Land Rover vs Range Rover: Difference and Comparison

Buying SUVs has become a trend among many people nowadays. If people are wealthy, then definitely there will be an SUV parked in front of their house. There are many brands of SUVs available in the market.

Land Rover and Range Rover both come under SUVs and are very popular among people because of their impeccable features. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Land Rover is a British automotive brand, while Range Rover is a specific luxury SUV model line within the Land Rover brand.
  2. Range Rover vehicles emphasize luxury, performance, and high-end features, while other Land Rover models may prioritize ruggedness and off-road capabilities.
  3. Range Rovers have a higher price point than other Land Rover models due to their premium features.

Land Rover vs Range Rover

Land Rover is a brand that is known for producing off-road vehicles that are designed to tackle rough terrain and harsh environments. The Land Rover lineup includes a range of SUVs. Range Rover is a sub-brand of Land Rover that is focused on producing luxury SUVs. The Range Rover lineup includes the standard Range Rover, the Range Rover Evoque, and the Range Rover Sport.

Land Rover vs Range Rover

Land Rover is a car which is famous for its perfectly made features. Nowadays, it has lost its popularity and features among customers. It is not like what it has been in recent years.

Land Rover was the very best and was more popular during the year 2006. It has even got the lowest rating as well.

Range Rover is a type of SUV brand that comes under Land Rover. It is very famous among people as it is considered to be one of the best luxury SUVs in the market.

People who are interested in having small SUV cars for themselves can consider the option of buying a Range Rover, which will be a great fit for them.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLand RoverRange Rover
Evolution1948 which is the original model1970
CompanyLand Rover is the brand.Range Rover is one of its types.
PopularityIt is used for adventure purposes.It is used for showing luxury.
Popularity (recent years)It has lost its charm and even got the lowest rating.It has become very popular in recent years.

What is Land Rover?

Land Rover is a car manufacturing company. It is very famous for its four-wheeler cars and the style they use to make them. It is one of the most famous brands in the market nowadays.

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When they launched it for the first time, it was a very small company. But over the years it gained lots of popularity among its customers. It has got another name as well. It is one of the luxury SUVs in the market.

It has many features compared to the other SUVs in the market. It is very good for its maintenance, safety features, and comfort in travelling. All these are available in a single car, and many people are looking forward to buying them.

It is like a single investment. Once you invest in a Land Rover, it will last you for many years. But you have to take proper care of it when it comes to maintenance. You cannot simply expect it to last for many years without giving proper services.

But in recent years, it has lost its popularity and is getting many negative reviews from customers. It has got a very low star rating of 1. There are different types of land rovers available in the market nowadays.

land rover

What is Range Rover?

Range Rover is a type that comes under the land rover car manufacturing company. This was launched after the launch of the land rover. It is very famous for its comfort and the features that have been used in the making of the car.

Nowadays, it has been one of the leading cars in the market. It contains all-wheel-drive systems, which are not used in all cars. 

There are four different types of range rovers available in the market. The range rover is considered to be one of the luxury SUVs in the market because of the unique features that are attached to the making of the car. It is very expensive as well.

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This range rover model was launched way back in 1971.

It has become very popular among other SUVs because of its maintenance, flexibility, comfort, and reliability. All these are well maintained in the making of the car and are the reason why many people are considering buying range rovers.

This range rover SUV is not that much spacious when you want to accompany many people. Many people love this because it will reveal their luxury and wealth. It is because of the brand that many people are interested in buying. 

range rover

Main Differences Between Land Rover and Range Rover

  1. Land Rovers are the brand that is first launched in the market. On the other hand, range rovers are the type that comes under land rovers.
  2. Land Rovers were first launched in 1948, and it is the first original model. Range rovers are launched in the year 1970.
  3. There are almost 6 types of land rovers in the market. On the other hand, range rovers contain only 4 types.
  4. However, in recent years, the land rover has lost its popularity among its customers. Range Rovers have been very popular in recent years.
  5. Land Rovers are very suitable for adventurous rides. While range rovers are good for luxury. 
Difference Between Land Rover and Range Rover

Last Updated : 30 July, 2023

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23 thoughts on “Land Rover vs Range Rover: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The history and evolution of Land Rover and Range Rover are fascinating. It’s impressive how each brand has managed to carve out its unique identity in the automotive industry.

  2. The distinct focus on adventure and luxury between Land Rover and Range Rover is impressive. It caters to a wide range of consumer preferences.

  3. Despite Range Rover’s historical legacy, it’s commendable to note the ongoing relevance and success of the brand. It speaks volumes about its enduring quality.

    • Well said, Richards Neil. The enduring success of Range Rover underscores its unwavering commitment to innovation and consumer satisfaction.

    • Absolutely, Richards Neil. Range Rover’s ability to maintain relevance over the years is a testament to its unwavering commitment to excellence.

  4. The comparison table is quite enlightening, it showcases the main differences between Land Rover and Range Rover in a clear and concise manner.

  5. The enduring popularity of Range Rover, especially in recent years, illustrates how it has adapted to changing consumer demands.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Logan Murray. Range Rover’s agility in aligning with market trends has secured its ongoing appeal.

    • Indeed, Logan Murray. Range Rover’s ability to evolve and cater to modern tastes has been instrumental in its sustained popularity.

  6. The durability and comfort provided by Land Rovers make it an attractive purchase, despite recent criticisms. Maintenance is key to preserving its reliability.

    • Well said, Justine18. Land Rovers are known for their sturdiness, but proper care and maintenance are essential for long-term enjoyment.

    • I agree, Justine18. Investing in a Land Rover entails understanding the necessary upkeep to prolong its lifespan.

  7. The four-wheel-drive systems and advanced features of Range Rover set it apart as a top-tier luxury SUV, appealing to those who prioritize comfort and reliability.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Smith Harrison. Range Rover’s technological advancements have solidified its status as a leading luxury SUV.

  8. It’s interesting to see how Land Rover and Range Rover are mistaken for being the same, but they are different in terms of their automotive line.

    • You’re right, Gary21. The distinction is important to understand as both brands cater to distinct consumer preferences and needs.

  9. The focus on luxury, performance, and features in Range Rover is what has made it a standout in the SUV market. It’s a testament to the brand’s commitment to excellence.

    • Absolutely, Tanya20. Range Rover’s emphasis on high-end features sets it apart and appeals to a specific segment of the market.

  10. As an enthusiast, it’s disheartening to see the negative shift in Land Rover’s reputation in recent years. It used to be a much-sought after SUV.

    • Indeed, Dominic79. The decline in popularity is a concern, but hopefully, Land Rover can address the issues and reclaim its former glory.


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