Black Mustard vs Brown Mustard: Difference and Comparison

Mustard is mainly of three types, and it is found in four colors. These four colors can be yellow or white, black or brown. True black is considered a staple and rare; if a recipe calls for black or brown mustard, then brown is used.

Similarly, yellow and white are used interchangeably. Black and brown mustard is considered to have more power, hence, it is used in food. Mild mustard has less potency than it, so it is used in other things.

Key Takeaways

  1. Black mustard seeds are smaller and more pungent than brown mustard seeds.
  2. Brown mustard seeds have a slightly milder flavor and are used in various cuisines, while black mustard seeds are more common in Indian cooking.
  3. Brown mustard plants are taller and more cold-resistant compared to black mustard plants.

Black Mustard vs Brown Mustard

Black mustard is a plant. Its seed has a stronger, more pungent flavour and is used in Indian cuisine, where they are ground into a paste and added to curries and other dishes to add a spicy kick. Brown mustard is a plant. It has seeds which have a milder flavour and a less intense heat.

Black Mustard vs Brown Mustard

Black mustard is strong in flavour. It is used in daily cooking. In Asian countries, black mustard is used in so many things. It is considered a good home remedy.

It is used as medicine. It is used in making pickles and other recipes. This mustard comes from Brassica Nigra where nigra indicates black. It is most common in Asia Minor and the Middle East. 

Brown mustard is not as strong as black mustard. It is used for seasoning meals. Brown mustard comes from Brassica Juncea, where Juncea denotes brown color.

The origin of brown mustard is from the Himalayas. They are also known as Asian mustard because they are very common in Asian countries. In Asian countries, spices and seeds are produced on a large scale. 

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonBlack MustardBrown Mustard
DefinitionBlack mustard is strong in flavor. It is used in daily cooking. Brown mustard is from the Himalayas. It is mainly for vegetable oils. 
Shape and SizeThey are round in shape but a little bigger.They are also round in shape but a little smaller in size. 
TaxonomyThis mustard comes from Brassica Nigra where nigra indicates black. Brown mustard comes from Brassica Juncea where Juncea denotes brown color.
UsesApart from cooking, black mustard is also used as physical therapy. Black mustard oil is used to treat cold, cough, joint and muscle pain, and arthritis. Its seeds are used to relieve water retention (edema) by increasing vomiting, increasing urine output, and increasing appetite.There are several uses of brown mustard for example, for industrial purposes, for cake and bakery, for food, etc.
Ranges It is most common in Asia Minor and the Middle East.They are very common in Asian countries.
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What is Black Mustard?

Apart from cooking, black mustard is also used as physical therapy. Black mustard oil is used to treat colds, coughs, joint and muscle pain, and arthritis.

Its seeds are used to relieve water retention (edema) by increasing vomiting, increasing urine output, and increasing appetite.

Black mustard has a pungent aroma and is considered good in taste. It is considered the most common in Indian cooking. Black mustard is used in oil form, making it sweet and mild, giving off a nutty aroma.

Black mustard is strong in flavour. It is used in daily cooking. In Asian countries, black mustard is used in so many things. It is considered a good home remedy.

It is used as medicine. It is used in making pickles and other recipes. This mustard comes from Brassica Nigra where nigra indicates black. It is most common in Asia Minor and the Middle East.

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This was first described by a German botanist, Karl Koch, in Deutschl F. In the UK, people take hot mustard baths, which help in recovery from cold.

The other name of black mustard is Senafitch, which is an Amharic name. The leafy part is used in cooking. It is also helpful in muscular pain. 

brown mustard

What is Brown Mustard?

Mustard seed flavour is always mild and subtle, becoming less pungent when it is added to ingredients such as curry pastes, sauces, or stews. Like most seeds, toasting enhances the oil of the seeds and helps to enhance their flavour and aroma.

In Asian countries, brown mustard is mainly used in the production of spices and oils. This mustard oil contains a toxic erucic acid, so it is not imported much abroad.

Brown mustard is not as strong as black mustard. It is used for seasoning meals. Brown mustard comes from Brassica Juncea, where Juncea denotes brown color. 

The origin of brown mustard is from the Himalayas. They are also known as Asian mustard because they are very common in Asian countries. In Asian countries, spices and seeds are produced on a large scale. 

They have a higher concentration of brown mustard seed. They are most common and used in Indian, Chinese, and Japanese cuisines. It is related to rapeseed and grown for vegetable oil.

There are several uses of brown mustard, for example, for industrial purposes, for cake and bakery, for food, etc.

The seeds of brown mustard constitute 30-40% of vegetable oil but contain a small proportion of protein. It contains a strong enzyme called myosin. 

black mustard

Main Differences Between Black Mustard and Brown Mustard

  1. Both are round in shape, but Black mustard is bigger, whereas brown mustard is a little smaller. 
  2. Black mustard is a little strong in flavour, whereas brown mustard is not strong in flavour. 
  3. Black mustard comes from Brassica Nigra, whereas Brown mustard comes from Brassica Juncea.
  4. Black mustard is used in daily cooking, whereas brown mustard is used in seasoning foods. 
  5. Black mustard has a pungent aroma and is considered good in taste.  Brown mustard has an acrid taste. 
  6. Black mustard contains no acid, whereas Brown mustard contains toxic erucic acid, so it is not imported much abroad. 
Difference Between Black Mustard and Brown Mustard

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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. This article provides a fantastic comparison of black and brown mustard. It’s certainly broadened my knowledge of these ingredients.

  2. This is a very informative and interesting article. I never knew black and brown mustard seeds came from different plants!

  3. I think the medicinal uses of black mustard are particularly intriguing. It’s good to know about its various applications.

  4. This comparison between black and brown mustard is very interesting. It’s making me reconsider what I know about mustard.

    • Yes, it’s fascinating to see the differences. I didn’t realize there were such distinctions between the types of mustard.

  5. I appreciate how detailed and thorough the information presented here is. It’s a fantastic resource for anyone interested in mustard.

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