Kurds vs Arabs: Difference and Comparison

Asia, especially the Mideast, is home to diverse ethnic groups. Arabs and Kurds are some of these cultural groupings. Southwestern Asia is home to these ethnic communities.

A descriptive table is also given to aid in the comparison and understanding of how various ethnic groupings function and thrive.

Key Takeaways

  1. Kurds are an ethnic group primarily residing in the Kurdistan region, which spans parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.
  2. Arabs are an ethnic group originating from the Arabian Peninsula and now spread across various countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
  3. The Kurdish language belongs to the Indo-European family, while the Arabic language is Semitic.

Kurds vs Arabs

Kurds, also called Kurdish people, are an Iranian ethnic group that is native to Kurdistan in Western Asia, but they can be found in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. Arabs, or the Arab people, are an ethnic group that inhabits the Arab Peninsula in North Africa and Western Asia. All Arabs are Semites.

Kurds vs Arabs

Kurd is a race or ethnicity that lives in the Mountain Range of southeast Turkey, the Zagros Hills of modern-day Iran, parts of northern Iraq, southeastern Syrian territories, west Armenia, and other nearby locations.

The term has distinct overtones in Iran and Iraq: Iran’s western region of Kurdistan and Iraq’s Kurdish independent territory are both legally recognized internal organizations by this term. A large nonadjacent Kurdish community also occurs in Iran’s northwestern Khorasan area.

Semitic people of the Middle East before the introduction of Islam included the Arabic dialect. In current usage, it refers to any Arabic-speaking persons residing in the wide territory extending from Senegal on Africa’s East Coast to southern Iran, which includes the whole Maghreb region of Northern Africa, Egypt and Sudan borders, the Arabian Peninsula, as well as Iraq.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonKurdsArabs
AreaKurdistan- an imaginary state that covers parts of Iran, Iraq, Turkey and the borders of Syria.Arabian Peninsula Countries like UAE and Dubai.
OriginKurds are a diverse group of people of Median, Semitic, Turkic, and Armenian ancestry.All Arabs are Semites.
Mother TongueKurdish language, Sorani and Arabic.Arabic (Old and Modern)
World Population30 – 45 Million423 Million
ReligionsIslam, Judaism and Christianity.Islam 

What are Kurds?

Even though the Kurds are the world’s biggest ethnic minority without even a state—they are largely split among Ankara, Iraq, Syria, and Assad and have frequently played crucial roles in US foreign affairs.

In northern Syria, the Kurds established their own independent, secular nation as they fought back against the Islamic State. In October 2019, meanwhile, US President Donald Trump ordered the departure of US forces from the Syrian-Turkish border, paving the way for the Turkish army to assault the Kurds.

Conflicts between ethnic communities occur in such areas as a result of this.

The Kurds were forced to seek a Kurdish settlement as a result of the violence. Kurdistan, which translates as “land of the Kurds,” was subsequently coined. There is no Kurdish nation-state as of yet.


What are Arabs?

Arabs, known as Arabian people, are an ethnic group that mostly inhabits the Arabian peninsula, primarily in Southwest Asia and North Africa. In the Americas, Continental Europe, Sumatra, Turkey, and Persia, an Arab diaspora has developed itself in considerable numbers.

The theological force that linked the desert sustenance nomads—the Bedouins—with the urban inhabitants of the oasis was Islamic, which arose on the west-central Arab Peninsula in the late 7th century.

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As a consequence of the fast establishment of Islam’s authority in those countries, Arabic, the dialect of the Islamic holy text (the Quran), was embraced over most of the African Region.

The bulk of Arabs still lives in tiny, secluded agricultural communities where conservative values and vocations predominate, notably women’s subordination and house isolation (purdah).


Main Differences Between Kurds and Arabs

  1. Kurd’s origins include Medes, Semitism, and Armenians, whereas the Arabs are Semitic and of one origin only.
  2. Kurds have a vague motherland, namely, Kurdistan, which is not a recognized state, whereas Arabs reside in UAE and Middle-East Peninsula, which are recognized states.
Difference Between Kurds and Arabs
  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29702440
  2. https://www.africa.upenn.edu/K-12/Who_16629.html

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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10 thoughts on “Kurds vs Arabs: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article contributes significantly to the comprehension of the Kurds and Arabs, making it an instructive read for anyone interested in the topic.

  2. The references at the end of the article add credibility to the information presented, allowing readers to further explore the topic.

  3. The comparison table provides a clear overview of the Kurds and Arabs, allowing for an easy understanding of their differences and similarities.

  4. The article offers a thorough explanation of the conflicts and settlements of the Kurds and Arabs, shedding light on their historical struggles.

  5. The article provides detailed information about the history, origin, and population of Kurds and Arabs, giving a comprehensive view of these ethnic groups.

  6. The main differences between Kurds and Arabs are clearly explained, enabling readers to grasp the unique characteristics of these ethnic groups.

  7. The article offers an extensive explanation about the Kurds and Arabs, providing a deep understanding of these ethnic groups.

  8. The distinction between Kurds and Arabs is well-delineated, providing a comprehensive understanding of their backgrounds and cultural differences.


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