MBTI vs DISC: Difference and Comparison

MBTI and DISC are both self-assessment tools. In any part of life, one must figure out their choices or preferences. To make this task easy, MBTI and DISC exist. Both are very popular assessment tools.

Key Takeaways

  1. MBTI focuses on an individual’s cognitive preferences, while DISC examines behavior and communication styles.
  2. MBTI classifies people into 16 distinct personality types, while DISC categorizes people into four primary behavior styles.
  3. MBTI is more concerned with understanding a person’s thought processes, while DISC aims to improve communication and teamwork.


Myers Brigg Type Indicator is a psychological assessment used to identify an individual’s personality type and preferences. The tool has 100 personal questions that help understand a person’s assertiveness, sociability and ability to analyse situations. Dominance, Inducement, steadiness and Compliance (DISC) is an assessment used to evaluate employee’s behaviour in a workplace. It is a valid test with 24 questions to understand an employee’s observable behaviour.


MBTI stands for Myers Briggs Type Indicator, also known as Myers Briggs. It is a series of questions asked like a test to figure out the personality of a human being.

It is a type of self-assessment for understanding a person or for understanding ones oneself. It helps to understand the psychological preferences of the person.

DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.

DISC is a behavioural assessment tool which employers use to distinguish the behavioural type of any employee to understand the employee and his or her capability of handling situations better.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonMBTIDISC
FunctionMBTI is used for figuring out the personality of an individual.DISC is used for figuring out the Behavioral trait.
Number of questionsMBTI consists of 100 questions.DISC consists of 24 questions.
PurposeMBTI is a self-assessment test used for figuring out one’s psychological preferences.DISC is an assessment used for the evaluation of behaviour, especially in workplaces.
ValidationMBTI is not scientifically valid.
DISC is more scientifically valid.
CharacteristicsMBTI stands for Extroverted vs Introverted, Sensing vs Intuition, Thinking vs Feeling and Judging vs Perceiving.
DISC stands for Dominance, Inducement, Steadiness, and Compliance.

What is MBTI?

MBTI stands for Myers Briggs Type Indicator. It is a self-assessment tool consisting of more than 100 questions. There are a lot of personal questions too in the test that helps the person understand himself or herself better.

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The MBTI tool has been divided into 4 sections. Extroverted (E) vs Introverted (I), Sensing (S) vs Intuition (N), Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F), Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P).

A person’s ability of sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness, excitability, and focus on oneself or the outside world can be classified as Extroverted or Introverted.

Sensing vs Intuition characterizes a person’s ability in a situation if that person is mindfully and logically looking at the forthcoming situation or believing only in the possibilities.

Thinking vs Feeling is the choice when a person tries to come to conclusions rationally and observantly or with feelings which is a choice of emotion.

Lastly, Judging vs Perceiving depicts a person’s personality of analyzing the situation and forming an opinion very quickly, whereas perceiving means being more open to analyzing a situation.

Each of them is a personality trait. Usually, the MBTI results are based on producing a 4 letter term with the initials of the personality traits.

So, there can be 16 types of MBTI results depending upon the person’s personality. MBTI can also be said for the way one looks at the world.

What is DISC?

DISC stands for Dominance (D), Inducement (I), Steadiness (S), and Compliance. It is a tool to analyze the behaviour of a person. DISC helps in workplaces to interpret an employee’s situation-induced behaviours.

For this reason, DISC is known as the universal language of observable human behaviour. The 4 behavioural characteristics of DISC are: Dominance depicts how a person responds to problems and takes charge of it or not.

The influence portrays how much influence a person has on others. Compliance depicts how someone responds to standard rules and regulations.

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 In DISC, every character trait is marked out of 100, and the mark depicts the character prominently on the person.

All 24 questions are categorized into certain sections like- Logical, Obedience which tells how a person follows up what they are told to do dutiful, Unconquerable, determined or Playful, frisky, and full of fun.

DISC test has a series of 24 questions, and by answering them and the marks obtained will give out the behavioural trait of an individual.

In all, the results have had 20,000 different types of results, so DISC is much more efficient as a test. Although there are many types of results, only 384 are majorly found.

Main Differences Between MBTI and DISC 

  1. MBTI is used for figuring out an individual’s personality, whereas DISC is used for figuring out the Behavioral trait.
  2. There are more than 100 questions asked in an MBTI assessment tool. DISC consists of 24 questions.
  3. MBTI is a self-assessment test used for figuring out one’s psychological preferences. DISC is an assessment used to evaluate behaviour, especially in workplaces. 
  4. MBTI is not scientifically valid, but DISC is more scientifically valid.
  5. MBTI stands for Extroverted vs Introverted, Sensing vs Intuition, Thinking vs Feeling and Judging vs Perceiving. DISC stands for Dominance, Inducement, Steadiness, and Compliance.
  1. https://www.proquest.com/openview/6ba751159b66c0b695ca6f8838027370/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=51922&diss=y
  2. https://journals.healio.com/doi/abs/10.3928/00220124-20190717-04

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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11 thoughts on “MBTI vs DISC: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comparison table is informative, clearly outlining the differences between MBTI and DISC. Thank you for sharing this in such a comprehensive manner.

  2. The detailed descriptions of MBTI and DISC are enlightening, but the claim that MBTI is not scientifically valid should be further examined.

  3. MBTI is a valuable self-assessment tool, although it’s important to recognize its limitations. DISC’s scientific validity makes it stand out as a more reliable method for evaluating behavior.

  4. I appreciate the effort to outline the differences between MBTI and DISC, but there’s still room for continuing research in this field.

  5. MBTI and DISC are important tools that help us to identify individual personality traits and improve communication and teamwork. It’s essential for professional development.

  6. The use of real-world examples would have been a great addition to this article, providing more context for the application of MBTI and DISC.

  7. I believe different tools for understanding ourselves better are an excellent idea. Both MBTI and DISC have their own strengths.


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