ISO 22000 vs HACCP: Difference and Comparison

If you have a company in the food industry, for example, Cadbury is a chocolate-making company, then you have to follow some hygiene-related laws laid by HACCP.

As a good company owner, you should be aware of all the bad things that can go wrong in the future.

So, as a response to all the mishappenings those mishappenings, you should prepare yourself and think of all those possible procedures to control the situation.

All these procedures have to be in the HACCP plan or the ISO 22000.

Key Takeaways

  1. ISO 22000 is an international standard for food safety management systems, while HACCP is a systematic approach to identifying and controlling hazards in the food production process.
  2. ISO 22000 covers all aspects of food safety, including raw materials, production, distribution, and consumption, while HACCP focuses specifically on hazard analysis and critical control points.
  3. ISO 22000 certification requires an organization to implement HACCP principles, but HACCP certification does not guarantee compliance with ISO 22000 standards.

ISO 22000 vs HACCP

ISO 22000 is a standard that lists out the requirements for a food safety management system. It is a system that helps food organizations to identify and control food safety hazards. HACCP, is a food safety system that is created to identify and prevent hazards in food production.

ISO 22000 vs HACCP

Companies that produce primary products and retailers along with suppliers in the packaging or food processing industries, among others, are covered by ISO 22000.

The standard is an internationally recognized standard that is used as the basis for a valid global ISO certificate on food safety, and it is relevant to the entire food processing unit or food chain.

The HACCP plan is a comprehensive note of potential risks that can occur in the future along with the risk management measures that should be taken in association with food and drink products handled by a company in the food industry.

For the past thirty years, the food-centered industry has used the guidelines given by HACCP to help control and prevent and reduce different risks which are associated with hazards that can lead to unhygienic or poisonous food.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonISO 22000HACCP
Full formInternational Organization for Standardization 22000Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
ApplicationThe organization in food units and food chains.Organization To prevent biochemical hazards in food items.
Risk ReportRequiredRequired
PolicyN/AFood safety policy
ScopeFood safety management systemHACCP management system
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What is ISO 22000?

The ISO 22000 food safety standard has been in existence since 2005 and is based on the HACCP guidelines implemented by the guidelines of ISO 9001.

It is an internationally recognized standard that serves as the basis for a globally recognized ISO food safety certificate and is intended for the entire supply chain of products in the food sector.

The standard applies to primary production companies, retailers, and companies providing products and services to the packaging and detergent industries, among others.

Companies that produce primary products and retailers along with suppliers in the packaging or food processing industries, among others, are covered by the guidelines of ISO 22000.

ISO 22000 is an internationally recognized standard that is used as the basis for a valid global ISO certificate on food safety, and it is relevant to the entire food processing unit or food chain.

A tumultuous world of food safety existed around 20 years ago when numerous standards were developed in multiple companies or organizations around the world.

Different types of companies developed different types of codes when auditing their suppliers, and since all of them used different auditing criteria, it was very difficult for suppliers to meet global requirements.

Because of the confusion, the International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) decided to create an auditable standard for Food Safety Management Systems and came up with ISO 22000.

In addition to setting defined requirements for all businesses involved in the food supply chain, it was quickly adopted by organizations around the world.

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What is HACCP?

HACCP refers to a management system that analyzes and controls all the biochemical, and physical risks that can happen throughout the food production plant and supply chain along with the manufacturing and distribution affairs.

The HACCP plan is a comprehensive note of potential risks that can occur in the future along with the risk management measures that should be taken in association with food and drink products handled by a company in the food industry.

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, or HACCP for short, is a food safety management system created by the scientists working in NASA in the 1960s to produce food with zero problems for astronauts.

For the past thirty years, the food-centered industry has used the guidelines given by HACCP to help control and prevent and reduce different risks which are associated with hazards that can lead to unhygienic or poisonous food.

Even though HACCP is used in various industries, the system is always relevant to every business in the food chain, from a small roadside cafe to a large food manufacturing plant.

It has become a key legislative requirement for food industries on multiple continents and is now accepted and used worldwide. The HACCP plan must contain all possible risks and their associated risk management measures.

Main Differences Between ISO 22000 and HACCP

  • ISO 22000 looks at the business structure of the company whereas HACCP looks mainly at the food safety protocols.
  • ISO 22000 analyses all the possible risks whereas HACCP analyses what protocol should one take.
  • ISO 22000 is focused on the quality of food processing whereas HACCP focusses mainly on the quality of food that is being produced
  • ISO 22000 is all about food standardization whereas HACCP is all about the food making processes
  • ISO 22000 is more about the business perspective whereas HACCP is about food safety.
Difference Between ISO 22000 and HACCP
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Chara Yadav
Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.

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