Dell XPS vs HP Envy: Difference and Comparison

Key Takeaways

  1. Dell XPS laptops prioritize performance and build quality, while HP Envy laptops focus on providing a balance between performance and affordability.
  2. XPS laptops have higher-end components than HP Envy models, leading to better performance.
  3. HP Envy laptops offer more configuration options than Dell XPS, allowing users to customize their devices to suit their needs better.
Dell XPS vs HP Envy

What is Dell XPS?

Dell XPS laptops are high-end Windows laptops that offer extreme performance for users. These desktop computers or laptops are manufactured under a brand called Dell.

The XPS moniker first appeared in 1990, when Dell prioritized business with corporations over consumer demand. However, everything changed after a meeting held in 1993, where it was decided that Dell would launch high-end consumer-focused products to compete with Gateway, then a competitor of Dell.

 The first generation of Dell PCs was introduced in September 1993. Dell released additional computers between 1997 and 2001, but because XPS was limited to a short line of PCs, it lost its competitive edge.

Dell XPS laptops, however, are said to serve a better purpose for users as they are widely available in their ranges, giving consumers a variety of choices. Not only that, but customers also say that they have had a good experience with Dell as it provide a better touchpad area, speakers, and high-quality webcam, overall amplifying the user experience.

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What is HP Envy?

HP Envy laptops are high-end consumer-focused Windows or Linux laptops that offer extreme performance for users. These desktop computers or laptops are manufactured under HP Inc., which also specializes in manufacturing and producing printers.

HP only released its first line of computers in the year 2009 with two variations in models. They went on to release two other models in 2010 but discontinued everything in 2012 to rebrand their Pavilion line of computers to the HP Envy lineup.

HP Envy computers, however, provide a better gaming experience for gamers. Not only for gamers, but they are convertible and come with a 360-degree hinge providing a 2-in-1 experience for their customers. Additionally, they are equipped with two kinds of CPUs that are 11th-generation and AMD Ryzen 5000 CPUs, and have two kinds of USB ports, USB-A ports and USB-C.

These laptops are said to be available at a cheaper rate; however, they have much more functions and options than a laptop in the same range. HP Envy laptops are compact but come with a 360-degree hinge which amplifies the look of those laptops.

hp envy

Difference Between Dell XPS and HP Envy

  1. Dell XPS computers were first launched in 1993. However, HP Envy computers were only released recently, in 2009.
  2. Dell XPS computers are standard laptops, while HP Envy laptops are two laptops in one that can be folded 360 degrees.
  3. Dell XPS has a much more comprehensive range of laptops, while HP Envy laptops have a slightly lower range.
  4. Dell computers have USB-C ports, while HP Envy computers have USB-A ports in addition to USB-C.
  5. The Dell computers are equipped with 11th-generation CPUs, while the HP computers are equipped with 11th-generation AMD Ryzen 5000 CPUs.
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Comparison Between Dell XPS and HP Envy

Parameter of ComparisonDell XPSHP Envy
VariantsDell XPS has a wide range of computer variances compared to the HP Envy.HP Envy has a low number of computer variances in comparison to Dell XPS.
ConvertibleDell XPS computers are not convertible and are standard laptops.HP Envy is a 2-in-1 and 360-degree convertible laptop.
User experienceDell users have a slightly better user experience due to its wide touchpad area.HP Envy has a low number of computer variances in comparison to Dell XPS.
Battery lifeDell has a smaller battery life in comparison to HP Envy.HP has better battery life.
Speakers & webcamDell has a better-sounding speaker and a higher-quality webcam.HP lacks in the quality of speaker and webcam.
USB portsDell computers have USB-C ports.HP Envy computers have USB-A ports in addition to USB-C.
CPUThe Dell computers are equipped with an 11th-generation CPU.HP computers are equipped with 11th-generation AMD Ryzen 5000 CPUs.
GamingDell computers lack when it comes to gaming.HP computers excel in the gaming criteria.
Screen-to-body ratioThe screen-to-body ratio of Dell XPS is 90%.The screen-to-body ratio of HP Envy is 81%.

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.