Camping Fridge vs eSky: Difference and Comparison

Portable fridges were introduced to facilitate the need for cooling systems while travelling with no direct electric power source. These are small in size, making them easy to carry around and use.

Also known as mini-fridges, these can be used to store food and drinks to keep them cold and fresh for a long time.

Key Takeaways

  1. Camping fridges maintain a consistent temperature and can run on various power sources, whereas Eskies require ice or ice packs to keep their contents cold.
  2. Camping fridges are more expensive and heavier than Eskies.
  3. Eskies provide a more portable and low-maintenance option while camping fridges offer better temperature control and longer-lasting cooling.

Camping Fridge vs eSky

Camping fridge is a movable fridge used for camping and travelling to keep food and drinks. An Esky is a movable container and used for keeping food, drinks and other stuff for outdoor activities, hiking, and picnics. It comes with a cover to store the things.

Camping Fridge vs eSky

A camping fridge was made, keeping the idea of usual refrigerators in mind.

While camping and travelling, carrying a full-size fridge are impossible, but the need to keep things cold and from getting stale quickly, therefore a camping fridge, commonly known as a mini-fridge, comes in handy at these times.

An eSky can be regarded as a simpler version of a mini-fridge since it has a lot less technicality as compared to the mini-fridge.

It has amazing insulation and is very light in weight, which makes it feasible to carry these around even for short trips to store drinks or cold-served foods.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCamping FridgeeSky
TechnicalIt is like a mini version of a fridge, and so it has technical dependence.It does not have any technical elements.
PortabilityIt is portable but will require electricity inputVery comfortable to carry around
Electricity usageRequires onboard electricity or above 12V batteriesIt does not require electricity
StorageIt comes in various spacious sizes.It is a compact box but has enough storage for a trip.
UsageUsed while on a long trip and camping.It can even be used for short trips and going nearby.
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What is Camping Fridge?

Made to ease the storing of things in order to keep them fresh, a camping fridge can be seen as a mini version of the refrigerators used in a common household.

When travelling for long distances with your own van or other vehicles, these fridges can be carried along.

They help keep the food cold and fresh and prevent them from going stale for a long time. They come in various ones that run on batteries and others that need a constant power supply.

While on a trip, the battery-operated is much preferred. However, care needs to be taken while selecting this fridge and getting a background check on how quickly the batteries drain out and if it defrosts automatically or manually.

All these factors significantly impact the trip since if the fridge requires much maintenance, then having these camping fridges becomes more of a burden than a convenience.

As per the usability of these camping fridges, they are made in many different sizes and variable features with advantages and drawbacks.

The comfort of having food and drinks anywhere and anytime makes these camping fridges versatile.

camping fridge

What is eSky?

Derived from the word ‘Eskimo’, eSky is the first brand to introduce portable coolers or ice boxes. Since then, these iceboxes have been commonly termed eSky.

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They are a simpler and more compact form of a camping fridge made with an outer polypropylene layer and an inner layer of polyurethane. 

The materials used in the construction of an eSky make it lightweight and very conveniently portable. Due to its compact size can also be used for short trips and even at home if you need cold storage in your room for any purpose. 

Since the insulation is responsible for keeping this box’s temperature intact with all the ice inside it to keep it cool, there is no need for electricity.

No batteries or electric supply is required to keep it cool, making the eSky even more convenient. 

Since its introduction in 1952, it has been widely manufactured by different brands giving a vast horizon of choices to select from size to ease of placing indoors or taking around.

It is commonly used in clinics and at dentists for storing medical requirements.


Main Differences Between Camping Fridge and eSky

  1. The camping fridge requires an electric supply to run, whereas eSky works by insulation.
  2. Camping the fridge requires a lot more maintenance in comparison to eSky.
  3. A camping fridge can be used for long trips, whereas an eSky is even suitable for short ones.
  4. The camping fridge requires more attention while choosing a place space, whereas an eSky does not.
  5. Unlike an eSky, the camping fridge requires a technical check occasionally. There is no technical aspect in an eSky, making it more convenient.
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.