Wacom One vs Intuos: Difference and Comparison

Graphic tablets are only digital drawing boards that enable one to draw images, graphics and animations using a stylus resembling a pencil.

They can also be used for handwritten signatures, tracing images or data.

Wacom is a highly popular name in the world of graphic tablets. It has been in business for 35 years.

Located in Saitama, Japan, Wacom is extremely famous and preferred by people who know how to distinguish between a good tablet and a standard one.

Although Wacom has always been unbeatable, in recent times, many other Chinese companies have come closer to breaking Wacom’s armour by producing good products at only a fraction of the price compared to that Wacom.

Price is an important factor, so many people agree to compromise quality for a reasonable price.

Wacom One and Wacom Intuos have come out as big names among the vast array of Wacom products. Both of these are pen tablets.

They come with a battery-free EMI stylus with a matte finish paper-like feel. Neither tablet is better than the other. It’s just that preference matters.

Key Takeaways

  1. Wacom One is a budget-friendly tablet for beginners, while Intuos is a more advanced tablet for professional artists.
  2. Wacom One has a 13.3-inch screen with a 1920 x 1080 resolution, while Intuos has no screen but comes with a larger drawing area and more customizable buttons.
  3. Wacom One comes with a stylus that does not require charging, while Intuos has a stylus that requires charging but has higher pressure sensitivity.

Wacom One vs Intuos

The difference between Wacom One and Intuos is that Wacom One is a beginner’s level tablet, especially for those new to digital art. At the same time, Intuos is a mid-range tablet that comes with higher specs and is designed mainly for professional digital artists.

Wacom One vs Intuos

Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonWacom OneWacom Intuos
ScreenWacom One tablet possesses a screen that comes with anti-glare protection. Wacom Intuos tablet has no screen but rather has an active working area.
Pen and NibsThe pen and nibs are comparatively durable and last for a long time. Nibs wore down sooner and needed to be replaced every couple of weeks.
Pen EraserIt does not consist of a pen eraser. Whereas it consists of a pen eraser.
Pressure LevelsIt has 4096 pen pressure levels.It has better pen pressure levels, i.e., 8192.
Work AreaThe screen gives a 13-inch work area access. It has an 8.7×5.8-inch active working area.
ConnectivityIt can be connected to a USB Type-C along with an HDMI cable. Whereas it can be either connected to a USB Type-C or Bluetooth.
Ergonomics It is not quite ergonomically sound and can affect the body posture if used for a long time. It is more ergonomically sound as it can easily be at eye level.
Utility ButtonsIt does not contain any utility buttons and needs a separate keyboard. While it contains 10 utility buttons.

What is Wacom One?

The most recent pen tablet released by the very famous Wacom is the Wacom One.

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It is a screen tablet. It does not require extraordinary hand-eye coordination, allowing one to draw directly on the screen.

It needs to be connected to a computer through a USB cable or an HDMI cable to work.

The screen measures around 13 inches and comes with an anti-glare coating. It offers a paper-like feel because of its matte finish. The pen is a battery-free EMI stylus.

There is no lag between the screen and the pen. The pen and nibs are quite durable and long-lasting.

This makes the overall drawing experience even more satisfactory.

Because the tablet is not very expensive, it lacks utility buttons and a pen eraser. Also, it can affect the shoulders and neck if used continuously for a long period.

Although it has an alternate standing option.

If purchased, the tablet provides its users free premium access to Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Edition and Clip Studio Paint.

To sum up, Wacom One is a tablet mainly for beginners, though it works equally well for professionals.

wacom one

What is Wacom Intuos?

The Wacom Intuos is a non-display tablet released by Wacom.

The tablet measures 13.2×8.5 inches and has an active working area of 8.7×5.8 inches. The work area has a matte finish to provide a paper-like feel.

But the matte finish is a drawback for the pen’s nibs. As the nibs are almost similar to real graphite, they get worn down easily and must be replaced every few weeks.

Although the pen is battery-free and uses EMI technology, and even comes with a pen eraser. No lag is observed.

Unlike Wacom One, Intuos has an option for a wireless Bluetooth connection or a Type-C USB connection. It comes with 10 utility buttons that help simplify the drawing experience.

