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Nowadays, Stress and Depression have become common words, and we come to hear about them.

But do we know what they resemble? So, here we will discuss everything in detail about Stress and Depression. We can also say that both the terms are interrelated to each other as well.

Key Takeaways

  1. Stress is a natural response to external pressures or demands, while depression is a persistent mood disorder affecting daily life.
  2. Stress can be short-term or long-term, but prolonged sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness characterize depression.
  3. While stress may contribute to depression, they require different coping strategies and treatments.

Stress vs Depression

Stress is a physiological and psychological response to a perceived threat or challenge and is a normal and natural part of life. Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest or pleasure in once enjoyable activities.

Stress vs Depression

Stress is the feeling of being pressured by personal issues, illness, etc. Stress depends from person to person,; hence, it has become a part of almost everyone’s life.

But, too much Stress can lead to something severe and even dangerous.

On the other hand, Depression or also known as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a serious health condition.

Feeling low, unhappy, uninterested, etc are some typical parts of its diagnosis. And it remains for quite a long time and hence affects the patient in the long term.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonStressDepression
TimeStress is a short-term effect and hence vanishes quickly.Stress can be identified into three types and Acute Stress, Episodic Stress, and Chronic Stress.
TypesThe types of Depression are Major Depression, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Dysthymia, Depressive Psychosis, Postpartum Depression, and last but not least, Seasonal Affective Disorder.Stress is associated with several symptoms, and they are like memory problems, headaches, sweating, issues while sleeping, insomnia, inability to concentrate, etc.
SymptomsThe symptoms of depression are identified when the person feels unhappy, anti-social behaviour, crying, suicidal tendency, etc.Severe
Depression is not ignored by people, and hence they get a positive response from people.Stress is not that severe.Depression is way more severe than Stress.
ImportanceDepression is way more severe than Stress.Depression is not ignored by people, and hence they get a positive response.

What is Stress?

In simple terms, if we need to define Stress, then we can say that Stress is the feeling of tension that makes you feel nervous and anxious at the same time.

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Minimal Stress in life might not affect your mind, but if that minimal Stress gradually starts to turn into severe negative feelings, then that becomes intense and a fact to be worried about.

It can affect our mind and body. We won’t be able to cope with everyday things. Small Stress is good, and we can even say that it keeps us running and our tasks are accomplished at an accurate time.

People come to know that they are fighting against Stress when symptoms are seen in them, such as headaches, nervousness, insomnia, memory problem, inability to concentrate on several tasks, sweating, etc.

And the best way to overcome such things or Stress, in general, is by meditating, doing yoga, exercising, journaling, etc, and if the Stress is severe,, they can take medications as per their specialists.

The best specialists to go are Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Counselors.

Stress is subdivided into three types depending upon their levels: Acute Stress, Episodic Stress, and Chronic Stress.

Generally, people are not concerned with Stress, and think it’s normal to have it,, but when it majorly impacts our stress, it’s time to get rid of it as it can pull our self-confidence in essential places.


What is Depression?

Nowadays, the term Depression has become common among everyone. And about 3% of the world’s population is facing this.

Depression is a mental disorder where the person cannot do anything and hence becomes anti-social.

They feel unhappy, feel like crying, have suicidal thoughts, have anti-social behaviour, etc, and we can term these as its symptoms.

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Depression is a long-term effect that can remain for several months or sometimes even years.

Nowadays, it has become common between people, and therefore, there is no age limitation for depression. The reasons for each person are different from each other.

There are six types of Depression, and every kind of Depression depends upon its causes, reasons for emergence, medications, therapies, symptoms, etc.

We should not ignore any of them as if required, medical help should be provided to the person. It is essential to consult a doctor.

There are several methods to cure depression, and they are various therapies, medications, and other Medical Procedures, and these should be done with proper guidance from the specialist.

A few Specialists who looks after Depression are Clinical Psychologist, Primary Care Provider (PCP), Psychiatrist, and Emergency Medicine Doctor.


Main Differences Between Stress and Depression

  1. Stress leads to a short-term effect on a person’s life, while on the other hand, depression causes long-term effects.
  2. Stress has been subdivided into three types: Acute, Episodic, and Chronic. On the other hand, Major Depression, Dysthymia, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Depressive Psychosis, Postpartum Depression, and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder are the major categories of Depression.
  3. Memory problems, headaches, sweating, issues while sleeping, insomnia, inability to concentrate, etc., are the symptoms by which we can determine Stress while on the other hand, depression includes severe symptoms like unhappiness, Stress, feelings like crying for no reason, unable to take active participation in various activities, suicidal thoughts, anti-social behaviour, etc
  4. Stress is comparatively less severe while on the other hand, Depression affects majorly and hence it is severe.
  5. People don’t give that much importance to stress and end up giving negative vibes to the victim on the other hand, everyone knows depression, and therefore the surrounding people try to help the patient.
Difference Between Stress and Depression
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.