Acid vs Shroom: Difference and Comparison

The world is evolving, and so are the same diseases and treatments.

People have started taking drugs like acid and magical mushrooms in limited amounts, which has helped them cure PTSD, anxiety, etc.

The invasion of greater quantities has led people to suicide, depression, etc. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Acid is a slang term for LSD, a synthetic psychedelic drug, whereas shroom refers to psilocybin mushrooms, naturally occurring fungi.
  2. LSD is known for its intense visuals, while shrooms produce a more reflective and organic experience.
  3. The duration of an acid trip lasts longer than a shroom trip, with the effects of LSD persisting for 8-12 hours and psilocybin for 4-6 hours.

Acid vs Shroom

Acid refers to LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide), a powerful hallucinogenic drug that alters thoughts, perceptions, and feelings. “Shroom” is a slang term for psilocybin mushrooms, a type of mushroom containing psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound that causes hallucinations and sensory distortions.

Acid vs Shroom

Acids are famous by the name LSD which stands for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and are very popular drugs in the category of hallucinogens.

A limited quantity of this is used for treatment, but a larger quantity can result in many disorders and effects. The drug is synthesized in a lab but acts similar to fungus on a grain. 

Shrooms are also known as Magic mushrooms because they are another drug in the category of hallucinogens.

The formula for the drug is psilocybe cubensis and it is particularly found in a mushroom grown in Africa, Mexico and the United States.

They are very harmful, cause the person to hallucinate for a longer period, and have adverse effects on the body. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAcidShroom
Chemical nameThe chemical name of acid is Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. The chemical name of shrooms is psilocybe cubensis. 
OriginAcids are synthetically synthesised around some years ago. Shrooms are found in nature and are almost 200 years old. 
Commonly used namesThe name of the acid in common is said to be LSD. The common name of the shrooms is magic mushrooms. 
TimeA trip on an LSD can last up to six to twenty hours depending upon the immune system. The trip on mushrooms can last less than 6 hours and more than four hours in case of excess intake. 
DosageThe acid can be taken with the help of droppers but is commonly taken by the use of small tablets with paper. The shrooms are first dried up and eaten or brewed into the tea. 
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What is Acid? 

Acid is an illegal drug, but a smaller portion of that for treatment is allowed by the government.

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The intake in a higher quantity can lead to various side effects that can be seen on the body and health. 

Acid is a drug under the category of hallucinogens and can make the person hallucinate things that are not true.

The drug is chemically known as Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and is commonly called LSD.

LSD has various benefits, like the medical treatment of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. but in a calculated amount. 

LSD is ingested through the dropper or is used in the form of small tablets that are kept on paper and intake from the mouth.

LSD is also very harmful because the effects last longer than Shrooms.

The time range for the duration is between six to twenty hours, but it also depends on the immune system as well as the capacity of an individual to handle drugs. 

LSD can cause side effects, including visual and auditory hallucinations, sense of taste and touch changes, excitement, depression, etc.

LSD stimulates the sympathetic nervous system that can cause various activities like blood sugar rise, pupillary dilation, etc. 

What is Shroom? 

Shroom is another drug that is used in the industry for treatment as well as illegal dealings.

It is also categorized under hallucinogens and gives the user the effect of hallucinating objects that are either not there or believe they are something else. 

The drug is chemically made up of psilocybe cubensis which is naturally present in these types of mushrooms. In general terms, they are known as magic mushrooms.

The drug also treats diseases like PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc., because it creates a sense of excitement within them. 

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Shroom is also treated as a lesser useful medicine because the trip of a shroom ends in four to six hours, and they are less harmful to the body.

Shrooms are dried mushrooms that are eaten or injected. It is also brewed with tea to formulate the taste.

The drug is found in nature in some mushrooms which are grown in the countries of Africa, Mexico and the United States. The mushrooms are said to age back to at least 200 years. 

The effects of the medicines include changes in touch, sense and taste, excitement, dilation, and visual hallucinations, which can also be auditory.

The dosage of the drug can also take more than one hour to kick in. 


Main Differences Between Acid and Shroom

  1. The chemical name of acid is Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, whereas the chemical name of shrooms is psilocybe cubensis. 
  2. Acids were synthetically synthesised around some years ago, whereas Shrooms are found in nature and are almost 200 years old. 
  3. The name of the acid in common is said to be LSD, whereas the common name of the shrooms is magic mushrooms. 
  4. A trip on an LSD can last up to six to twenty hours, depending upon the immune system. In comparison, the trip on mushrooms can last less than 6 hours and more than four hours in case of excess intake. 
  5. The acid can be taken with the help of droppers but is commonly taken by the use of small tablets with paper, whereas the shrooms are first dried up and eaten or brewed into the tea. 

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.