All Pokémon Starters by Generation – Complete List from Gen 1 to 9

Fuecoco Sprigatito

Overview of Pokémon Starters

Choosing a starter Pokémon is one of the most important decisions you can make in any Pokémon game. Your starter will be with you throughout your journey, and their unique abilities will help you overcome challenges and defeat gym leaders. In this article, we’ll take a look at all the starter Pokémon from generations 1 through 9.

Generation 1: Kanto

The first generation of Pokémon games introduced us to three classic starters: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. These three Pokémon have become iconic figures in the Pokémon universe and are still beloved by fans today. In addition to these three starters, players could also choose Pikachu as their starter in Pokémon Yellow.

Generation 2: Johto

The second generation of Pokémon games introduced us to three new starters: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile. These starters were all based on different types of animals, with Chikorita being a grass-type, Cyndaquil being a fire-type, and Totodile being a water-type.

Generation 3: Hoenn

The third generation of Pokémon games introduced us to three more starters: Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip. These starters were all based on different animals, with Treecko being a grass-type, Torchic being a fire-type, and Mudkip being a water-type.

Generation 4: Sinnoh

The fourth generation of Pokémon games introduced us to three new starters: Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. These starters were all based on different types of animals, with Turtwig being a grass-type, Chimchar being a fire-type, and Piplup being a water-type.

Generation 5: Unova

The fifth generation of Pokémon games introduced us to three more starters: Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott. These starters were all based on different types of animals, with Snivy being a grass-type, Tepig being a fire-type, and Oshawott being a water-type.

Generation 6: Kalos

The sixth generation of Pokémon games introduced us to three new starters: Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. These starters were all based on different types of animals, with Chespin being a grass-type, Fennekin being a fire-type, and Froakie being a water-type.

Generation 7: Alola

The seventh generation of Pokémon games introduced us to three more starters: Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. These starters were all based on different types of animals, with Rowlet being a grass-type, Litten being a fire-type, and Popplio being a water-type.

Generation 8: Galar

The eighth generation of Pokémon games introduced us to three new starters: Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble. These starters were all based on different types of animals, with Grookey being a grass-type, Scorbunny being a fire-type, and Sobble being a water-type.

Generation 9: Hisui

The ninth generation of Pokémon games will introduce us to three new starters: TBA. The starters will be based on different types of animals, with one being a grass-type, one being a fire-type, and one being a water-type.

Pokemon Gen 9 Starters List

Fuecoco Sprigatito
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The ninth generation of Pokémon games released on November 18, 2022, and with it came three new starter Pokémon: Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly. These starters are from the Paldea region and are unique in their own way.


Sprigatito is a grass-type Pokémon and the first of the Gen 9 starters. It is a small, cute creature with a leafy head and a body that resembles a sprout. Sprigatito is known for its ability to manipulate plants and use them to its advantage during battles. Its evolution, Florasprout, is a combination of a flower and a sprout and has the ability to heal itself and allies during battles.


Fuecoco is a fire-type Pokémon and the second of the Gen 9 starters. It is a small, orange creature with a coconut-like head and a body that resembles a flame. Fuecoco is known for its speed and agility, and its ability to manipulate fire to its advantage during battles. Its evolution, Infernoco, is a combination of an inferno and a coconut and has the ability to create and control massive flames.


Quaxly is a water-type Pokémon and the third of the Gen 9 starters. It is a small, blue creature with a duck-like head and a body that resembles a wave. Quaxly is known for its ability to swim and dive, and its ability to manipulate water to its advantage during battles. Its evolution, Hydroquack, is a combination of hydro and quack and has the ability to create and control massive waves.

Overall, the Gen 9 starters are unique and offer a fresh experience for players. With their unique abilities and evolutions, they are sure to become fan favorites.

Pokemon Gen 8 Starters List

Grookey Scorbunny and Sobble

If you’re looking for information on the Generation 8 starters, you’ve come to the right place. In this section, we’ll be taking a closer look at the three starters from the Galar region: Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble.

  • Generation 8
  • Pokemon Sword & Shield


Grookey is a Grass-type starter Pokémon and is the first in the evolutionary line. It is known for its ability to use its stick as a drumstick and create a beat that can heal the other Pokémon around it. Its moveset includes Branch Poke, Growl, Screech, and Knock Off.

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Scorbunny is a Fire-type starter Pokémon and is the first in the evolutionary line. It is known for its agility and speed, which is reflected in its moveset. Its moveset includes Ember, Quick Attack, Double Kick, and Flame Charge.


