Constraint vs Restraint: Difference and Comparison

When the word ‘restraint’ is used in a sentence, it implies limiting certain actions by exerting force to establish control over something or someone. On the other hand, ‘constraint’ implies a limitation imposed on an object or an individual.

This distinction of meaning becomes even more apparent when the two words are compared in mathematics and physics.

Key Takeaways

  1. Constraint and restraint refer to limitations or restrictions imposed on something or someone.
  2. Constraint is a limitation or rule that restricts someone’s freedom or ability to act. In contrast, restraint refers to self-control or moderation in behaviour or actions.
  3. Constraints can be external or internal, while restraint is an internal process of self-discipline or self-regulation.

Constraint vs Restraint

Constraints can be physical or mathematical, and they may limit the movement, shape, or other properties of a system and can be either external or internal. Restraint is a mechanism used to limit or control movement in a system and is used to prevent undesired movement in a system.

Constraint vs Restraint

‘Restraint’ is a word used to connote the prevention of an act by implementing certain control mechanisms. While ‘constraint’ refers to the limitations that deter an individual’s liberty to act freely.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonConstraintRestraint
DefinitionThe word ‘constraint’ refers to placing certain restrictions on the behaviour of objects or individuals to limit their freedom effectively.The word ‘restraint’ refers to using control or force to keep an object or an individual from acting.
Common UsageThe word is used to connote restrictions in certain problematic situations.The word is used to connote the imposition of limitations on an individual through force or control mechanisms.
Origin of the WordThe word ‘constraint’ derives from the old French ‘constraindre’.The word ‘constraint’ derives from the old French ‘restraindre’.
Mathematical ConnotationThe word ‘constraint’ is an important mathematical concept that implies certain absolute restrictions in a calculation.The word ‘restraint’ refers to an energetic bias in a calculation that forces the equation towards a given restriction.
Alternative UsageThe word ‘constraint’ cannot be used to connote safety devices and tools like seat belts.The word ‘restraint’ can be used to connote safety implements like car seat belts.

What is Constraint?

The word ‘constraint’ is used to connote the restrictions on an individual that operate to curtail his or her freedom. Constraints limit certain actions of individuals in problematic situations.

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The word ‘constraint’ originated from the old French term ‘constraindre’, which refers to the endeavour of obstructing certain actions.

Constraints can arise from different factors. They arise from certain ingrained values and moral codes. The origin of constraints can vary- ranging from the financial, political, social, legal, or other domains of life.

‘Constraint’ can also be used to restrict one’s relations with another. Alternatively, the word in mathematics can denote absolute restrictions in an equation. Some instances of using the word ‘constraint’ in the English language are demonstrated below:

  1. The family is living under severe financial constraints.
  2. Her mother constrained her freedom.
  3. It will be difficult to overcome all the current political constraints.

What is Restraint?

The word ‘restraint’ is derived from the old French word ‘restraindre’ that literary translates to the ‘act of holding back’. The word connotes using controlling force to hold someone or something back.

Restraints imply certain commonly used measures to delimit the actions that an individual can perform.

Restraint may also signify the act of self-control. The term restraint is used as an appropriate term to describe a situation when people curb and regulate their behaviours. ‘Restraint’ can signify an energetic bias in the mathematical field.

Moreover, the term can also be used to connote certain safety tools like seat belts. In such contexts, ‘restraint’ cannot be replaced by ‘constraint’. Some instances of using the word ‘restraint’ in sentences are illustrated below:

  1. It may be necessary to put the patient in restraints.
  2. She abandoned all restraints to express her anger.
  3. Kindly secure the seat restraints before we begin the journey.