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It is more ergonomic as compared to Wacom One.

Overall, Wacom Intuos is a tablet designed mainly for professional digital artists, although beginners can also use it. It is also rightfully priced.

wacom intuos

Main Differences Between Wacom One and Intuos

  1. Wacom One is a screen tablet, while Wacom Intuos is a non-display tablet.
  2. The pen nibs of Wacom One are comparatively more durable than Intuos.
  3. Only the Wacom Intuos consists of a pen eraser.
  4. Wacom Intuos has an option for wireless Bluetooth connection, whereas the Wacom One does not.
  5. Wacom One is less ergonomically sound than Intuos.
  6. The Intuos has utility buttons, while the Wacom One does not.
Difference Between Wacom One and Intuos


  1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/1279740.1279758

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Wacom One vs Intuos: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Wacom Intuos’ higher pressure sensitivity and larger drawing area make it a compelling choice for serious digital artists. The investment seems justified for those who prioritize quality and functionality.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Graham Dylan. Sometimes, the additional features and capabilities of a product can make all the difference, especially in professional workflows.

  2. The detailed comparison clearly shows that Wacom One is designed for beginners and Wacom Intuos is more suitable for professional digital artists. It’s great to have options that cater to different skill levels.

    • Absolutely, Rkhan. Wacom’s range of products ensures that artists at any stage of their career can find a suitable and reliable graphic tablet.

  3. The availability of Wacom Intuos with either USB Type-C or Bluetooth connectivity offers flexibility and convenience for artists who prefer a wireless setup. It’s a testament to Wacom’s commitment to meeting diverse user preferences.

    • Well said, Kyle39. Wacom’s attention to providing flexible connectivity options clearly demonstrates their understanding of the evolving needs of digital artists in today’s dynamic creative landscape.

  4. It’s disappointing to see that Wacom One lacks utility buttons and pen eraser. These features are quite essential for efficient workflow, especially for professional artists.

    • I understand your concern, George Harris. For artists who rely heavily on these features, Wacom Intuos seems to be a better option despite the higher price.

  5. The ergonomic drawbacks of Wacom One are quite concerning. It’s crucial for artists to have equipment that supports their posture and long-term health.

    • You’re right, Jones Chloe. While Wacom One may be affordable, the impact it can have on physical health needs to be taken into account when making a purchase decision.

  6. The frequent replacement of nibs for Wacom Intuos is a significant drawback. It’s an ongoing expense that can add up over time, impacting the overall cost-effectiveness of the product.

    • Agreed, Grace Murray. It’s essential to weigh both the upfront and long-term costs when evaluating the true value of a graphic tablet.

    • You bring up a valid point, Grace Murray. The maintenance costs associated with Wacom Intuos should be carefully considered before making a purchase decision.

  7. Wacom tablets are truly a game-changer for digital artists. The comparison table is very helpful in understanding the differences between Wacom One and Intuos.

    • I completely agree, Gray Nikki. The detailed explanation of both products and their features is quite informative and useful for anyone looking to invest in a graphic tablet.

  8. It’s impressive to see Wacom offering free premium access to Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Edition and Clip Studio Paint with the purchase of Wacom One. This adds great value to the product.

    • I agree, Kyle Cook. This kind of added benefit can make a significant difference for aspiring digital artists who are just starting out.

  9. The direct drawing feature of Wacom One seems like a great advantage, especially for beginners. It eliminates the need for additional hand-eye coordination, making it easier to transition to digital art.

    • Absolutely, Isabelle Cook. The lack of a steep learning curve with Wacom One can be a huge relief for new artists entering the digital realm.

    • Not to mention the cost-effectiveness of Wacom One when compared to similar products. It’s a great entry point for those wanting to explore digital art.

  10. The comparison table provides an in-depth look at the differences between Wacom One and Wacom Intuos, making it easier for consumers to make an informed choice based on their specific needs and preferences.

    • Absolutely, Davis Karen. Having access to comprehensive information about these products is essential for consumers to make well-informed decisions that align with their artistic requirements.


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