WhatsApp vs Facebook Messenger: Difference and Comparison

Messenger applications are the new innovators nowadays. Customary text informing administrations are the relics of times gone by now, particularly with informing applications on the ascent.

A powerful coincidence is prompting the rise of the informing applications market as the following large outskirts for online media development.

WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are, without a doubt, the most well-known informing applications today, assisting us with interfacing with our companions from any side of the world.

Key Takeaways

  1. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption for all messages, while Facebook Messenger only offers encryption through its Secret Conversations feature.
  2. Facebook Messenger integrates with the Facebook platform, allowing users to connect with friends without needing phone numbers.
  3. WhatsApp supports a larger group chat capacity (up to 256 participants) than Facebook Messenger (up to 150 participants).

WhatsApp vs Facebook Messenger

The difference between WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger is that WhatsApp requires less data transmission than Facebook Messenger to associate and a little setup to work. It just requires anywhere between 8 to 64 kbps data transmission to work.

WhatsApp vs Facebook Messenger

WhatsApp is an independent messaging application and a VoIP administration claimed by Facebook. It is the world’s most famous portable informing application, with a client base of over 1.5 billion.

It is accessible for Android and other cell phones totally free except if you have not surpassed your everyday information cutoff or are associated with a free Wi-Fi organization. 

Facebook Messenger is an independent informing application worked by Facebook.

It is Facebook’s namesake application that works freely yet requires a Facebook login to begin, meaning clients can get in after effectively checking their Facebook accounts.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWhatsAppFacebook Messenger
BasicsWhatsApp is a free, cross-stage messaging application and VoIP administration owned by Facebook. Facebook Messenger isn’t an independent or free application. It requires a Facebook account login to get everything rolling.
Photos and VideosWhatsApp allows you to share only 30 photos at a time.Facebook Messenger has no such limit.
Privacy InvolvedWhatsApp permits any client to see your “last seen” status, profile photograph, and Read Receipts naturally. You can change these protection settings to your own inclination so that solitary individuals in your contacts can see your last seen status or nobody can. Facebook Messenger encryption settings and alternatives are not by default and you need to actuate encryption to do as such.
FeaturesWhatsApp is the more element-rich IM customer with a broad arrangement of elements simply enter your telephone number and get moving. Facebook Messenger permits you to add individuals that are not on your Facebook Friends list but rather have the application introduced.
Status SettingsWhatsApp allows you to put a status that is visible only for 24 hours.Facebook Messenger has no such feature.

What is WhatsApp?

Released in 2009, WhatsApp is one of the most well-known text and voice-informing applications. It’s allowed to be utilised, and you can send messages, settle on voice decisions, and host video visits on both work area and cell phones.

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One piece that makes this application drawing is that it works on various phone and PC working structures, helping with illuminating. It can also use Wi-Fi settings and cell information to make one-on-one or gathering calls.

WhatsApp utilizes your telephone’s phone or Wi-Fi association to work with informing and voice calling to almost anybody in the world, alone or in a gathering and is particularly pleasant for families and little cooperative workgroups.

The application allows you to settle on decisions and send and get messages, archives, photographs, and recordings.

WhatsApp is totally free — without any expenses or memberships —Its prevalence is supported by its help for overall free calling, regardless of whether individuals visiting are not in a similar country.

You don’t have to possess a similar brand of telephone as your call beneficiary or be on a particular stage — the application works with iPhone and Android telephones and Mac or PCs or Windows work areas, you can also use it to send and get messages, however not settle on decisions.

Like some other SMS courier, you can start a discussion with an individual or a gathering and video visit with up to eight individuals.


What is Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is a free-of-cost messaging application utilized for texting, sharing photographs, recordings, sound accounts, and bunch visits.

The application, which has an option to download, can also be utilized to speak with your companions on your Facebook list.

Clients essentially download the application to their portable/tablet gadget; the application can likewise be utilized in the work area. Clients have the choice of setting up Messenger utilizing their Facebook account or with their phone number.

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On the off chance that you decide to set up a record with your Facebook profile, Messenger takes data from your Facebook profile to set up your Messenger profile.

This data incorporates a companions list, profile picture, and so forth. The application can adjust with your telephone contacts just as with your present companion list on Facebook.

After setting up a Facebook account, the Messenger application can match up with the entirety of your telephone directory contacts, notwithstanding Facebook companions.

The Messenger application permits clients to send different clients their area in the message. This is finished utilizing GPS innovation accessible on most gadgets now.

Guardians might need to incapacitate area administrations on their kid’s gadgets to stay away from any likely danger. On most gadgets, area administrations can be found in the telephone settings.

Essentially handicap the ‘admittance to my area’ alternative.

facebook messenger

Main Differences Between WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger

  1. WhatsApp works as an independent app owned by Facebook, while Facebook Messenger needs you to have a Facebook account to access the app.
  2. WhatsApp has a limit of 30 photos while sharing, whereas Facebook Messenger has no limit.
  3. WhatsApp allows you to have custom settings, while Facebook Messenger does not allow you to customise the privacy settings.
  4. WhatsApp allows you to connect to people through phone numbers, as Facebook Messenger allows you to connect to people from your Facebook friend list.
  5. WhatsApp has a status feature, while Facebook Messenger has no such feature.
Difference Between WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger
  1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3025453.3025484
  2. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3039440

Last Updated : 23 August, 2023

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18 thoughts on “WhatsApp vs Facebook Messenger: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comparison of the features and status settings is very informative, it helps in making a better choice between the two apps based on individual preferences.

    • Exactly, Pdavis. This comparison is quite helpful for anyone who wants to understand the differences between WhatsApp and Messenger.

  2. The comprehensive overview of both WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, along with their functionalities, is very beneficial for users who want to make an informed choice.

    • Absolutely, Cmorris. This comparison serves as a valuable guide for users looking to understand the differences between the two apps.

  3. The detailed explanation of each app’s features and compatibility is impressive, it makes the decision-making process easier.

  4. Not a fan of Facebook Messenger constantly syncing with my Facebook profile, I prefer the privacy and independence of WhatsApp.

  5. The analysis of privacy settings and differences in message sharing limits is very insightful, it’s crucial to be aware of these factors when choosing an app.

  6. WhatsApp’s versatility in terms of cross-platform usage and its minimal data requirements are significant advantages over Messenger, making it the preferable choice for many users.


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