Industrial/Scaffold vs Traditional Earlobe Piercing: Difference and Comparison

Ear piercings are one of the many fashion popular trends that will never fade. When it comes to putting together a beautiful and one-of-a-kind look, a little ear jewelry never hurts.

However, with so many ear piercings available, things may become a bit perplexing. Two of the many piercings are industrial or scaffold piercing and traditional ear lobe piercing. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Industrial scaffold piercing involves connecting two piercings with a single barbell, on the upper ear cartilage, while traditional earlobe piercing is a single piercing on the soft earlobe.
  2. Industrial scaffold piercing takes longer to heal and requires more aftercare than traditional earlobe piercing.
  3. Earlobe piercings are more common and widely accepted in various cultures, while industrial scaffold piercings are considered more alternative.

Industrial/Scaffold Piercing vs Traditional Earlobe Piercing 

An industrial or scaffold piercing is a type of cartilage piercing that involves two holes connected by a single barbell. The barbell is placed in a horizontal position across the upper ear. A traditional earlobe piercing is a simple and common type of piercing that involves piercing the earlobe with a sterilized needle. The earlobe is made of soft tissue. 

IndustrialScaffold Piercing vs Traditional Earlobe Piercing

Industrial Piercing also termed as bar or scaffolding piercings are positioned on the ear, and go right through the cartilage at two different locations.

With so few limitations, the potential for personalization is limitless. While industrial piercings conventionally had a punk, grungy style, the customizing factor means that it may take on any mood you like.

Traditional ear lobe piercing as the phrase implies is a piercing in the earlobe. It is one of the least bothersome piercings to get since it is in the fleshy, bottom region of the ear.

The most typical method to get it is to use a sterile hollow needle. Once cured, this piercing is quite adaptable; most individuals experiment with various designs because the options are infinite.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonIndustrial/Scaffold PiercingTraditional Earlobe Piercing 
Placement2 portions of your ear’s top cartilageCenter of the ear lobe
Number of holes2, sometimes even 31
Healing time2-3 months6-10 weeks
Level of painModerateMinimal
To be performed byShould always get done by a professionalNonprofessionals can perform this piercing
Suitable jewelryIndustrial barbellStuds and hoops
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What is Industrial/Scaffold Piercing?

Ever since Industrial piercings were originally mentioned in Body Play magazine in 1992, they have been a prominent body art option. In its most basic form, an industrial piercing consists of two holes joined by a single article of jewelry a barbell.

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There are numerous techniques, but normally a piercer would puncture one side with a single-use throwaway needle before inserting jewelry substantial enough to sustain both piercings.

A second needle would then be used to create another piercing, and the extra space on the jewelry would be moved into the second piercing that connected them.

A helix (or outer, upper ear) piercing is attached to the forward helix (or inner, upper ear) piercing by a bar in the conventional rendition of an industrial piercing.

After the needle is withdrawn from the piercing sites, you may experience some discomfort, but it will not be a harsh or scorching pain—this is an indication that your fresh piercing is already healing. 

If you want to swap out your industrial piercing, you must sit tight until it is completely healed, and maybe a little longer so to be sure – somewhere between 5 to 9 months. If you try to remove it beforehand, you jeopardize the piercing healing and have to be redone.

Extracting an industrial piercing is a simple enough procedure that you might perform at home. The wonderful thing about industrial piercing is that it really can consist of three piercings in one.

industrial piercing 1

What is Traditional Earlobe Piercing?

Traditional lobe piercings are without a doubt the most prevalent piercings between both women and men. Lobe piercing seems to be a globally approved body alteration.

 A traditional ear lobe piercing is inserted in the center of the lobe. Because the tissue is delicate and heals rapidly this is a person’s initial ear-piercing placement.

Even though it is known to heal quickly. It is still highly advised that something must reside in the hole throughout all times for at least a year in order to preserve the hole patent.

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Indicating you can change your earrings after six weeks, but you shouldn’t keep them naked for too long.

This type of piercing is quite painless. In fact, several cultures let toddlers as young as 18 months have their lobes pierced. As the needle passes through, you might feel a tiny pressure, but any discomfort you experience should be no more than a pinch.

The intensity of pain will be determined by the piercer’s skill. Although lobe piercings are commonly done with a piercing gun, you can also choose a piercer that utilizes needles.

Although piercing guns might cause damage and transmit the infection even in lobe piercings.

The traditional ear lobe piercing is indeed uncomplicated to heal, but you must have the self-control to conduct aftercare procedures all throughout the healing phase.

Some aftercare strategies include doing saline washes during the healing phase, avoiding placing too much pressure on the new piercing, and avoiding rotating or repositioning the jewelry at all.

traditional earlobe piercing

Main Differences Between Industrial/Scaffold Piercing and Traditional Earlobe Piercing 

  1. Industrial or scaffold piercings are positioned in two portions of your ear’s top cartilage, whereas traditional ear lobe piercings are situated in the center of the ear lobe.
  2. Industrial or scaffold piercings are two piercings, but can be as many as three, unlike traditional ear lobe piercings are simply one piercing on your ear.
  3. Industrial or scaffold piercing can take 2-3 months to recover, whereas traditional ear lobe piercing might take just 6-10 weeks.
  4. Industrial or scaffold piercing is more painful, whereas in traditional ear lobe piercing, pain is minimal.
  5. Industrial or scaffold piercing should always be performed by a certified expert, whereas traditional ear lobe piercing can be performed by a non-professional.
  6. One of the most frequent types of jewelry used for industrial piercing is the industrial barbell, whereas hoops and studs are much more common in traditional ear lobe piercings.
Difference Between IndustrialScaffold Piercing and Traditional Earlobe Piercing
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.