cutting, improving the surface finish, and controlling the chip formation.
Geometry Large Small
Influence on Cutting ForcesLimited effectSignificant effect 
Influence on Surface FinishLess effectSignificant effect
Cutting ApplicationIn roughing operationsIn finishing operations
Material Removal Rate High because of its large sizeLow to medium
Tool LifeMore less
ChippingReduces the effect Increases the risk 
Types of ToolsMilling and inserts cuttersIn single-point cutting tools such as – boring or turning tools
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0143816612001479
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1243/pime_proc_1995_209_087_02
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.