Sobble is a Water-type starter Pokémon and is the first in the evolutionary line. It is known for its timid and shy nature, which is reflected in its moveset. Its moveset includes Water Gun, Bind, Water Pulse, and Tearful Look.

Overall, the Generation 8 starters offer a great mix of types and abilities, so you’re sure to find one that suits your playstyle.

Pokemon Gen 7 Starters List

Rowlet Litten Popplio

The seventh generation of Pokemon starters was introduced in the games Pokemon Sun and Moon, and they are Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. Each of these starters has unique abilities and characteristics that make them stand out from each other.


Rowlet is a grass and flying type Pokemon that resembles an owl. It can blend into its surroundings, making it difficult to spot. Rowlet’s moveset includes Leafage, Tackle, Peck, and Astonish. When it evolves into Dartrix and then Decidueye, it gains the ghost type, which makes it even more versatile in battles.


Litten is a fire type Pokemon that resembles a black and orange kitten. It can produce flames from its fur, which it uses to attack its opponents. Litten’s moveset includes Ember, Scratch, Growl, and Lick. When it evolves into Torracat and then Incineroar, it becomes a fire and dark type, which makes it a formidable opponent in battles.


Popplio is a water type Pokemon that resembles a blue and white seal. It can create balloons out of water, which it uses to distract its opponents. Popplio’s moveset includes Water Gun, Pound, Growl, and Disarming Voice. When it evolves into Brionne and then Primarina, it gains the fairy type, which makes it a valuable addition to any team.

Overall, the seventh generation of Pokemon starters offers a diverse range of types and abilities for players to choose from. Whether you prefer grass, fire, or water types, there is a starter that will suit your playstyle.

Pokemon Gen 6 Starters List

Chespin Fennekin Froakie

In the sixth generation of Pokemon games, players were introduced to three new starter Pokemon: Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. Each of these Pokemon has its own unique type, abilities, and evolutions. Here’s a breakdown of each of the Gen 6 starters:


Chespin is a Grass-type Pokemon and has the ability Overgrow. It evolves into Quilladin at level 16 and then into Chesnaught at level 36. Chesnaught is a dual-type Grass/Fighting Pokemon and has the ability Bulletproof.


Fennekin is a Fire-type Pokemon and has the ability Blaze. It evolves into Braixen at level 16 and then into Delphox at level 36. Delphox is a dual-type Fire/Psychic Pokemon and has the ability Blaze.


Froakie is a Water-type Pokemon and has the ability Torrent. It evolves into Frogadier at level 16 and then into Greninja at level 36. Greninja is a dual-type Water/Dark Pokemon and has the ability Protean.

Overall, the Gen 6 starters offer a great balance of types and abilities. Whether you prefer a Grass-type, Fire-type, or Water-type Pokemon, there’s a Gen 6 starter that’s perfect for you.

Pokemon Gen 5 Starters List

Snivy Tepig Oshawott

Generation 5 of Pokemon introduced three new starters to choose from. Each of them has unique abilities and traits that make them stand out from one another. Here are the three starters from Pokemon Gen 5:


Snivy is a Grass-type starter Pokemon, renowned for its quickness and agility. It has the ability Overgrow, which boosts the power of its Grass-type moves when its HP is low. Snivy’s evolutionary line also includes Servine and Serperior.


Tepig is a Fire-type starter Pokemon, known for its fierce fighting spirit. It has the ability Blaze, which boosts the power of its Fire-type moves when its HP is low. Tepig’s evolutionary line also includes Pignite and Emboar.


Oshawott is a Water-type starter Pokemon, recognized for its playful nature and its scalchop, which it uses as a weapon. It has the ability Torrent, which boosts the power of its Water-type moves when its HP is low. Oshawott’s evolutionary line also includes Dewott and Samurott.

In summary, the three starters from Pokemon Gen 5 are Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott. Each of them has unique abilities and evolutionary lines that make them great choices for any Pokemon Trainer.

Pokemon Gen 4 Starters List

Turtwig Chimchar Piplup

Generation 4, also known as the Diamond and Pearl series, introduced three new starter Pokemon: Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. Each of them has their own unique characteristics that make them popular among trainers.


Turtwig is a Grass-type starter Pokemon. It has a high defense and can learn moves like Razor Leaf and Earthquake. Turtwig is a great choice for trainers who prefer a defensive playstyle.


Chimchar is a Fire-type starter Pokemon. It has a high speed and can learn moves like Flame Wheel and Brick Break. Chimchar is a great choice for trainers who prefer a fast-paced playstyle.


Piplup is a Water-type starter Pokemon. It has a high special defense and can learn moves like Surf and Ice Beam. Piplup is a great choice for trainers who prefer a balanced playstyle.

