Christmas Related Pictures as Coloring Pages – Kids Fun Activities for Xmas

Kids love coloring activities. Keep your kids engaged with coloring this Christmas and teach them the traditions and story of Christmas.

The coloring pictures are split into 2 sections.

First is general Christmas related pictures like Snowman, Christmas Trees, and Santa, etc.

The second section is dedicated to the Christmas Story. 

Click on a picture to open in a new tab and print it for coloring purposes.

Christmas Bells
Christmas Candle  
Christmas Reindeer
Christmas Tree
Christmas Wreath with Santa
Santa and Sleigh
Santa Claus
Xmas Socks
Xmas Ugly Sweater

Christmas Story Coloring Pages Book

Mary and Joseph
Shepherds and Angels
The Three Wise Men
Travel to Egypt

Last Updated : 09 October, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Christmas Related Pictures as Coloring Pages – Kids Fun Activities for Xmas”

  1. I appreciate the variety of coloring pictures offered, it caters to a wide range of interests and preferences.

    • Yes, the diversity of the coloring pages ensures that kids can choose what they’re most interested in coloring.

  2. I’m not convinced that coloring activities are the best way to educate kids about Christmas, there are more impactful methods.

    • While coloring may not be the only method, it’s definitely a valuable tool to engage kids in learning about Christmas.

    • It’s important to consider that not all kids respond to traditional educational methods, coloring can be a valuable alternative.

    • The combination of coloring activities with the Christmas story is a creative and impactful way to engage kids.

    • Absolutely, it’s important to create meaningful and fun learning experiences for kids during the holiday season.

  3. I appreciate the effort to provide educational and entertaining content for kids during the Christmas season.

    • Yes, it’s a great way to engage kids in the Christmas story and traditions through creative activities.

    • I love the idea of combining coloring activities with the Christmas story, it makes learning more enjoyable for kids.

  4. This seems like a fun and interactive way to teach kids about the Christmas story and keep them entertained at the same time.

    • Absolutely, it’s important to make learning about Christmas enjoyable for kids, and coloring activities can achieve that.

  5. This is a great way to teach kids about the traditions and story of Christmas while keeping them engaged with fun coloring activities.

    • It’s a good idea to have a mix of general Christmas pictures and the Christmas Story to cater to different interests.

  6. I appreciate the effort to provide educational and entertaining content for kids during the Christmas season.

    • It’s a good idea to have a mix of general Christmas pictures and the Christmas Story to cater to different interests.

  7. I’m not sure if coloring activities are the best way to teach kids about Christmas, there are more effective educational methods.

    • I understand your point, but coloring can still be a fun and supplementary way to reinforce the Christmas story and traditions.

    • While coloring may not be the only method, it’s definitely a valuable tool to engage kids in learning about Christmas.

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