Bulging Disc vs Herniated Disc: Difference and Comparison

The spine is a vital part of the human body. Just like the other organs, it has a specific function of its own. It is made up of bones called vertebrae.

Also, rubbery discs are stacked upon one another in the spine, which forms the spinal cord.

The spinal cord runs down the spinal canal. The rubbery discs are divided into two types. One is the Bulging disc, and other is the Herniated disc.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bulging discs occur when the disc protrudes beyond its normal boundaries and can cause pain and discomfort. In contrast, herniated discs occur when the disc ruptures and the inner material leaks out, potentially causing nerve damage.
  2. Bulging discs improve with rest and physical therapy, while herniated discs may require surgery or other medical intervention.
  3. Bulging discs are more common than herniated discs and are caused by age-related degeneration, while herniated discs can be caused by injury or trauma.

Bulging Disc vs Herniated Disc

In a bulging disk, the disk sags and looks like it is bulging outwards, while in a herniated disk, the outer covering of the disc has a hole or tear. Compared to a bulging disk, a herniated disk is more likely to cause pain because it goes farther and is more likely to irritate nerve roots.

Bulging Disc vs Herniated Disc

A bulging disc, as the name suggests, appears like something bulging out. It is caused due to ageing issues. The symptoms of a bulging disc include pain in the legs or back.

This can also lead to other disc degeneration problems if not treated early. However, this is comparatively less painful and does not affect the entire circumference.

On the other hand, a herniated disc is otherwise known as a ruptured or slipped disc. It is because it results in a crack, which can travel into the nerve roots as well.

It is quite painful as it can go farther and result in cracks. Basically, a little part of soft inner cartilage shows through the crack, which gets caused by the tough outer layer.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBulging DiscHerniated Disc
Meaning When the disc bulges out of the spinal column, it is called a bulging disc. When the disc gets ruptured or slipped, it is called a herniated disc.
Area of EffectIt affects only the outer layer of the cartilage. It affects the outer as well as the inner layer of cartilage.
CauseIt is caused by wear and tear due to ageing. It is caused by cracks formed due to any injury or ageing.
PainIt is less painful in comparison. It is more painful as it can get into nerve roots.
Treatment Long term and short term treatments are available. Treatment should be done at an earlier stage.

What is Bulging Disc?

The spinal canal of the human body is stacked with vertebrae and rubbery discs. The condition when these discs are compressed results in a Bulging Disc. It is a degeneration related to ageing which continues to show symptoms gradually.

A bulging disc refers to a condition where a part of the disc in the spine bulges out. This situation occurs due to heavy compression of the disc between the bones because of ageing.

As these bones act as the modes of shock absorption, the damage in them affects the spinal cord too. A bulging disc occurs at the bottom part of the lumbar spine.

When the gel present in the outer layer of a disc starts to decrease and compress out with age, it is pushed out of the disc, which appears as a bulging substance.

It causes pain in a specific area as well as the spinal cord connected to the nerves. The type of treatment depends on the extent of severity and its location.

The symptoms of a bulging disc include back pain, walking issues, numbness in the legs, mobility of legs, knees and ankles reduced etc. However, in certain cases, there might be absolutely no symptoms visible at the initial stages.

What is Herniated Disc?

The spinal canal consists of the spinal cord, which is made of several bones. Because these bones do not rub against each other, there is a gel-like substance in between the bones.

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This gel-like or rubbery substance is known as a disc. When the disc is pushed out due to any crack, a Herniated disc occurs.

A herniated disc is a condition where a part of the spine shows out from the outer layer of the spinal cord. This condition is also known as a slipped or ruptured disc.

It occurs when a crack arises in the outer cartilage due to some reason, which pushes out the soft inner substance through it. This can take place anywhere in the spine, irrespective of its severity.

With age, the flexibility of discs decreases, and as a result, they become more prone to wear and tear. Therefore, even when a small crack or tear arises in the disc, the gel comes out of it.

Various types of treatments are there, which depend upon the type and extent of damage caused.

The symptoms of this condition include severe pain in the arms and legs, numbness, weakness etc. Just like bulging discs, some cases of herniated discs do not show any symptoms initially.

An increase in body weight, genetics and smoking are some of the factors that can worsen the condition of a herniated disc.

herniated disc

Main Differences Between Bulging Disc and Herniated Disc

  1. In a bulging disc, the substance bulges out of the outer layer, while in a herniated disc, the disc has a crack.
  2. The bulging disc only affects the outer layer of cartilage, whereas herniation affects both the inner and outer layers.
  3. Bulging is caused by wear and tear, and herniated disc is caused by crack.
  4. A herniated disc can be more painful in comparison.
  5. Treatments for bulging discs are more easily effective.
Difference Between Bulging Disc and Herniated Disc
  1. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00296-005-0035-x
  2. https://europepmc.org/article/med/7584576

Last Updated : 17 August, 2023

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20 thoughts on “Bulging Disc vs Herniated Disc: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article gives an excellent explanation about the different types of disc herniations and the consequences of each one. Very informative.

  2. The article effectively distinguishes between bulging and herniated discs and provides valuable insights into their causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

  3. The article provides a thorough explanation of both bulging and herniated discs, including their causes and the available treatment methods. Valuable content.

    • The detailed description of bulging and herniated discs is very informative, especially the comparison table provides a clear understanding of their differences.

    • The article presents an extensive overview of bulging and herniated discs, and the information about their distinctions is particularly enlightening.

  4. The article offers a comprehensive understanding of the differences between bulging and herniated discs, shedding light on their causes, symptoms, and potential treatments.

    • The article provides in-depth insights into bulging and herniated discs, effectively covering their nature and the treatment measures suitable for each condition.

    • I found the article to be highly enlightening, especially the details about bulging and herniated discs and the comparison table. Very informative content.

  5. The article delivers precise and comprehensive information about bulging and herniated discs, allowing readers to gain a thorough understanding of these spinal conditions.

  6. The article effectively communicates the differences between bulging and herniated discs, offering extensive insights into their causes, symptoms, and treatment measures.

    • I appreciate the detailed coverage of bulging and herniated discs, and the treatment options available for both conditions. Very informative.

  7. This article delivers an in-depth explanation of both bulging and herniated discs, shedding light on their causes and treatment options. Highly informative.

    • The detailed information about the causes and symptoms of bulging and herniated discs is highly beneficial. It’s presented in a clear and understandable manner.

  8. This is a well-detailed explanation of the spine and the complications that can arise from different types of disc herniation and degeneration. Great read.

    • I appreciate the thorough explanation of both bulging and herniated discs, it helps to understand the conditions better.

    • I agree, this article is very informative and helpful, it clearly explains the differences between bulging discs and herniated discs.

  9. The article is very enlightening and provides valuable insights into the nature of bulging and herniated discs. The comparison table is particularly helpful in understanding their differences.

  10. The article provides a comprehensive comparison of bulging and herniated discs, making it easier to understand their differences and potential impacts on the spinal cord.

    • Agreed, the article’s comparison table makes it simpler to comprehend the characteristics and effects of each type of disc condition.

    • I found the comparison table very helpful in clarifying the disparities between bulging discs and herniated discs, it’s a useful reference.


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