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The Weather and Climatic conditions of a place highly depend on the humidity in the atmosphere. The term humidity is connected to solar radiation and evaporation as well.

Key Takeaways

  1. Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air and is important in determining how comfortable or uncomfortable the air feels.
  2. The relative humidity is a percentage measurement that compares the current humidity level to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a specific temperature.
  3. Understanding both humidity and relative humidity can help people make informed decisions about indoor comfort, weather forecasts, and the impact of humidity on various activities.

Humidity vs Relative Humidity

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air, which determines the fog, rain, and dew of a place. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor present in the air and is depicted as a percentage of the amount of saturation needed in the air at the same temperature. It is abbreviated as RH.

Humidity vs Relative humidity

Humidity is a terminology referring to the water vapour in the air. It regulates the earth’s heat and keeps living beings surviving without complications.

In simpler words, it is due to the humidity that we sweat and not because of the surrounding heat. More importantly, places close to the sea and water bodies are considered more humid than continental locations.

Continental Locations: These are the places that are landlocked and are not near any water body.

It can also be observed that the places near the seashore, called Tropical locations, are prone to moderate temperatures. At the same time, the continental locations have extreme temperatures.

In humidity, many related terminologies are used in determining the temperature and weather forecast. One of the most common terms is Relative Humidity.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHumidityRelative humidity
MeaningHumidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.Relative Humidity is the percentage of water vapour available in a volume of the atmosphere at a given temperature.
UsageHumidity is used to predict precipitation, fog or dew.Relative Humidity is used to determine the change in weather conditions
ComparisonHumidity can be compared with the previous year’s data to predict the rain.Relative Humidity is a comparison factor between the actual water vapour content and the water vapour content that can exist at that temperature.
Measuring UnitWater Vapour per Cubic meter of air.It is denoted in percentage.
Water Vapour ContentMore Water Vapour, More Sweat, less water vapour, a lot coolerMore Water Vapour results in Higher Relative Humidity, and less water vapour results in less relative humidity.


What is Humidity?

Humidity is the amount of water vapour that is present in the air. The humidity determines the rain, fog and dew factors of the place.

Ideally, it is a cyclic process. The solar radiation in the air results n the evaporation of water from the water bodies.

This evaporation results in water vapour and gets mixed in the air.

The air is already mixed with other gases and elements, and the water vapour combined with the atmosphere results in the overall weather condition of the place. If the solar radiation is more, or in other words, if the place experiences excessive heat, more evaporation happens.

This result is more water vapour getting mixed in the air.

This increases the precipitation levels. In some instances, you may experience excessive rainfall too. Have you ever noticed that you may encounter rain in the evening whenever a place has more temperature?

It is indeed a cyclic process that keeps living beings intact. The body sweat happens due to the humid conditions cooling the body from the heat.

Though sweat is undesirable, it is what helps humans to survive excessive heat as well.


What is Relative Humidity?

Relative Humidity, or RH, is the ratio of water vapour present in the atmosphere. The balance is measured against the water vapour that can be present at that given temperature.

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Relative Humidity is measured in percentage, giving the value for the place to experience more humid conditions. More the value, the more the humidity and resultant sweat.

The tropical conditions have higher RH. The value can be seen in the weather forecast, which talks about the humidity levels. The relative humidity is calculated as follows:

Suppose 1 Volume of air can contain 100 grams of water vapour. But it has 50 grams of Water vapour then the RH is 50%.

Incidentally, the Relative Humidity is higher for Cold air and lower for warmer atmosphere. The RH is temperature specific and tends to change with temperature changes too.

Relative humidity being the measure, it is an essential aspect to determine the weather changes. This is also useful for checking the room temperature and also set your interiors accordingly.

Especially when you are placing certain things for a very long time, RH is the most critical component.
For example, if you place a set of books in a room, the RH value and relative changes you make can make the books survive longer.

relative humidity

Main Differences Between Humidity and Relative Humidity

  1. The main difference between humidity and relative humidity is the amount of water vapour in the air. In contrast, Relative humidity is the measure of water vapour present in a volume of air. It is the ratio of the actual water vapour to the water vapour that it can contain in the air volume.
  2. Humidity predicts atmospheric changes such as rain, fog and dew, while Relative Humidity measures humidity in a particular region.
  3. Humidity is also compared with the previous year’s data to predict rain and other environmental changes. At the same time, Relative Humidity compares the available water vapour and the actual water vapour that the air can contain.
  4. Humidity is measured in Water Vapour per cubic meter, whereas RH is measured in percentage.
  5. More Water Vapour in Air causes more precipitation and vice versa, while more RH denotes cooler weather and less RH indicates warm weather.
Difference Between Humidity and Relative Humidity 1

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.