Main Differences Between Constraint and Restraint

  1. The main difference between ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ can be identified regarding the meanings of the two terms when used in common conversational English. While the word ‘constraint’ connotes the enforcement of certain restrictions on someone or something, the word ‘restraint’ refers to using control to hold back someone or something.
  2. The origins of the two words are also different. ‘Constraint’ is derived from the old French word ‘constraindre’, which implies limiting certain actions. ‘Restraint’ is derived from the old French ‘restraindre’, meaning the act of ‘holding back’.
  3. The usage of each word is also different. The word ‘constraint’ is more frequently used to refer to restrictions in a particular situation or problematic circumstance. The word ‘restraint’ is used to refer to holding back a person or limiting a person from performing certain acts.
  4. The word ‘constraint’ in scientific disciplines connotes an absolute restriction imposed on a given mathematical calculation. In contrast, ‘restraint’ refers to an energetic bias that forces the given equation towards a particular restriction.
  5. The word ‘restraint’ can also connote certain safety devices and tools like seat belts. In such a context, the word constraint cannot be used as a substitution for restraint.
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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26 thoughts on “Constraint vs Restraint: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article’s witty and incisive exploration of the linguistic disparities between ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ adds a delightful touch of intellectual levity to the discourse.

    • Indeed, the article’s clever exposition of the nuances between these terms injects a refreshing element of intellectual wit into the scholarly discussion.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The article’s erudite yet light-hearted approach makes the topic of ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ engaging and intellectually stimulating.

  2. This is a truly enlightening article on the nuances of constraint and restraint. It provides a thorough comparison between the two terms and their usage in various contexts.

    • I completely agree. The article does an excellent job of clarifying the distinctions between constraint and restraint, particularly in mathematics and everyday language.

  3. While this article provides a comprehensive analysis of the differences between ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’, the presentation is excessively pedantic and overly convoluted.

    • I empathize with your perspective. A more streamlined presentation would enhance the accessibility and readability of this informative content.

  4. The comparison table is an effective way of presenting the disparities between ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ across different parameters. It aids in quick comprehension of the topic.

    • I appreciate the logical breakdown of the distinguishing features of ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ in the comparison table. It’s a valuable visual aid.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The tabulated format simplifies the contrast between the two terms and facilitates a comprehensive understanding.

  5. The article offers an insightful examination of the conceptual distinctions between ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’, shedding light on their theoretical and practical implications.

    • I share your sentiment. The article’s academic rigour and intellectual depth elevate its value as an authoritative discourse on the topic.

  6. The article’s exploration of the mathematical connotations of ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ serves as an informative elucidation for those navigating these technical domains.

    • I wholeheartedly agree. The article successfully demystifies the mathematical intricacies of ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’, making it accessible to a wider audience.

    • Absolutely. The mathematical contextualization of these terms offers a valuable perspective for readers seeking a comprehensive understanding of their applications.

  7. I appreciate the in-depth exploration of the etymological origins of the words ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’. It adds a rich layer to the understanding of these terms.

    • I concur with your viewpoint. The linguistic roots of the words contribute significantly to their contemporary usage and interpretation.

    • Absolutely. The historical context provided offers valuable insights into the evolution of these terms and their implications.

  8. I found this article to be excessively verbose. The differentiation between constraint and restraint could have been illustrated in a more succinct manner.

    • I respectfully disagree. The detailed explanations are what make this article a valuable resource for those seeking clarity on the subject.

    • I understand your perspective, but I believe the detailed explanations provided in the article are necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

  9. I must assert that the detailed elucidation of ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ provides a compelling argument for the subtle differentiations between these terms.

    • Indeed, the article’s meticulous dissection of the semantic nuances between ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ offers a highly persuasive analysis.

    • I concur with your assertion. The article’s rigorous examination of the linguistic and practical disparities between ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ is remarkably compelling.

  10. The in-depth analysis of ‘constraint’ and ‘restraint’ from multidimensional perspectives makes this article a commendable resource for anyone seeking clarity on these terms.

    • Absolutely. The comprehensive exploration of the meanings and applications of these terms provides a holistic understanding of their significance in various contexts.


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