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Need to Reorder Photos in Facebook

Facebook Post Photo

When you upload multiple photos to a Facebook post, they may not appear in the desired order. This can make your post look less organized and make it harder for your audience to follow the content. Fortunately, Facebook offers an option to edit the post and rearrange the photos to improve the presentation of your post.

To change the order of photos in a Facebook post, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account: Go to and sign in with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the post: Locate the post containing the photos that need rearranging, either on your timeline, Facebook group, or a page you manage.
  3. Access the edit option: Click the three dots in the post’s upper right corner to reveal a dropdown menu.
  4. Edit the post: Select “Edit Post” from the dropdown menu. This will enable you to edit the content and arrangement of the media within the post.
  5. Rearrange the photos: Click and drag each photo to the desired position until satisfied with their order.
  6. Save your changes: Click “Save” to apply your changes and update the post.

Remember that the process for rearranging photos may differ slightly if you are using Facebook’s new desktop version or the mobile app. Familiarize yourself with their respective interfaces to ensure you edit your photos accordingly.

Accessing Your Facebook Post

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Locating the Play Icon

To access your Facebook post, go to and log into your account, if you aren’t already logged in. Then, navigate to the post you want to edit. This post can be on your Timeline/Wall, inside a Facebook Group, or on a Facebook Page you manage.

Clicking the Edit Button

Once you have found the post, look for the three dots (⋮) located in the upper right corner of the post. Click on these dots to reveal a dropdown menu. From this menu, select “Edit Post”. Doing so will allow you to rearrange photos in the Facebook post as you desire, making your post more visually appealing and organized.

Navigating the Photo Viewer

Understanding the Interface

When you want to change the order of photos in a Facebook post, start by opening the Photo Viewer within Facebook, here, you will see a collection of your previously uploaded images. The user-friendly interface allows you to access the desired functions with relative ease.

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Take time to familiarize yourself with various icons and buttons, such as the three horizontal dots in the upper right corner, which expand to provide editing options. Furthermore, pay special attention to the layout of your photos and the options available when you hover over or click on them.

Identifying the Manage Order Button

To modify the sequence of photos within your post, locate the Manage Order button. You can find this function by clicking on the three horizontal dots in the post’s upper right corner and selecting “Edit Post” from the dropdown menu.

Once you’re in Edit mode, the button becomes visible, enabling you to click and drag each photo into the desired order. Reordering the images is a simple process, so take time and organize the photos per your preference. When satisfied with the new arrangement, save your changes, and your post will reflect the updated sequence.

Reordering Your Photos

Using Drag and Drop

To change the order of photos in a Facebook post, open Facebook on your computer and navigate to your profile’s “Photos” tab. From there, click on the “Albums” section. Locate the album containing the photos you’d like to rearrange, then click on it to open. Inside the album, you can click and drag each photo to rearrange them in your desired sequence.

Confirming Your Changes

Once you have arranged the photos in the desired sequence, save your changes by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the album page. The photos within the album will now display in the new order you have set. By reordering your photos, you can ensure they are displayed in a more aesthetically pleasing or logical order for your Facebook post or album.

Potential Challenges and Tips

Dealing with Browser Issues

Sometimes, you might face difficulties rearranging your photos on Facebook due to browser issues. Here are a few tips to tackle these problems:

  • Clear cache and cookies: You can try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies, which solves many common Facebook-related issues.
  • Update your browser: Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of your preferred browser, as outdated versions can cause compatibility issues with certain features on Facebook.
  • Try another browser: If you continue to experience problems, consider using a different browser to access Facebook, as some browsers work better with Facebook than others.

Addressing Photo Quantity Limit

There is a limit to the number of photos you can include in a single Facebook post. Here are some points to remember regarding the photo quantity limit:

  • Maximum limit: You can add up to 50 photos in one post while sharing on your Timeline or a Facebook Group. If you need to include more photos, consider creating an album instead.
  • Editing the post: If you have reached the maximum limit in a post and want to reorder your photos, you might need to remove some photos first to be able to manipulate the order within the limit. You can then add the removed photos in the desired order.
  • Use Albums: If you need to share many photos, consider using Facebook Albums to organize and rearrange your photos more efficiently. Albums offer more control over the order of your images without the limitations faced when posting directly on your Timeline or in a Group.
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Utilizing Mobile App for Reordering

In this section, we will cover how to change the order of photos in a Facebook post using the mobile app. We will discuss locating the post and editing the photos to achieve the desired order.

Locating the Post

To begin, follow these steps to locate the post you want to edit:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your smartphone.
  2. Log in to your account if you aren’t already logged in.
  3. Navigate to your Timeline/Wall, a Facebook Group, or a Facebook Page you manage.
  4. Scroll through the feed and find the post you want to edit.

Editing and Reordering

Once you’ve located the post, use these steps to reorder the photos:

  1. Tap the three dots in the upper right corner of the post.
  2. Select “Edit Post” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Tap on a photo you’ve shared in the post or the small camera button (if you want to add more photos) at the bottom left to edit the photos.
  4. Tap and hold on a photo that you want to move up or down its current order.
  5. Drag the photo to the desired position and release it.
  6. Repeat this process as necessary to achieve the preferred order for your photos.
  7. Finally, tap “Save” to apply your changes.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.