Freeway vs Turnpike: Difference and Comparison

Travel by road is always pleasant, and we come across various types of roads, for example, highways, earthen roads, local roads, gravel roads, as well as freeways and turnpikes.

While traveling, passengers have to pay a certain charge for the maintenance of the roads.

The types of highways where the amount charged depends on whether it is a freeway or a turnpike, which is also known as a tollway. 

Key Takeaways

  1. A freeway is a highway that doesn’t have any tolls, while a turnpike is a highway where tolls are collected.
  2. The government funds and maintains a freeway, while a turnpike is privately owned and operated.
  3. On a freeway, you can enter or exit at any point; on a turnpike, you can only do so at designated areas.

Freeway vs Turnpike 

The difference between freeways and turnpikes is the definite cost of toll is imposed while driving by turnpikes. Meanwhile, as opposed to that, no toll or money is priced while driving through freeways. The money imposed that is traveling by tollways is a type of tax that citizens of the country pay to keep using highways while the tax makes sure that the roads are being maintained. The Freeways do not impose any tax while driving through them.

Freeway vs Turnpike

A freeway, also called a controlled-access highway, motorway, expressway, or throughway, is a road that does not impose any costs on passengers during their traveling.

It is mainly created for more limited traffic while driving through the roads and transport. Most industrial vehicles use freeways or control-accessed highways for the shipment of assets.

A turnpike is also called a tollway, toll highway, toll road, or express toll route. To support the maintenance of the road, passengers are required to spend a particular value depending on the sort of transportation they are driving.

In some countries, the tax imposed on the passengers differs from forms of transit that are being used by the passengers while driving.

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Many names like toll stops, toll plazas, toll booths, toll houses, toll bars, toll gates, toll stations, etc., know the halts at which the fee is secured.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFreewayTurnpike
ComfortFreeways are introduced to give people more satisfying occurrences of passengers instead of turnpikes because of the toll-free arrangement employed by freeways.Turnpikes are not as comfortable for travelers because of the constant halts at certain stations for collection of fees.
SafetyFreeways are viewed as safer roads than turnpikes.Turnpikes are considered to be less safe than freeways.
First BuiltMeanwhile, the idea of freeways was produced into a tradition in the 1920s.The toll collection system of Turnpike has been employed as back as 2700 years ago.
PurposeFor faster and quicker travel.To collect fees for the maintenance of the roads.
Example Kumeyaay HighwayMumbai-Pune Express-highway
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What is Freeway?

A road that is used for traveling or transport but for moving industrial transportation but where a fee or toll is not charged is called a freeway.

A freeway is also called a controlled-access highway, motorway, expressway, etc. In various countries, a freeway is termed by different names.

A freeway is a more limited traffic road, and most of the utmost industrial transport takes place there.

Examples of freeways are Santa Monica Freeway, San Bernardino Freeway, Ontario Freeway, Mojave Freeway, Barstow Freeway, Hollywood Freeway, etc.

For example, the Vienna convention is used by many countries. According to the convention, just vehicles can use freeways and foot-travelers, and parking vehicles is stringently not supported.

Other ways control traffic, and travelers are not equipped with a well-disposed traveling encounter, but it does not happen on freeways because of more limited traffic, it does not happen.

Freeways are the most reliable roads to travel by, and the safety standard of freeways is significantly better than many other roadways.

Freeways are safer than turnpikes because no fees are charged on these roads, making it quicker for them to pass through.


What is Turnpike?

A road designated for traveling and carrying of travelers as well as assets, wherever a specific value of duty is imposed for the improvement of the road, is called a turnpike.

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A turnpike has several different names, such as tollway, toll highway, toll road, express toll route, etc. The toll-acquiring stations are established at a particular point of toll lanes.

Nowadays, electronic toll machines are acquainted with more limited standard labor in most parts of the world. The fee imposed changes from the methods of transport employed by the travelers.

Examples of tollways are Mumbai Vadodara Expressway, Delhi Gurgaon Expressway, Sheikh Zayed Road, etc.

Before automatic toll pay or electronic toll payment, in the times when toll collection had just started, the fee was imposed on travelers who utilized mountain passes or different areas for travel plans.

The toll systems were used back around 2700 years, too. In the early 7th century, travelers have imposed a fee to use the highways. In the Middle Ages, travelers were given security during their travel.

The new-age technologies have allowed the use of automated and electronic toll stations, which have allowed the standard labored systems to retire.

The electronic and automatic system for toll fee collection was arranged in different parts of the world. People think paying toll fees is unnecessary and will likely scrutinize the entire arrangement.

Some people think it is a waste of time and money or just regressive taxation that is made by the system.


Main Differences Between Freeway and Turnpike

  1. Freeways are introduced to give people a more satisfying occurrence to passengers instead of turnpikes because of the toll-free arrangement employed by freeways.
  2. Freeways are viewed as safer roads than turnpikes.
  3. The toll collection system of Turnpike has been employed as back as 2700 years ago. Meanwhile, the idea of freeways was produced into a tradition in the 1920s.
  4. Mostly industrial transport is created for driving by freeways, but on the other hand, local transport of travelers is frequently done by turnpikes.
  5. Less traffic is detected on Freeways as opposed to turnpikes.
Difference Between Freeway and Turnpike
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.