a House vs a Condo: Difference and Comparison

A house and a condo are a place to live either by an individual or a whole family, depending on the type of space and area you desire.

A house is quite obvious to be known by everyone, which is a separate place or a structure or even can be like a building, whereas a condo is a single unit in a large building. The theme of a condo can be understood by apartment but in a quite wider scope.

The homeowners own the whole structure of their house, or they built it and own the land that it sits on, while condo owners own that single unit they are living in and not the entire land on which the building sits.

Key Takeaways

  1. A house is a standalone property, while a condo is part of a larger building that multiple people own.
  2. A house owner has complete control over the property, while the owner of a condo has to abide by the rules set by the building’s homeowners association.
  3. A house is more expensive than a condo, but it offers more privacy and space. A condo is less costly but provides less privacy and limited living space.

House vs Condo

A house is a standalone dwelling unit that is larger in size and occupies its own plot of land, and the owner is responsible for maintaining the entire property and all its amenities. A condo is a unit within a larger complex or building with shared ownership of common areas and amenities.

House vs Condo

A house is a single unit or a single structure that is a residential unit. Depending upon the builder, it can be of many different categories, from a simple hut to a complex wooden structure, or of concrete or even of any material.

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The unit of the socials that resides in the house is called a household. A conventional house mostly consists of one or more than one bedroom and bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room.

The condo is basically an abbreviation of condominium used in the united states and in most parts of Canada.

It is quite similar to an apartment but is quite sealable and thus referred to as real estate. The units of the condo are divided into several different units that different individuals own.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHouseCondo
MeaningA house is a single unit or a single structure that is a residential unit.A condo is a single unit in a large building, more like an apartment.
AffordabilityCompared to any other type of property, depending upon area, size and structure, a house can be costly.Condos being a single unit in a building is less expensive than a house. They might be the first preference of first-time buyers.
MaintenanceYou are responsible for maintaining the house both inside and outside as you own the land.Unlike a house. A condo does not require much maintenance as most of the part is done by the building management.
PrivacyYour neighbors will be far away from your house, so you don’t have to worry about the privacy issue.As you will be sharing your walls with many neighbors, you might not get that much privacy compared to that of a house.
Built in CommunityBeing in a house feels like isolation, unlike being in a condo or an apartment.A condo allows you to be a part of a community as many families live in the same building.
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What is a House?

A house is a single unit, and the whole area of it and where it is built on is owned by one person. It is more like a stand-alone structure that you can design and shape according to your choice.

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With a house, there will be no extra or surplus expenses as it all depends on your livelihood except for the mortgage or loan.

A house has its own pros and cons. In pros, we can say that the whole property is yours, you can design or re-design it according to your will, a house is much easier to sell; you get all the privacy and space to yourself.

And in cons, we can say that a house can be very expensive as you would have to buy all the land and then build the structure too, the whole responsibility of maintenance is on your shoulders, and there will always be lacking being in the community or being a part of it being in the house is more like isolation.


What is a Condo?

The condo is basically an abbreviation of condominium used in the united states and in most parts of Canada. It is quite similar to an apartment but is quite sealable and thus referred to as real estate.

The units of the condo are divided into several different units that different individuals own.

A condo has its own pros and cons.

Some pros would be it is more affordable as you have to buy that single unit and not the whole building, there will be less responsible for the maintenance, and additionally, sometimes there are more perks like a pool, a ground and even a gym as it is a whole building where several families are living.

Cons can be there will be less privacy as you are sharing your walls with the neighbours, and there will be some rules as you are part of a community.


Main Differences Between a House and a Condo

  1. A house is a single unit or a single structure that is a residential unit. In contrast, a condo is a single unit in a large building, more like an apartment.
  2. Houses are more expensive, while a condo can be affordable.
  3. There is a lack of being part of a community in a house, but you have that perk in a condo.
  4. Houses require more maintenance, but condos can be less maintenance.
  5. Houses offer you all the privacy you want, but you cannot have much privacy in a condo.
Difference Between a House and a Condo
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=-ajmCwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA149&dq=what+is+a+house&ots=Tf8lc6m8Ip&sig=K6sHNZwhBRFQ8JUn92q7mxIPqHE
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0042098014562332

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.