Cage-Free vs Free-Range: Difference and Comparison

While buying something off the counter as a consumer, our interest lies in reading the description on the carton. Rarely do we think beyond the carton message. It is time we pause and ponder the question about the origin of the source of our food.

We as citizens need to play the role of brand ambassadors to save our Earth and every living creature on this planet. Protein is essential to each one of us, and it is a part of our everyday diet.

A carton of eggs is part of our grocery bag. We need to be conscious customers by broadening our knowledge of the source of the eggs. Cage-free and free-range are different types of breeding of the hen, and they impact our lives too.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cage-free hens live without cages but may still be confined to indoor spaces.
  2. Free-range hens can access the outdoors, giving them more freedom and space.
  3. Both cage-free and free-range practices aim to improve animal welfare compared to traditional caged systems.

Cage-free vs Free-range

Cage-free hens are not kept in cages but are crammed in buildings and have no outdoor access, but free-range hens can be packed together and might be given some outdoor access. Cage-free hens may be given antibiotics, while free-range hens are definitely not given antibiotics.

Cage free vs Free range

Cage-free, a term regulated by USDA, means the eggs come from hens, not caged. They roam freely in an enclosed area with access to fresh water and food. Cage-free hens are healthier and more active.

They can move around freely in the space available. They exhibit natural behaviour that caged hens do not express.

In free-range, traditional farming methods enhance the production of eggs. Hens do not get exposed to any antibiotics or growth hormones. During the night, hens are in a confined space for protection.

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In free-range, hens have access to greener pastures and fresh water. The hen has enough floor space to nest, perch, and even dust bathe.

Comparison Table

Parameter of comparisonCage-FreeFree-Range
HousingThey stay in large pens.No cage, they have a lot of space.
Outdoor spaceMay have access to outdoor space.A lot of outdoor space to move around.
FeedThe feed may have antibiotics.The feed is antibiotic-free.
HealthCage-free remain active and healthy.Free-range hens have ample space to move, they are not obese.
Natural HabitatThey do have space to move. They have limited access to sunlight. Water and feed is provided in regular places.Free-range hens have access to sunlight, freshwater, and pasture.
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What is Cage-free?

A cage-free stamp on the carton means not raising the hen in a caged environment. Earlier in the US, they had enough space to stand, ironically, no room to turn or even stretch their wings. To be accurate, the area given is equal to the size of the paper.

The hen house confined hens in small cages was the preferred method the egg industry followed since 1960. The industry-standard space allotted was 8 inches by 8 inches.

Cage-free is a term regulated by the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) that implies the hens are not caged. They roam freely in an enclosed area with ample access to fresh food and water.

It is a better option than the conventional cages. In cage-free, the hens get the opportunity to move vertically and horizontally. They may have access to outdoor space.

Farmers ensure to feed them the best diet and, the hens can manifest their natural behaviour like nesting, roosting and, foraging. There is no clear definition of a cage-free environment.

It implies a comfortable space for the bird to exhibit natural behaviour. According to ‘The United Egg Production’ (UEP) definition of cage-free means that the hens freely move horizontally or vertically, at least 1 square foot of space and access to outdoor space is optional.

cage free

What is Free-range?

The term free-range refers to food from animals that have access to outdoor space and graze freely for fresh produce. According to a layman, free range implies ample open space with natural produce and bright sunlight.

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There is no US regulation on the term free-range. It is the producers to be specific about the terminology free-range. The food raised organically qualifies as free-range, but not all free-range products are organic.

Food Alliance-certified defines free-range eggs come from birds who have access to natural vegetation and sunlight for a minimum of eight hours. They do not live in cages.

Each bird has at least 1.23 square feet of floor space. According to the Certified Humane Program, the free-range hens must have a minimum of 2 square feet of outdoor space for a minimum of 6 hours a day.

Hens in a free-range environment enjoy a better quality of life. They benefit from their natural behaviour like dust-bathing, walking and foraging. The hens are healthy with a lot of exposure to fresh air and pasture. The safety and health of the hens are of topmost priority.

free range

Main Differences Between Cage-free and Free-range

  1. In cage-free, there is no cage, but the hens are in large pens. In free-range, there are no cages. Hens live in ample space.
  2. In cage-free, there may be no access to outdoor space. In free-range, there is access to ample fresh pasture.
  3. In cage-free, the feed may not be organic and contain antibiotics. In free-range, the food is free from antibiotics.
  4. In cage-free, the chicken remains healthy and active. In free-range, the chicken is more prone to be unhealthy.
  5. In cage-free, the chicken may be able to move freely. In free-range, the chicken has access to the outdoors and can spread its wings and enjoy its natural habitat.
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.