Conservatives vs Liberals: Difference and Comparison

Conservatives and liberals are two opposing spectrums in the political hierarchy of any democratic nation. 

Their views and ideas lie at the two extremes of a line where reality is a short stretch of blurred mass in between. 

Having the two come together would be an error as they can’t correlate and help the nation as a single force.

Key Takeaways

  1. Conservatives emphasize traditional values, individual responsibility, and limited government intervention.
  2. Liberals promote social equality, progressive change, and a more active government role in addressing societal issues.
  3. The two ideologies differ in social policies, economic regulation, and environmental protection.

Conservatives vs Liberals

Conservatism is a political ideology emphasising traditional values, limited government, and individual freedom. Liberals are a political ideology that emphasizes social and economic equality. They support universal healthcare, public education, and environmental regulations.

Conservatives vs Liberals

Conservatives are a group of people who take part in the political ruling of a democratic country.

Since times immemorial, they have been the dominant group in the political phase due to their nature and belief that the governing of a nation should be inclusive of the traditions of the country.

They want the country to go on as it was without much progress that might affect the political or economic status of the country.

Liberals have always been a minority group until recent times.

Their political approach is about bringing the nation up to a certain level of progress that would exclude the traditional outlook and bring about a milestone in the nation’s position in the world.

Any change in the economic front of the nation doesn’t prove to be a hurdle for them as long as it is for the betterment of the country.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonConservativesLiberals
Climate ChangeThinks it should be free for allTakes all measures to prevent it
Traditional Method of RunningYesNo
Tax PaymentAll should pay a lower tax or the same amountThe rich should pay a higher tax than the poor
Healthcare SystemBelieves it should be privatizedIt is under the opinion that organizations such as the UN control and limit the power of each country
View on International CooperationIt is the opinion that organizations such as the UN control and limit the power of each countryBelieves it is necessary for a peaceful world
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What are Conservatives?

Conservatives could be classified as the right-leaning group among the political division in the country.

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They constantly stand firm on the concept that the progress made in a country controlled by them should be carefully monitored.

All the progress should occur within the outline of the traditional values and therefore preserve the traditions for as long as they rule.

Conservatives are always considered to be a part of the dominant political group.

But recently, their ideologies and approach are creating issues among the people.

This has made the citizens rethink their role in governing the country; as a result, they are slowly becoming a minor political group.

Their thoughts lie within a circle that defines any action that questions a progression that changes the nation.

This question arises as a part of the more significant fact that they are comfortable with all that is happening.

They gain significant economic and political benefits from the already persistent system.

But if they are not a part of the dominant political form, they are under a vicious cycle of doubt about what might happen to them if massive changes are made.

Their government believes in not having much political influence on the private happenings of the business unit.

Traditional and religious values are exceptionally cared for and implemented in all situations.

In the US, the conservatives cone under the political party Republicans.

To give an example of the traditional perspective of the conservatives, it is widely known that they see abortion as the murder of a being.

Stringent rules are enlightening hospitals to allow abortions. These include rape and the mother’s health.

The conservative view on euthanasia is that it is immoral and at par with murder, and is no less than forced suicide.

The conservatives believe that the government should not provide healthcare and should be handled by private firms.

Free treatment for all might mean depletion in the monetary funds of the government and might affect the government.


What are Liberals?

Liberals fall under the old minor political group whose opinions were barely given any ear.

They are the left-leaning political group formed by the sects of society that were once ignored and given no rights.

They firmly believe that irrespective of any socio-economic changes the country might face, progress should be what the government aims at.

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Presently, liberals can be assumed to be either the dominant group or the minority group.

The liberal’s support system is yet to be adequately built, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have support.

The world is seeing more of a liberal approach in most democratic nations.

They aim to changehe current structural construction of boe governing system and the sosocioeconomicifferences persisting in society.

They believe that keeping the country adhering to traditional values might stop its growth or even slow down the annual jumps in the country’s GDP.

In the US, the liberals come under the umbrella of the political party, the Democrats.

They are persistent believers in giving equal opportunities irrespective of the racial status or even the economic status of an individual.

Their central ideology surrounds equality and ensuring that it is spread all over the country.

They believe that the government must have a say in running the private sector.

Human rights are one of the most discussed topics under the liberal governing system.

Liberals have an open mind about abortions. This is because they believe that the lady alone can decide what she goes through.

Their view on the death penalty is that it should not be practised and should be abolished altogether,, as it is seen as murder.

Their belief on the economic front is that the private sector should have governmental control in certain aspects.

This is to ensure that the people are all availing the services equally.


Main Differences Between Conservatives and Liberals

  1. Conservatives believe that death penalties are the ultimate warning for those who commit heinous crimes such as murder, whereas liberals believe that such a punishment should be abolished altogether.
  2. Liberals are more modern in thinking that there should be alternative forms of energy, such as water and solar, whereas conservatives still think coal and wood are the perfect energy source that cannot be replaced.
  3. The conservatives are constantly firm on the fact that healthcare should be completely privatized and should not be free. In contrast, liberals think that healthcare should be given free to all irrespective of the socio-economic gap among people.
  4. Liberals are open about immigration and the general security of the country. They think immigrants should be supported and given help. At the same time, conservatives believe that the security at birders should be tightened not to let illegal immigrants into the country and put the nation in peril.
  5. Same-sex marriage is a point of discord between the two groups. Conservatives, due to their traditional line of thinking believe that such marriages are unnatural while liberals think that such matters are personal and they respect the individual’s opinion.
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.