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A gopher and a ground squirrel are both creatures having four legs. They are very small in appearance. Both these creatures are similar to rats and look like rodents too.

Although both these creatures look the same, there is a difference observed between them when they are observed closely. They differ from each other in terms of habitat, diet, looks, morphology, etc.

Key Takeaways

  1. Gophers are burrowing rodents that live in underground tunnels and feed on roots, bulbs, and tubers of plants.
  2. Ground squirrels are also burrowing rodents, but they primarily feed on seeds and nuts and live in colonies with complex social structures.
  3. Gophers can cause significant damage to crops and gardens, while ground squirrels are less destructive and can even positively affect the ecosystem by aerating the soil and dispersing seeds.

Gophers vs Ground Squirrels

The difference between gophers and ground squirrels is that gophers are animals or creatures who eat only the roots that grow underground of pants as their daily diet, and on the other hand, ground squirrels are those animals that eat those plants which produce fruits and vegetables staying in the ground just like their name.

Gophers vs Ground Squirrels

Gophers are known as pocket gophers because of their tiny size. They are small creatures that are similar to those of rodents and belong to the kingdom Geomyidae family. There are almost varying species numbering up to thirty-five gophers in the central and northern parts of America.

Ground Squirrels are a species of squirrels that live on land that is on the ground instead of trees like other living creatures. They have a size which is really small.

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They belong to the Kingdom Sciuridae family. The ground squirrel is of three species, and the medium-sized ones are the ones that are actually known as ground squirrels.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGophersGround Squirrels
MeaningThey stay undergrounds instead of on land.They live on land, unlike other squirrels that live on trees,
FamilyThey belong to the family Geomyidae.They belong to the family Sciuridae.
SpeciesThey have about 35 species in total.They have about 65 species in total.
WeightTheir maximum weight can range up to 1 kg.Their maximum weight can range up to 8 kg.
When they are seenThey are seen only at night time.They are seen only in the day time.
Their homesThey hide their hole plugs.They never hide their hole plugs.
FeedThey feed on the roots of pants going underground.They feed on plants that produce fruits and vegetables.
FeatureThey have a unique feature that helps them to dig in real deep holes.They have a unique feature that helps to stand on their hind legs and hold that position for real long, giving a stretch.

What are Gophers?

Gophers are known as pocket gophers because of their tiny size. They are small creatures that are similar to those of rodents and belong to the Geomyidae family. There are almost varying species numbering up to thirty-five gophers in the central and northern parts of America.

A gopher has a unique feature that helps it dig in the deepest tunnels for its love compared to any other creature. Normally, a gopher weighs up to 0.5 pounds and has a size varying from 6 inches to 8 inches.

Including all these features, they also have a tail at the back, which measures up to 1 to 2 inches.

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Usually, it is observed that the weights of a male gopher are more than that of a female gopher, which means that sometimes a male gopher can even weigh double what a female gopher weighs.

The most that a gopher can weigh is up to 1 kg or even more, and they are observed to have a short life span ranging up to 2 to 3 years maximum.


What are Ground Squirrels?

Ground Squirrels are a species of squirrels that live on land that is on the ground instead of trees like other living creatures. They have a size which is really small.

They belong to the Kingdom Sciuridae family. The ground squirrel is of three species, and the medium-sized ones are the ones that are actually known as ground squirrels.

The large ground squirrel species are known as marmots and prairie dogs. The small ground squirrels are said to be known as chipmunks. They have a unique feature in them that makes them stand to rise above their feet with hinds as long as possible.

They can stand fully erect and hold this position for a really long period.

A ground squirrel also has a short tail at the back. A ground squirrel weighs up to 8 kg or sometimes more. There are almost 65 species of ground squirrels existing. A ground squirrel is said to have strong claws and short legs. They have ears that are small and round in shape.

ground squirrels

Main Differences Between Gophers and Ground Squirrels

  1. A gopher belongs to the Geomyidae family, and on the other hand, a ground squirrel belongs to the Sciuridae family.
  2. A gopher varies up to 35 species and weighs a maximum of up to 1 kg, and on the other hand, a ground squirrel varies up to 65 species and weighs a maximum of up to 8 kg.
  3. A gopher feeds on the roots of plants that grow underground; on the other hand, a ground squirrel feeds on plants that produce fruits and vegetables.
  4. Gophers are animals that are seen only at night as their type is nocturnal, and on the other hand, a ground squirrel is seen only in the daytime on the ground.
  5. A gopher hides its holes by plugging them on top; on the other hand, a ground squirrel does not hide the holes it has dug.
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.