In generation 4, your early gym battles will pit you against rock, grass, and fighting-type Pokemon making Piplup a strong choice for survival in the first few towns. However, these Pokemon starters all have an advantage against an early gym leader.

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Overall, the Gen 4 starters are a great addition to any trainer’s team. They offer a range of playstyles and can be trained to become powerful Pokemon.

Pokemon Gen 3 Starters List

Treecko Torchic Mudkip

The third generation of Pokemon games introduced us to some new starter Pokemon, each with their own unique abilities and characteristics. The three starter Pokemon for Generation III (Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald) are:

Starter PokemonType


Treecko is a grass-type Pokemon that first appeared in the third generation of Pokemon games. It is known for its agility and speed, and has the ability to stick to walls and ceilings. Its evolutions are Grovyle and Sceptile, both of which are also grass-type Pokemon.


Torchic is a fire-type Pokemon that first appeared in the third generation of Pokemon games. It is known for its cute appearance and its powerful kicking attacks. Its evolutions are Combusken and Blaziken, both of which are also fire-type Pokemon.


Mudkip is a water-type Pokemon that first appeared in the third generation of Pokemon games. It is known for its cute appearance and its powerful water attacks. Its evolutions are Marshtomp and Swampert, both of which are also water-type Pokemon.

When choosing a starter Pokemon in Generation III, it is important to consider their abilities and strengths. Treecko is a good choice for those who prefer a fast and agile Pokemon, while Torchic is a good choice for those who prefer a powerful fire-type Pokemon. Mudkip is a good choice for those who prefer a powerful water-type Pokemon.

Pokemon Gen 2 Starters List

Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile

In Pokemon Gen 2, players had the option to choose one of three starter Pokemon; Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile. Each of these Pokemon has their own unique abilities and strengths, making them a great choice for different types of players.


Chikorita is a grass-type Pokemon, making it a great choice for players who prefer a more defensive playstyle. Its ability, Overgrow, increases its grass-type moves when its HP is low, making it a formidable opponent in battles. Chikorita’s final evolution, Meganium, has a high defense stat, making it a great choice for players who want a Pokemon that can take a lot of hits.


Cyndaquil is a fire-type Pokemon, making it a great choice for players who prefer an offensive playstyle. Its ability, Blaze, increases its fire-type moves when its HP is low, making it a formidable opponent in battles. Cyndaquil’s final evolution, Typhlosion, has a high special attack stat, making it a great choice for players who want a Pokemon that can deal a lot of damage.


Totodile is a water-type Pokemon, making it a great choice for players who prefer a balanced playstyle. Its ability, Torrent, increases its water-type moves when its HP is low, making it a formidable opponent in battles. Totodile’s final evolution, Feraligatr, has a high attack stat, making it a great choice for players who want a Pokemon that can deal a lot of physical damage.

Overall, the Gen 2 starters each have their unique strengths and abilities, making them a great choice for players of all playstyles. Whether you prefer a defensive, offensive, or balanced playstyle, there is a Gen 2 starter Pokemon that is perfect for you.

Pokemon Gen 1 Starters List

bulbasaur charmander squirtle pikachu

When it comes to the first generation of Pokemon, there are four starter Pokemon to choose from. These Pokemon are Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Pikachu.

Each of these starter Pokemon has its unique strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different types of battles. Here’s a breakdown of each of the Gen 1 starters:


Bulbasaur is a Grass/Poison type Pokemon, making it strong against Water, Ground, and Rock type Pokemon. Its ability, Overgrow, increases the power of its Grass-type moves when its HP is low. Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur at level 16 and then into Venusaur at level 32.


Charmander is a Fire-type Pokemon, making it strong against Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel-type Pokemon. Its ability, Blaze, increases the power of its Fire-type moves when its HP is low. Charmander evolves into Charmeleon at level 16 and then into Charizard at level 36.


Squirtle is a Water-type Pokemon, making it strong against Fire, Ground, and Rock-type Pokemon. Its ability, Torrent, increases the power of its Water-type moves when its HP is low. Squirtle evolves into Wartortle at level 16 and then into Blastoise at level 36.


Pikachu is an Electric-type Pokemon, making it strong against Flying and Water-type Pokemon. Its ability, Static, has a chance to paralyze the opponent when it is hit with a physical move. Pikachu evolves into Raichu when exposed to a Thunder Stone.

Overall, each of the Gen 1 starters is a solid choice for any Pokemon Trainer. Whether you prefer a Grass/Poison type, Fire type, Water type, or Electric type, there’s a starter Pokemon for you in the first generation.

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.