IntelliJ vs Pycharm: Difference and Comparison

Commercial organizations are small or large; everyone needs their work done smoothly and quickly. Time has become so much valuable for businesses these days.

Team members of your organization and the workforce will try to achieve their daily targets, but sometimes the work is not up to the mark.

So, for this reason, many businessmen and organizations have decided to take the help of software that would make their work much easier with perfection. Software these days help business organizations keep up with the heavy workload and demand.

Much such software is available in the market, and the two most famous are IntelliJ and Pycharm. This software will help you increase your workforce’s productivity or the team you are working with.

Both these software might provide a similar service, but they differ.

Key Takeaways

  1. IntelliJ is a Java-based integrated development environment (IDE) used for programming in multiple languages, while PyCharm is specifically designed for Python programming.
  2. IntelliJ supports various programming languages, whereas PyCharm has built-in tools and features specific to Python development.
  3. PyCharm is more suitable for beginners or those primarily working with Python, while IntelliJ is useful for developers with multiple programming languages.

IntelliJ vs Pycharm

PyCharm Professional Edition is a full-featured IDE supplied under a commercial license that strives to provide a holistic Python programming experience in the industry. In contrast, IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition is an open-source solution that supports other programming languages, like Java, Kotlin, Scala, etc.

IntelliJ vs Pycharm

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonIntelliJ IdeaPycharm
Software rating4.5/5 stars4.5/5 stars
Unique CategoriesIt is categorized as Java Integrated Development Environments (IDE)Static Code Analysis, and Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Ease of Use8.6/108.8/10
Meets Requirements9.2/109.3/10
Quality of Support8.5/108.6/10
Ease of Conducting Business With8.7/108.9/10
Ease of Admin8.3/108.4/10
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What is IntelliJ?

IntelliJ Idea is an IDE that is written in Java for the development of computer software. IntelliJ was developed by JetBrains that was released back in the year 2001.

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IntelliJ aims to maximize the productivity of an organization.

IntelliJ helps users perform their daily routine and repetitive tasks by providing clever code completion. Several other features like static code analysis and refactorings let the users make their work product and give an awesome experience.

IntelliJ provides its users with a free basic plan called Community Edition. The Community Edition can be used for free, and this edition is licensed under Apache 2.0.

The Community Edition will offer you all the basic features in it. Another edition of IntelliJ Ultimate comes with a 30-day free trial.

IntelliJ supports multiple platforms for people to use easily. It offers consistent experience on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

IntelliJ has brought out several supported languages involving multiple languages, tools, and technologies. Languages supported are Java, Kotlin, Scala, and Groovy.

There are other languages through which one can develop applications.

IntelliJ has a brilliant user interface, and it can bring up useful tools to help its users maximize their productivity without interrupting the flow of the developer.

intellij ide

What is Pycharm?

Pycharm, on the other hand, is an IDE used in computer programming designed specifically for the Python language. Besides that, Pycharm provides its users with an analysis of code, a graphical debugger, integrated unit tester.

Pycharm is also licensed under Apache 2.0, which means it is free for its users and can use whenever and wherever you like. You can also have the ability to modify it.

Pycharm provides a various list of coding tools that will help you to take advantage of it.

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The development tool with Pycharm’s Python programming language greatly benefits a company’s workforce to code faster and more accurately. Several built-in tools and developments in Pycharm ensure you have everything you need to maximize your productivity.

Users have loved the services of Pycharm mainly because of their smart features, like scanning after exceptions. This feature allows the users to browse the code when it detects the problem.


Main Differences Between IntelliJ and Pycharm

  1. IntelliJ’s user interface is a bit confusing compared to Pycharm’s one. However, both this software is very useful in several things.
  2. As far as security goes then, both these software provide the same privacy and security policies. If a user finds a malfunction or notices a security-related issue, they can immediately report it.
  3. IntelliJ and Pycharm offer their users the best smart features; Pycharm offers smart scanning, whereas IntelliJ offers smart completion, enabling users to write more efficiently.
  4. Both Pycharm and IntelliJ provide the same features on the same platforms on Mac, Windows, and Linux.
  5. One of the major disadvantages of IntelliJ is that if a user has a weak system, it might not work efficiently. Pycharm’s major disadvantage is that sometimes there is a problem with their autosuggestions.  
Difference Between IntelliJ and Pycharm


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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.