Love vs Lust: Difference and Comparison

The intense feeling in a relationship may hide the real emotion or feeling and make it look like you’re in love or lust. Spotting the difference between love and lust is very hard.

Even though the difference between them is not easily distinguishable, some of these signs may help you recognize love or lust. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Love is an intense feeling of affection and connection with another person, characterized by care, concern, and mutual respect.
  2. Lust is a strong desire for sexual gratification, based solely on physical attraction.
  3. While love involves emotional connection and mutual respect, lust primarily focuses on physical desire.

Love vs Lust

Love is an intense feeling of affection and attachment towards another person, characterised by warmth, caring, and devotion. It involves a deep emotional connection. Lust is an intense feeling of sexual desire towards another person, which is characterized by a physical attraction and a desire for sexual pleasure.

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Love is a complex emotion and cannot be defined accurately. It’s an emotional connection or intimacy or closeness with a person being fully vulnerable accompanied by passion, respect, and consideration.

Lust is only motivated by sexual intimacy or some sort of attraction. The relationship may seem passionate, but there’s no emotional connection or closeness.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison LoveLust
Intimacy In love, Emotional, as well as physical intimacy, plays a role.While in lust, only physical intimacy plays a role. 
CommunicationThere’s a deep level of communication. There’s no importance of communication. 
Trust In love, trust develops in a relationship. In lust, trust is not an important factor in the relationship. 
Acceptance There’s always acceptance in every scenario.While in lust, some things are not acceptable. 
VulnerabilityIn love, they became more vulnerable due to trust between them. In lust, there’s no trust. So, there’s no vulnerability between them. 
Long-term relationshipIn love, A person is willing to work out things between them and thinks about long-term. While in lust, living in the moment is preferred. 
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What is Love?

Love is such as distinct emotion that cannot be defined properly. However, it’s described as emotional intimacy along with closeness and mental intimacy.

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It’s easier to communicate on serious issues and concerns even though respecting each other’s passions, goals, priorities, and not being obsessive all fall under understanding each other and focusing on the future by keeping each other in mind. 

It doesn’t appear that being in love entails an intense, passionate, and personal relationship, as depicted in movies. In reality, it doesn’t work like that.

While people express love differently, that’s why the definition of love varies a lot. But surely, experience and closure will ultimately lead to clear signs.


What is Lust?

Lust is also a distinct emotion, not very different from love. That’s why it’s not easily distinguishable. Generally, it’s motivated by physical or sexual intimacy.

Either, it also could be the idea of being with the desired person and doing some certain. Lust may be related to the concept of idealizing being in a relationship and performing specific behaviours to be flawless to some level.

Other emotions and feelings for craving are always absent, as only one’s needs are given priority. Outside of a physical relationship, it doesn’t matter to them. 

Lust is mostly all about the moment and physical relation. Not thinking about a long-term relationship, not engaging in deep communication, and meeting each other family or friends. 

Love and lust are not exclusive. A person can feel lust with being in love or lust without being in love. If one is not sharing anything beyond sexual intimacy, then it’s probably lust. 


Main Differences Between Love and Lust

Love and lust are two distinct emotions, yet they’re not easily understandable. The significant difference between love and lust is emotional intimacy.

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Love and desire, on the other hand, are not mutually exclusive. Love may exist alongside or without lust, as lust can exist alongside or without love.

  1. In lust, a person ignores things that don’t like them as they don’t want to risk it, while in love, there’s a sense of trust. So most likely, it’ll be called out by the significant other. 
  2. In love, the involvement of partners in important events is important for them, while in lust, there’s no involvement in each other’s personal lives. 
Difference Between Love and Lust



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Piyush Yadav
Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. The article’s exploration of love and lust offers a detailed comparison, highlighting the role of trust and vulnerability in love. It’s an intellectually stimulating read.

    • I found the comparison between love and lust in terms of long-term commitment and mutual respect quite enlightening. The article presents the differences very clearly.

  2. The article provides a clear distinction between love and lust, emphasizing emotional connection and mutual respect in love. It’s an insightful read.

    • I appreciate the comparative analysis of love and lust, particularly the contrast in communication and long-term consideration. This article offers valuable insights.

  3. It can be quite challenging at times to distinguish between love and lust but this article really lays it out. Love involves emotional connection and mutual respect, while lust primarily focuses on physical desire.

    • The comparison table is very helpful in identifying key differences between love and lust. It’s fascinating to see how trust and long-term commitment play essential roles in love.

    • I agree, it’s interesting how emotional intimacy is emphasized in defining love. This article provides a comprehensive comparison between love and lust.

  4. The article provides a comprehensive comparison between love and lust, emphasizing the importance of emotional intimacy and trust in love. It’s an enriching read.

    • I found the article’s comparison between love and lust quite enlightening, especially the focus on communication and vulnerability in love. It’s an intellectually stimulating read.

    • The detailed table comparing love and lust is particularly insightful, offering a clear differentiation between the two emotions. This article is intellectually stimulating.

  5. The article captures the complexity of love and lust, emphasizing the role of emotional connection and trust in love. It’s thought-provoking.

    • Agreed, this article offers a comprehensive understanding of the differences between love and lust, highlighting important aspects such as long-term commitment and vulnerability.

    • The comparison between love and lust in terms of trust and acceptance is particularly illuminating. This article provides a well-rounded perspective.

  6. The ability to communicate deeply and develop trust is definitely the mark of love. It’s interesting to see the contrast between love and lust in this article.

    • Indeed, the article makes a clear distinction between love and lust, showing the importance of emotional intimacy in love.

  7. The detailed comparison between love and lust sheds light on the significance of emotional intimacy and trust in love. It’s intriguing to see the distinctions outlined in this article.

    • The article’s exploration of love as emotional intimacy and mental connection resonates deeply. The comparison with lust is quite thought-provoking.

  8. The comprehensive explanations of love and lust in this article provide valuable insights into the emotional and physical dimensions of relationships. It’s a compelling analysis.

    • I agree, the article effectively distinguishes between love and lust, highlighting essential differences such as communication and trust. It’s intellectually stimulating.

  9. Love involves a deep emotional connection and respect, while lust is driven by sexual desire. This comparison is quite enlightening.

    • I find the emphasis on acceptance and vulnerability in love compared to the lack of these in lust very insightful. The article provides an in-depth analysis.

  10. The article’s comparison between love and lust offers an in-depth exploration of the emotional and physical dimensions of relationships. It’s an enlightening read.

    • I appreciate the thorough analysis of love and lust, with a focus on elements such as trust and long-term commitment. This article provides valuable insights.

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