Iams vs Eukanuba: Difference and Comparison

In general, Eukanuba, like Iams, is renowned as a branded product. It’s available in a range of formulations, including productivity diets for working dogs and cats, specialized consultant diets, and everything in between.

This article will help you understand the features, USPs, and differences between the two brands and help you make a precise decision.

Key Takeaways

  1. Iams offers a more extensive product range, catering to various life stages and dietary needs, while Eukanuba focuses on high-performance nutrition for active dogs.
  2. Eukanuba products contain more protein and fat than Iams, ensuring greater energy for active dogs.
  3. Iams provides a more affordable option for pet owners, whereas Eukanuba targets premium market segments with its specialized formulas.

Iams vs Eukanuba

Iams is a premium pet food brand that is under Spectrum Brands and Incorporated. It makes pet chow for puppies and kittens, adolescent and mature dogs, and cats. Eukanuba is a pet food brand made by Mars, Incorporated, and Spectrum Brands, known mostly for its expensive dog food and kibble.

Iams vs Eukanuba

Iams was created to give dogs and cats nutritional chow of a considerably higher quality than what has been previously commercially available. Iams offers a diverse range of goods.

As Iams is the less expensive of the two pet food companies, it is recognized for offering high-quality pet meals at an inexpensive price.

They wanted to make the point that Eukanuba is far and away from the finest of the competition. Iams sells a range of healthy pet food under the Eukanuba brand, which includes either dry or wet chow. The majority of Eukanuba’s components are of the highest grade.

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Eukanuba, for instance, makes high-quality pet kibble for farm dogs and other hard-working canines. Who needs formulae that are high in protein.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonIamsEukanuba
Brand WingProctor and Gamble.Under the sub-brand of Iams.
Target AudienceAppropriate for people who are searching for all-rounder pet food, especially for their dogs and cats.Targeted for people with posh breeds and who require 100% natural components in their pet food.
ConstituentsContains artificial minerals and nutrients along with poultry protein and meat.Meat, chicken leftovers, organic minerals, egg yolks and bone components for dog food.
PriceIt is cheaper than Eukanuba brands.It is considerably costlier than Iams branded products.
Feedback in MarketIt is known for its affordable range and great efficiency. It has ranked in the top 4 best-selling pet food brands.It is known for its excellent quality dog food and specifically for its prioritized flooding sub-brands for different dog breeds.
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What is Iams?

Iams is a well-known premium dog and cat food brand produced by Spectrum Brands in Germany, Incorporated in the rest of the globe. The business provides puppy/kitten, adolescent, and mature pet chow for cats and dogs.

The Iams company stands for the greatest luxury food mix of “health, digestibility, and pricing.” They also promote dishes made with the greatest components, such as poultry and lamb, which are full of protein.

Nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids will be among the components. While including protein molecules, carbohydrates, berries, and veggies, the Iams website claims to provide 100 percent well-thought and comprehensive nourishment.

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In April 2014, P&G stated that it would sell its Iams, Eukanuba, and Natura dog food trademarks in all areas except Germany to Mars, Inc for $2.9 billion in revenue, marking the company’s largest divestment in 5 years.

What is Eukanuba?

Eukanuba is a dog and kibble company made and produced by Mars Corporation in the United States and by Rainbow Products in Europe; P&g between 1999 and 2014 formerly handled it.

When P&G controlled the Eukanuba production factory in Leipsic, Ohio, this was the world’s biggest dog food operation. Foreign items that may have dropped in are detected using security checkpoints.

If cost isn’t a factor in your selection, you might be interested to know that Eukanuba uses the greatest materials available. The finest cuts of sheep and poultry are just a few instances.

Poultry (as the major component), hen by-product powder, meat and fish, chicken stock, bakers rice, powdered whole wheat, dry beet juice (with glucose removed), millet, dried egg products, and genuine chicken taste are all common ingredients in Eukanuba formulas.


Main Differences Between Iams and Eukanuba

  1. Lams symbolize their finest luxury dog food nutrients. P&G pet division’s authorized trademark is Eukanuba.
  2. The Iams series under P&G was launched earlier than the Eukanuba series in the pet food market.
  1. https://headsupfortails.com/collections/iams
  2. https://www.pawdiet.com/ingredients/eukanuba-dog-food-ingredients-review/#:~:text=For%20Eukanuba%2C%20these%20are%20the,first%205%20dog%20food%20ingredients.&text=As%20you%20can%20see%2C%20the,whole%20grain%20sorghum%2C%20and%20wheat.
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.