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An android needs a software architecture pattern while being developed. MVC and MVP are widely used patterns that give developers a chance to module the project files and ensure that codes are covered.

This makes the developer’s job an easy one.

Key Takeaways

  1. MVC (Model-View-Controller) separates application data, user interface, and control logic into three distinct components, promoting modularity.
  2. MVP (Model-View-Presenter) also separates these concerns but adds a presenter component to manage communication between the view and model.
  3. MVC is more suited to larger applications with complex user interactions, while MVP works well for smaller projects with simple interfaces.


MVC is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The model represents the application’s data and business logic. MVP is another architectural pattern similar to MVC but with a few key differences. The MVP model still represents the application’s data and business logic.


MVC is a software structure that has Controllers as its entry point. The View layer is implemented as a single unit or class.

All 3 presented layers of it are closely associated; thus, making any changes can be complicated.

We can say that the MVC pattern inspired the MVP pattern. However, MVP is a UI presentation pattern. This does not depict the entire procedure, but it explains the structure of the View.

The View makes the UI elements, and all its elements stay together loosely.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMVCMVP
Meaning MVC stands for Model-View-Controller.MVP stands for Model-View-Presenter.
Entry pointThe entry point of this is Controller.The entry point of this is View.
View and Model relationshipThis application follows modular as well as single-responsibility principles.Here the View is aware of the Presenter.
Following modularThis application does not follow any modular or abide by the single responsibility principle.This application follows modular as well as single responsibility principles.
Modification Here making modifications is difficult.Here making changes and modifying data is not much complicated.

What is MVC?

The MVC pattern implies Model-View-Controller. The code is divided into these three sections. When developers create a file for an application, they need to choose one of the layers.

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The first layer, the Model, is responsible for storing the application’s data. It is not aware of the interface at all. The model has the job of communicating with the database and the network layers.

The View is the User Interface or UI layer of the application. It contains the components that are apparent on the screen. All the visualized data that is saved in the Model is provided by View.

Users can interact with this. The last layer, Controller, is developed to connect the Model and the View. It collects the user’s behaviour and, according to that, updates the Model.

A few negative points of MVC make the job hard at times. Here the View and the Model are tightly associated.

So the requirements of the View can have an impact on the Model and degrade the business logic. At the same time, this close association makes the View unit testing challenging.

What is MVP?

MVP pattern signifies Model-View-Presenter. It is a better version of MVC, and by using MVP, the developer can efficiently structure the undertaken project codes.

MVP’s characteristics make it very popular among developers. Its clean and maintainable code database and testability make it very useful.

It also has three components. The first is the Model layer, which is designed to store data. It maintains the domain logic rules and communicates with the database and network layers.

The next layer, View, is this application’s User Interface. This layer delivers all the visualization of the data along with keeping track of the actions by the user to inform the Presenter.

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The last layer is the Presenter, which brings data from the model, uses the UI logic, and then determines what should be displayed. Users can input in the View, and MVP organizes the state of the View accordingly.

However, MVP is not free from all issues. The controller of MVP gets removed.

As a result, to compensate for the lack of a controller, the Presenter must deal with the flow. So ultimately, the Presenter manages to update the Model and Present it.

Main Differences Between MVC and MVP

  1. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, whereas MVP stands for Model-View-Presenter.
  2. The entry point for MVC is Controller, but in the case of MVP, the entry point is View.
  3. In the MVC application, the View does not have any knowledge regarding the Controller, and on the contrary, in MVP, the View has good awareness of the Presenter.
  4. In MVC, the code layers are closely linked, but in MVP, the code layers reside loosely related.
  5. As MVC carries closely linked code layers, it is not easy to modify its data, but in the case of MVP, it is easy to make changes because the code layers are connected loosely.
  6. MVC does not abide by the single responsibility principle, but MVP does follow it.

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.