Bromated vs Unbromated Flour: Difference and Comparison

When the flour is bromated, it is added with bromide, preventing mould growth.

Unbromated flour gets its name from this addition of bromide since it does not inhibit the growth of mould.

This study aims to determine the difference between the two types of flour and determine which flour is better. These two types of flour are Bromated and Unbromated Flour.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bromated flour contains potassium bromate, a chemical additive that strengthens gluten and improves dough elasticity, while unbromated flour does not contain this additive.
  2. Potassium bromate is a potential carcinogen, leading to some countries banning its use in flour, making unbromated flour a safer choice for consumers.
  3. Bromated flour is more commonly used in commercial baking, while unbromated flour is favored by home bakers and health-conscious consumers.

Bromated vs Unbromated Flour

Bromated flour is flour that has been treated with potassium bromate, a chemical additive that strengthens the gluten in the flour and helps dough to rise more quickly and uniformly. Unbromated flour is flour that has not been treated with potassium bromate or any other chemical additives.

Bromated vs Unbromated Flour

Bromated flour is a by-product of the paper and food industries that is used as animal feed.

This flour is made by adding sodium bromide to flour, which is a common ingredient in many food products.

Bromated flour is unregulated and not required to be listed on food packages. This means that bromated flour can be found in a wide variety of foods, including bread, cereal, and pasta.

Unbromated flour is flour that is produced without the addition of bromide. This white, soft flour has a mild, wheaty flavour.

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It is best used for low-moisture products such as cake and piecrust because it doesn’t break down as quickly as other flours.

Unbromated flour is more expensive than bromated flour, but it is worth the extra money if you plan to bake it often.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonBromated FlourUnbromated Flour
 DefinitionA flour that has been treated with Bromide, a chemical that makes flour brown, to improve its baking quality.Unbromated flour is flour that is produced without using bromine as an anti-yeast agent. This means that unbromated flour is flour that has not been treated with bromine
 ElasticityThe bromine adds strength while also improving the elasticity of the flour. The result is flour that is higher in elasticity, which is desirable in some applications.There is no addition of bromine to unbromated flour, thus it is less elastic.
Colour of flourThe colour of bromated flour is a pale yellow to a golden brown.  The colour of unbromated flour is a light tan colour.
  UsesBromated flour is used in a variety of other products, like ice cream, bakery goods, and snack foods.The food industry uses unbromated flour for many various reasons, including adding a different taste to foods, creating gluten-free products, and improving the functionality of the food
Side-effectsIt explored if the flour has any negative effect on the health of those who consume it., such as by making the dough more flammable.Some of the side effects that have been reported from using unbromated flour in cat food include hair loss, vomiting, diarrhoea, and allergic reactions.
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What is Bromated Flour?

Bromated Flour, which contains Bromate, is a chemical compound used to preserve flour which has been used since the late 1950s.

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Bromate has been shown to be an endocrine disrupter, which means it can interfere with the way the body processes hormones.

Bromated flour is an organic flour made by mixing bleached flour with brominated vegetable oil. It is more expensive than conventional whole wheat but has a longer shelf life.

The most common use of bromated flour is for baking, though it is also used to make coatings for paper products and other applications.

It is the most common bromated compound because it is about 10% less expensive than other brominated compounds. It has been used since about the 1920s.

The processing of bromated flour was a relatively new thing in the US when this study was carried out.

There was a shift from the flour being milled in mills to being milled in small factories. This new process was cheaper and more efficient, but it also was much more dangerous.

bromated flour

What is Unbromated Flour?

Unbromated flour contains less sugar than bromated flour. The lower the sugar content of the flour, the more likely the flour is to brown.

To get the best results, always use a low-sugar baking mix. Unbromated flour is used as a building block in baked products, giving products a darker colour than bromated flour.

The raw unbromated flour can be processed and stored for several months.

In comparison, if you process and store bromated flour, its shelf life is only weeks because bromate oxidizes proteins, which then discolours and degrades the flour. 

Unbromated flour is used for baking and to make dry mixes for baked goods. It is also used to make low-fat pancakes and bread for people with diabetes.

unbromated flour

Main Differences Between Bromated and Unbromated Flour

  1. Bromated flour and Unbromated flour are that brominated flour will not break down, even after hundreds of years in the ground. When bromated flour is exposed to water, it will remain in its original form and won’t react with the water.
  2. Unbromated flour and bromated flour contain about the same flour protein. But unbromated flour requires baking soda for leavening, and bromated flour requires baking powder.
  3. Bromated and Unbromated flour is that bromated flour is more stable to temperature fluctuations, such as in baking.
  4. Bromated flour is stored in a refrigerator or freezer; unbromated flour should be stored at room temperature.
  5. Bromated flour and Unbromated flour are the presence of sodium bromide in the latter. Bromide is a naturally occurring mineral that is not toxic in low levels under normal conditions.
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.