Arabs vs Indians: Difference and Comparison

People are unique in behaviour, character, personality, mentality, etc. People have different habitats even when they travel from one state to another in a particular country.

People from West Bengal will prefer eating fish, but people from Maharashtra prefer to be vegetarian.

Key Takeaways

  1. Arabs are native to the Arabian Peninsula, while Indians are native to the Indian subcontinent.
  2. Arab culture is heavily influenced by Islam, while Indian culture has roots in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.
  3. Arabic is the primary language spoken by Arabs, while there are multiple official languages in India, with Hindi and English being the most widely spoken.

Arabs vs Indians

Arabs are native to the Arabian Peninsula and surrounding regions, while Indians are native to the Indian subcontinent. Arabs speak Arabic, while Indians speak various languages, including Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, and Telugu. Arabs are predominantly Muslim. Indians practice various religions.

Arabs vs Indians

Arabian people live in the Middle East, and some Arabs are also found to live in parts of North Africa. Their talking style, eating habits, rules, and regulations, language are quite different from the Indians.

The Indians, on the other hand, live in India, a country located in South Asia. However, being such a diversified country India’s Indians are one of a kind.

Indians also have many languages and different habits, but the Hindi language can be common for Arabs and Indians.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonArabsIndians
Resides inArabs live mostly in the Middle East and some parts of North Africa.Indians, on the other hand, live in South Asia in India.
ReligionArabians follow the Islamic religionThe majority of Indians follow Hinduism
LanguageArabs speak the Arabic language, and some can even speak Hindi.The Hindi language is the common language in India.
FoodArabic cuisine. Lamb, chicken, olive oil, camel, and many others.Vegetarian is the most preferred by most people in India; however, there are some meat-consuming people.
Holidays CelebrationArabs celebrate Islamic holidays like Eid Al-Fitr.Indians celebrate Hindu holidays like Diwali, Ganesh Puja, and Holi.

Who are Arabs?

Arabs are people residing in the Middle-Eastern part of the world. They are also found residing in some parts of North Africa. Well, an Arabian can be defined as a member of the Semitic people.

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Abu Dhabi is the exact country where you will find as many Arabs.

The Arabians follow the Islamic religion, and they celebrate Islamic holidays only. The Islamic religion is one of the dominant religions all over the world.

If you ever visit Abu Dhabi, then you will see mosques around, and maybe you will also see people praying five times a day.

Islamic traditions permeate the lives of the Arabian people right from their diet to their working hours. The language they speak is the Semitic language called the Afro-Asiatic language.

The language is considered the most spoken language in the Arabian population. They also have different accent, and their tone is also different.

If you hear an Arabian speak, you can easily make out that he/she is an Arabian by how they talk.

Arabians are very particular regarding their diet because they follow the Islamic religion, and consuming intoxicants, blood, and pork is strictly prohibited.

These people also have a very tasty diet with an Islamic diet where you can see fruits and vegetables. Arabian cuisine includes milk, nuts, yoghurt, butter, lamb, cream, chicken, olive oil, and grains.

Now, talking about the celebrations during the holiday seasons, Arabians celebrate whenever an Islamic event is on their calendar.

Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al-Adha are Arabians’ two most celebrated holidays. Arabians also go for a month of fasting whenever Ramadan is around the corner, where they pray and give charity.

arabs 2

Who are Indians?

Well, Indians, on the other hand, are people residing in the South Asian part of the world map.

These people come from a country called India. Indians also follow different religions, castes, habits, behaviour, and foods because of the diversity.

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However, if you compare Indians and Arabians, there is a vast difference between them. The majority of Indians follow Hinduism.

India is believed to be one of the oldest countries in the world, and Hinduism also happens to be one of the oldest religions.

Almost 80% of people residing in India follow the Hinduism religion, which is considered the third-largest religion in the world. But this does not mean that you will not find people of other religions.

Because of India’s huge diversity, Indians have people speaking different languages, too, as Hindi is the most common language in the country.

Some known languages in India are Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, Urdu, Punjabi, and many others.

Talking about food consumption by Indians then, you will find that most Indians are vegetarian, and it is a fact that India is the lowest meat-consuming country in the world. However, some people consume meat too.

Since India has a majority of Hindu religious followers, people celebrate holidays that fall under the Hindu category.

Some famous well-known holidays are Holi, Diwali, Durga Puja, Ganesh Chaturti, and many others.


Main Differences Between Arabs and Indians

  1. Arabs reside in the Middle-East part and some parts of North Africa, whereas Indians live in the South Asian country India.
  2. Arabs follow the Islamic religion, whereas the majority of Indians follow Hinduism.
  3. The language spoken by Arabs is Afro-Asiatic, while Indians speak the Hindi language.
  4. Many Indians celebrate Hindu holidays, whereas Arabians only celebrate Islamic holidays.
  5. Arabians do not consume pork, but they consume other meat but a majority of the Indians prefer to be vegetarian.
Difference Between Arabs and Indians

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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23 thoughts on “Arabs vs Indians: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article offers a fascinating exploration of the intricate differences and parallels between Arab and Indian cultures. It’s a testament to the rich diversity present in our world.

  2. Very interesting comparison, it’s impressive to see the vast cultural and religious differences between these two groups of people. I appreciate the informative tone of the article.

  3. This comparison really highlights the rich cultural tapestry present both in the Arabian and Indian communities. The diversity in traditions and beliefs is truly remarkable.

  4. While the article is informative, one must be cautious of generalizing beliefs or behaviors of such diverse populations. Each group holds a wealth of cultural nuances beyond broad comparisons.

    • That’s a valid point. It’s essential to recognize and respect the diversity within each of these groups, rather than oversimplifying their characteristics.

  5. The article provides an insightful comparison between these two diverse communities. It underscores the importance of respecting cultural differences and broadening our understanding of the world’s myriad traditions.

    • Indeed, Thompson. Cultivating a deeper awareness of cultural distinctions fosters a more inclusive and harmonious global society.

    • Well-articulated, Martin. Embracing the unique traits of different cultures is crucial for promoting mutual respect and understanding.

  6. The article presents a comprehensive examination of the diverse cultural elements found within the Arab and Indian communities. It’s a thought-provoking piece that encourages greater appreciation for the world’s cultural plurality.

    • Absolutely, Yvonne. Engaging in discussions about cultural diversity broadens our horizons and promotes tolerance and unity.

  7. The article provides valuable insights into the customs and traditions of these groups. It’s crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the differences in their ways of life.

    • Absolutely, these distinctions are integral to understanding and respecting the unique cultural identities of Arabs and Indians.

  8. While the article is insightful, it’s essential to remember that no two individuals or communities are entirely homogenous. There will invariably be exceptions and variations within each group.

    • True, the nuances and complexities within these cultures cannot be understated. Generalizations should be approached with caution.

    • I completely agree. The diversity within these communities is vast and should not be overlooked in comparative discussions.

  9. This article provides great insights into the differences between Arabs and Indians. I was particularly drawn to the comparison table as it clearly lays out the variations in religion, language, and other aspects.

    • I found it quite enlightening as well. The comparison table simplifies complex information, making it accessible for readers.

    • Yes, the table makes it easy to comprehend the disparities between the two groups. It’s a well-structured breakdown of key differences.

  10. The comparison serves as an eye-opener to the intricate and multifaceted nature of cultural differences. The article articulately captures the essence of these diverse communities.

    • Well said, Rosie. It’s crucial to acknowledge the individuality of each community and to approach these comparisons with sensitivity and thoughtfulness.


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