Beluga Messenger vs Twitter: Difference and Comparison

Beluga messenger and Twitter are social networking applications. Beluga messenger was bought by Facebook in 2011.

There are many apps that are used as messaging apps. Beluga messenger and Twitter are messaging applications. They both have features for which they can be differentiated.

Key Takeaways

  1. Beluga Messenger is a secure messaging app focused on privacy and data protection.
  2. Twitter is a social media platform for sharing short messages, images, and videos.
  3. Users choose Beluga for private communication, while Twitter is ideal for public sharing and networking.

Beluga Messenger vs Twitter

Beluga is focused on private group messaging, while Twitter is focused on public sharing and conversation. Twitter has a much larger user base and is more widely used for various purposes, such as news sharing, marketing, and activism. Beluga was acquired by Facebook in 2011 and was later merged.

Beluga Messenger vs Twitter

Beluga app was started by three people in 2010, it was a messaging app that could send messages without an internet connection, and in 2011, Facebook bought it and put it down because this app was one of the competitors of Facebook messenger.

Twitter was founded in 2006. It is still owned by Twitter inc. It is now one of the biggest messaging apps or social media apps. There are many features available in this app that make it stand out from the rest of the apps.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBeluga MessengerTwitter
Discovered onBeluga app was started in 2010 by three people.Twitter was founded in 2006.
Owned byBeluga messenger was bought by Facebook in 2011.Twitter is owned by Twitter Inc.
Network neededThe messages can send without a network in the Beluga messenger.The network is necessary for tweeting.
Available todayBeluga was put down after 2011 because it was one of the competitors to Facebook.Twitter is one of the biggest social media.
Messaging app/Public tweetsBeluga messenger was just an app for the people who are on the contact list of the user. Twitter is a messaging app and also is used for public tweeting.
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What is Beluga Messenger?

Beluga messenger was bought by Facebook in 2011, though Facebook has its own messaging app, which has fewer features than the Beluga messenger app.

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The Facebook company bought beluga messenger because of its unique and excellent features.

Beluga messenger app was started in 2010 by three people named Ben Davenport, Lucy Zhang, and Jonathan Perlow, and after a year, Facebook bought it.

Beluga messenger is a similar app to Twitter only difference is that in beluga messenger, the users can create groups or pods to send messages there. Beluga messenger is a combination of SMS and Twitter where the users won’t have to be connected to a network to send messages. The pods or the groups created in Beluga messenger are safe and are private.

Beluga messenger is considered the best group communication app. The app can also have groups with only two people. With the communications, the app also provides a status update feature.

Therefore, beluga messenger provides a single to single and a single to multiple communications.

It is a great app for staying in touch with people. The users can create many groups and can give updates about their plans and themselves. Beluga messenger was put down after 2011 because it was one of the competitors to Facebook.

What is Twitter?           

Twitter is a messaging app that offers services. It is a messaging app system.

Twitter is an app founded in 2006 by three people named Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone. Twitter is owned by Twitter Inc.

A Twitter account can be created by anyone and then update status or news or may tweet about what they feel like. The users can also even create groups. The tweets made in this app can reach millions of people instantly.

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The users can choose whether they have to make their account public or private.

It is a type of SMS app on the mobile but tweeting to their followers. The user’s tweet using the Twitter web. If a user likes a particular tweet, then they will get tweets or any updates from that person.


Main Differences Between Beluga Messenger and Twitter

  1. Beluga Messenger is a messaging app in which the user can send and receive messages from the people who are saved on the phone, whereas in Twitter, the users use the tweet function to broadcast their thoughts or ideas in 140 characters or less.
  2. The users in Twitter also create hashtags for some topics, which can then reach millions of people, while this is not the case for the beluga messenger app.
  3. Twitter is one of the biggest social media, but beluga messenger is not available after 2011.
  4. Twitter is an app founded in 2006 by three people named Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, whereas Beluga app was started in 2010 by three people named Ben Davenport, Lucy Zhang, and Jonathan Perlow, and after a year, Facebook bought it.
  5. Beluga Messenger is owned by Facebook, while Twitter is managed by Twitter Inc.
  6. Beluga Messenger is a messaging app for groups, while Twitter is for public tweets by default.
  7. Beluga messenger is just a messaging app, while Twitter is not.
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.