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The term retinoid doesn’t allude to only one product but a class of vitamin A–derived actives, including the fixings adapalene and tretinoin.

The previous is the basis of Differin, while the last is synonymous with Retin-A. (Tretinoin is likewise the vital fixing in various other brand names retinoids, like ReFissa and Renova.)

Key Takeaways

  1. Differin contains adapalene, and Retin-A contains tretinoin, both retinoids used for acne treatment.
  2. Differin is milder and less irritating than Retin-A, making it more suitable for sensitive skin.
  3. Retin-A is available by prescription only, while Differin is available over the counter in most countries.

Differin vs Retin A

The difference between differin and Retin A is that differin interacts with vitamin A, steroids or tetracycline antibiotics, whereas retin A interacts with other topical medications which contain sulphur, resorcinol, and salicylic acid. The main function of retinoids is that they bind retinoic acid receptors (RARs) on keratinocyte cells in the skin. 

Differin vs Retin A

Differin is also known as adapalene. Differin does as such more delicately since it ties to only one kind of receptor. Differin is intended to target skin break out instead of wrinkles.

The function of differin is that they reduce skin swelling. It helps to cure all pimples quickly. Differin belongs to the retinoid class of medication. It helps reduce inflammation and itching and stimulates the growth of new skin cells.

Retin A is also named Tretinoin. This mainly treats skin inflammation. It also reduces the number of pimples and advances the speedy recuperating of pimples that do develop.

Retin A belongs to a class of meds called retinoids. It helps regenerate new skin cells. It was first developed by the University of Pennsylvania in the 1960s.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDifferinRetin A
DefinitionDifferin is also known as adapalene. Differin does as such more delicately, since it ties to only one kind of receptor.
Retin A is a type of retinoid. It helps in development of new skin cells
UsesDifferin is utilized to treat skin inflammation. It decreases the number and severity of skin inflammation pimples and advances fast recuperating of pimples that do create.The Retin-A and Avita brands of tretinoin are utilized to treat skin break out. Retin-A may likewise be utilized for purposes not recorded in this prescription aide.
Side EffectsRedness in skin, itching, burning sensation, or peeling after sun exposure.Skin redness, dryness, tingling, scaling, gentle consuming, or deterioration of skin break out may happen during the initial 2 a month of utilizing the prescription.
StorageStore at room temperature, do not freeze, away from moisture and heat. Store at room temperature, cold place, away from moisture and heat.
What to avoidAvoid exposure to sunlight because it can cause sunburn.Avoid this drug contact into your eyes, nose, mouth, or in the creases of your nose.

What is Differin?

The generic name is Adapalene. Differin is the brand name itself. The class of this drug is topical acne agents. Differin is a drug of the skin that contains vitamin A. It assists the skin with re-establishing itself.

Differin is utilized to treat serious skin break out in individuals who are no less than 12 years of age. It works by diminishing skin break-out formation. Differin may likewise be utilized for purposes not recorded in this prescription aid.

Differin is utilized to treat skin inflammation. It reduces the number and severity of skin swelling pimples and advances fast recuperating of pimples that do create. Differin is a kind of retinoid.

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It works by stimulating the growth of cells and reducing expansion and aggravation. Adapalene is accessible under the accompanying distinctive brand name: Differin.

It comes in different forms, such as gel, cream, and lotion. Adapalene has no known extreme connections with different medications. Differin has no known genuine communications with different drugs.

It has no known moderate communication with different drugs. It has no known gentle interaction with different drugs.

differin scaled

What is Retin A?

Retin-A (tretinoin) is a type of vitamin A that assists the skin with re-establishing itself. The Retin-A and Avita brands of tretinoin are utilized to treat skin break out.

Retin-A is utilized to lessen the presence of fine wrinkles and mottled skin staining and to cause harsh facial skin to feel smoother. Retin-A may likewise be utilized for purposes not recorded in this prescription aid.

If you are applying Retin-A then avoid exposure to sunlight or artificial UV beams (sunlamps or tanning beds). It makes your skin more delicate in the daylight, and burns from the sun might result. Use a sunscreen (at least SPF 15) and wear protective clothing if you should be out in the sun. 

Try not to get Retin-A in your eyes, mouth, and nose, or all the rage. If it gets into any of these spaces, wash it with water. Try not to use Retin-A on burns from the sun, windburned, dry, chapped, irritated, or broken skin.

Likewise, try not to utilize this medicine in injuries or spaces of skin inflammation. Delay until these conditions have recuperated before utilizing Retin-A.

Use Retin-A precisely as your physician has recommended it for you. Follow all headings on your given prescription. Try not to use this medication in bigger or more modest sums or for more than suggested.

Main Differences Between Differin and Retin A

  1. Both differin and Retin A are retinoids and forms of vitamin A used for skin problems like acne, pimples, inflammation, etc.
  2. Retin-A (tretinoin) Cream and Gel is a type of Vitamin A utilized for the skin treatment of skin inflammation Vulgaris.
  3. Differin (adapalene) Gel 0.3% is a skin (applied to the skin) drug like vitamin A used to treat extreme skin break out in individuals who are no less than 12 years of age. Differin Gel 0.3% is accessible in a nonexclusive structure.
  4. Retin A interacts with other topical medications, especially which contain sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid, etc.
  5. Differin interacts with vitamin A, steroids, or tetracycline antibiotics.

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.