Callus vs Wart: Difference and Comparison

People get confused about certain medical ailments. If we look deeper, people get confused with skin allergies since they more or less look the same.

This happens because of similar appearance, discolouration, and other similar factors. Callus and Wart are two such examples. Callus and Wart develop on the skin surface of the foot region.

Key Takeaways

  1. Calluses develop from repetitive friction or pressure, while warts result from a viral infection.
  2. Warts have a rough, cauliflower-like appearance, whereas calluses are thick and hardened.
  3. Treatment for warts includes cryotherapy or salicylic acid, while calluses can be managed with proper foot care and protective padding.

Callus vs Wart

The difference between Callus and Wart is that when someone develops a callus, they may witness lines of their skin growing, whereas if one develops a wart, one may not witness any skin lines. Warts even cause red spots on the skin’s surface. Speaking of pain, warts can be more painful when compared with Callus. 

Callus vs Wart

A callus is a thick and hard patch that develops on the skin’s surface. One may develop a callus if their skin is exposed to extreme friction (rubbing of shoes and pressure from shoes). It has a hard tough exterior appearance.

The Callus is also known as Tyloma. They are less painful when compared with a wart.  

Wart is a type of skin disease that develops on the skin’s surface due to several underlying skin issues. In terms of pain, the Wart is considered to be more painful than the Callus.

They do not have skin liens, and one may develop red spots or black spots due to the development of the infection.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCallusWart
MeaningA callus is a skin disease that develops due to the foot getting exposed to extreme friction.Wart is caused by papillomavirus (or HPV) and develops on the skin surface.
PainA Callus is less painful.Warts are more painful than a callus.
AppearanceHard and thick appearance.Bulgy in nature and separate from the skin surface.
TreatmentPreventing the foot from getting exposed to friction and pressure.Soaking the affected area in warm water and applying doctor-approved lotions.
OthersOne may get callus if their footwear irritates.One may get a wart if they walk barefooted outside.
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What is Callus?

The term Callus is quite confusing for a non-native English speaker. As a lot of people tend to interchangeably use the terms Callus and Wart, it is necessary to understand the significant differences between these two words.

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The Callus describes the thick and hard patches that develop on the skin’s surface. 

This Callus has the look of a hardened patch on the skin, and it can occur for various reasons. One of the primary reasons to develop a callus is when the skin is exposed to extreme friction or pressure.

The calluses develop under the feet of a person. 

Tight shoes or sandals impose severe friction on the underside of the feet, and it gradually develops into a callus. Callus is one of the most common skin diseases that occur across the world.

The rubbing and pressure from the shoes create calluses on the skin. This disease is also known as Tyloma. As the disease does not heavily impact the skin with pain, the treatment for calluses can be quite simple.

People with calluses can try natural remedies like soaking their feet in hot water. After consulting doctors, one can also apply the prescribed creams to heal these patches. 


What is Wart?

The term Wart is quite confusing for a non-native English speaker. As a lot of people tend to interchangeably use the terms Callus and Wart, it is necessary to understand the significant differences between these two words.

Wart is used to describe the skin disease that occurs when one’s skin is exposed to several issues.

Wart is a skin disease found at the skin’s surface. The appearance of a wart can be small and bulgy. The round and bulgy warts tend to be a little away from the surface of the skin.

More than, warts are found in the bottom region of the foot. 

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Warts are known to be more painful when compared to calluses. But this is solely when warts become much more dangerous.

Commonly warts do not create much harm to the skin and fall off on their own. The primary cause of warts is when a person very walks out barefooted. 

This disease is caused by HPV or the papillomavirus. The virus pushes warts to grow in size when in contact. If warts fail to fall off and persist, it is better to consult a doctor. Medication, surgery, and cryotherapy can be used to remove these diseases. 


Main Differences Between Callus and Wart

  1. The Callus is a kind of skin disease that develops from friction in the foot. Meanwhile, the Wart is caused by HPV or the human papillomavirus. 
  2. Speaking of the pain it induces, the Callus is less painful, whereas the Wart is more painful.
  3. In terms of appearance, the Wart is identified as it looks separated from the skin surface. It is bulgy. On the other hand, the Callus is a solid and thick group of dead cells. 
  4. One may get Callus if their foot is exposed to friction and extreme pressure. On the other hand, one may get a wart if they walk barefoot in a public place.
  5. One should wear comfortable footwear to avoid Callus and not walk barefoot in public. 
Difference Between Callus and Wart
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.