Aloe vs Aloe Vera: Difference and Comparison

Aloe and aloe Vera are both names for green plants, green parts specifically. Despite being plants, they have many distinctions among them but also have some similarities.

In plants, there is a study that is named taxonomy. Taxonomy is basically a hierarchy that specifies the ranking of living organisms from general ones to specific ones.

The very significant difference between aloe and aloe vera is their ranking in the taxonomy classification. Aloe vera is a species that belongs to the genus of Aloe. So basically, aloe vera is a part of the aloe genus.

Aloe is used as a traditional medicine in many countries worldwide, and Aloe vera is also used as a medicine for only skin purposes.

Key Takeaways

  1. Aloe is a broad term that refers to a group of succulent plants with medicinal properties.
  2. Aloe vera is a specific aloe species commonly used in skin care and medicinal products.
  3. While aloe vera is the most popular aloe type, many other aloe species have similar properties and uses.

Aloe vs Aloe Vera

Aloe is a genus of succulent plants belonging to the Asphodelaceae family with thick, fleshy leaves that store water, enabling them to survive in dry and arid environments. Aloe vera is a succulent plant species belonging to the Aloe genus, native to the Arabian Peninsula.

Aloe vs Aloe Vera

The aloe is mostly oriented and based on medications and other related facilities. Aloe and many of its species are used as medicinal and relief herbs in ancient Greek countries.

These species include- aloe vera, aloe perry, and Aloe Ferox. The reason and behind the curing ability of aloe is that it has salicylic acid, which is a soothing skin component.

Aloe vera, being a species, is the most popular and most commonly used species of aloe. It is majorly used as an ingredient in many routines like skincare and even for hair care remedies.

In fact, the seeds of aloe vera are used as biofuel. As an ingredient, it is used in skin care creams, face wash, and moisturizers because of its anti-irritant feature. It is also a very common ingredient in makeup, soaps, tissues, and other cosmetic items, as it is very healthy for the skin.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAloeAloe Vera
MeaningAloe is a genus.Aloe vera is one of the species of aloe.
Scientific classificationAloe is ranked as one of the genera in the taxonomy. Aloe vera is ranked as species.
Number of speciesAloe is a genus that has about 400 species in it.Aloe vera is one of the species in those 400 species of aloe.
Medicine orientedAloe is used as traditional medicine in many countries across the world.Aloe vers is also used as a medicine but for only skin purposes.
RankingAloe is ranked higher.Aloe vera is ranked lower than aloe.

What is Aloe?

The aloe species are mostly oriented to medical attributes. Aloe and many of its species are used as medicinal and relief herbs in ancient Greek countries.

These species include- aloe vera, aloe perry, and Aloe Ferox. As described earlier, aloe has many species. In fact, many species of aloe occur in some parts of North Africa naturally.

Aloe has the ability to cure any skin infection like- burns, insect bites, itchy skin, or any other skin-related problem. The reason behind the curing ability of aloe is that it has salicylic acid, which is a soothing skin component.

For many years, aloe is used as a traditional herb in many countries like Russia, India, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Jamaica. Aloe is also used for decoration indoors and outdoors too.


What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera being species is the most popular and most commonly used species of aloe. It is majorly used as an ingredient in many routines like skincare and even for hair care remedies.

In fact, the seeds of aloe vera are used as biofuel. As an ingredient, it is used in skin care creams, face wash, and moisturizers because of its anti-irritant feature.

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Because of its gelling properties, aloe vera is also a food ingredient and is used as a laxative. It is also very common in juice form because of its healing purpose.

It is also a very common ingredient in makeup, soaps, tissues, and other cosmetic items, as it is very healthy for the skin. After the removal of a substance called aloin from aloe vera, it is highly non-toxic and has zero side effects.

Aloe Vera is also described as a wonder plant because of its so many healthy uses and the fact that, as a plant, it does not require much care.

The main reason why aloe vera is so popular today is that it has been used for centuries in many countries and is now the most commonly used plant as a natural cure.

aloe vera

Main Differences Between Aloe and Aloe Vera

  1. The main difference between aloe and aloe vera is their ranking in the taxonomy as scientific classifications.
  2. While ranking aloe stands with a higher ranking, while aloe vera is ranked lower.
  3. Aloe is a genus that has many different species, while aloe vera is one of those species.
  4. Aloe has about 400 species in it, while Aloe vera is one of the species in those 400 species of aloe.
  5. Aloe is used as traditional medicine in many countries across the world, and Aloe vera is also used as a medicine but for only skin purposes.
Difference Between Aloe and Aloe Vera

Last Updated : 22 June, 2023

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26 thoughts on “Aloe vs Aloe Vera: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I appreciate the comprehensive explanation of both aloe and aloe vera, it’s clear that they have significant differences and similarities.

  2. Learning about the various uses of aloe and aloe vera, including skincare, hair care, and biofuel, has expanded my knowledge on these plants.

  3. I enjoyed reading about the historical and contemporary uses of aloe vera in various applications, the versatility of this plant is truly remarkable.

  4. The medicinal and relief properties of aloe species, particularly aloe vera, are truly remarkable. It’s no wonder they are utilized in various cultures around the world.

  5. Understanding the medicinal uses and applications of aloe and aloe vera is essential, and this article did a great job in explaining those differences.

    • I completely agree, it’s important for people to recognize the benefits of both plants in traditional and modern medicine.

  6. The reasoning behind the usage of aloe as a traditional herb in various countries is intriguing, and its diverse applications reveal its importance.


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