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Virtual Network Computing employs the RFB protocol to allow you to control another machine remotely via the server. UltraVNC is a management software that works remotely.

These technologies are becoming more popular, particularly among those who manage networks between their offices and home computers, because they can access the remote computer from their own home computer and vice versa.  

Key Takeaways

  1. UltraVNC is a more advanced version of VNC, offering additional features and enhancements.
  2. UltraVNC provides better security features than standard VNC.
  3. UltraVNC supports file transfer functionality, whereas VNC does not.

VNC vs UltraVNC 

The difference between VNC and UltraVNC is that VNC, developed in the 1990s by the founders of RealVNC, involves a server, a client, and a protocol, and is less secure, whereas UltraVNC, developed in 2005 by Oliver Schneider, Rudi De Vos, UltraSam, etc., allows chat functionality and the transfer of files between computer and is more secure. 

VNC vs UltraVNC

VNC allows a remote user to connect to a computer by sharing its screen, keyboard, and mouse. As a result, when multiple users (including the one running the physical display and keyboard) connect to the same server, they all see the same thing and type on the same keyboard.  

Ultra VNC is remote access management software that assists enterprises in establishing remote connections and controlling devices to handle operations such as e-learning, helpdesk, IT support services, demonstrations, and more. Users can monitor and manage apps, interfaces, user access, and settings using the remote frame buffer (RFB) protocol. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison VNC UltraVNC 
Operational Difference It consists of a server, a client, and a protocol. It allows chat functionality and the transfer of files from one computer to the other. 
Security Less secure More secure  
Compatibility Works with Java and it is easily installed with Microsoft Windows. It works with C, C++, Java, and Windows Visa. 
Communication It allows a person to view a computer or more.  Doesn’t allow 1+ people to communicate with one remote computer on the server. 
Developed in Created in the 1990s 24 June 2005 
Developer Founder of RealVNC. Oliver Schneider, Rudi De Vos, UltraSam, Martin Scharpf. 

What is VNC? 

VNC is a fantastic alternative for technical support since the remote user can see what the local user is doing and can take control when needed to assist. Popular WEB-based screen sharing services, such as WebEx or GoToMeeting, offer similar functionality by utilizing cloud-based servers to sustain communication.

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VNC accomplishes this with a direct connection. 

On the server side, VNC supports various platforms, allowing for the sharing of screens and keyboards from both Windows and Linux PCs, including Linux graphical applications. It could explain the drive to standardize on VNC in order to maintain consistent access across the board.  

VNC is platform-agnostic, with clients and servers available for a wide range of GUI-based operating systems as well as Java. This technology is used for remote technical assistance and data access from one computer to another.  

VNC is available in several ways, each with its unique set of features. Some, for example, are optimized for Microsoft Windows, while others support file sharing (which is not part of VNC itself).  

Many are VNC standard-compliant (without their additional features), in the notion that a viewer of one flavour can join servers of someone else; others are built with VNC code but are interoperable with standard VNC. 

What is UltraVNC? 

UltraVNC is a remote administration/remote desktop software tool that is free and open source. The client is compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Linux, but the server is only compatible with Windows.

It employs the VNC interface to influence another computer remotely via a network connection. 

UltraVNC is a powerful, simple-to-use, and free remote computer access software that can display the screen of another computer (through the internet or network) on your own. The application allows you to remotely control the other PC using your mouse and keyboard.

It implies you may operate on a remote computer as if you were sitting in front of it from wherever you are. 

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It does, however, have additional functionality, such as an encryption plugin to help protect the client/server interaction, in addition to the remote control. File transfers, chat, and a variety of authentication mechanisms are also supported. 

UltraVNC is rather well for establishing the framework for no cost. No-installation virtual help desk solutions like UltraVNC Single Click (“SC”) and PCHelpWare.

These functions by generating a well before executable file that may be downloaded and run-on computers in need of assistance; these programs then join the web server that is running on the machine that is offering help. 

Students may connect with a distant desktop as if they were standing directly in front of it using UltraVNC. This is performed by transmitting mouse and keyboard motions to the distant desktop and simultaneously reproducing the distant computer’s display in actual time (subject to resolution differences).

RealVNC Free Edition and UltraVNC are nearly the same.  

Main Differences Between VNC and UltraVNC 

  1. VNC is made up of a server, a client, and a protocol that allows you to transfer data from one computer to another. UltraVNC supports conversation and login techniques, as well as file transfers from one machine to another. 
  2. VNC is less secure as there are no passwords that need to be inserted. On the other hand, UltraVNC is more secure as it has specific software to install passwords and other security measures. 
  3. VNC is compatible with Java and easily installable on Microsoft Windows, and VNC is highly compatible with C, C++, Java, and Windows Visa. 
  4. VNC allows one to access a desktop or more. On the other hand, UltraVNC won’t allow more than one person to communicate with a remote computer. 
  5. VNC was created in the 1990s, and then it was commercialized in 2002. UltraVNC was developed on 24 June 2005. 
  6. VNC was developed by the founders of RealVNC, and UltraVNC was founded by Oliver Schneider, Rudi De Vos, UltraSam, and Martin Scharpf. 


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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.