Microsoft Market Cap vs Apple Market Cap: Difference and Comparison

Microsoft is a company that produces a variety of products and services, including Windows operating systems, software, computer hardware, and Xbox consoles, that has consistently understated its market cap.

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services with a strong market cap.

Key Takeaways

  1. Microsoft’s market cap focuses on its diverse product portfolio, including software, cloud services, and gaming.
  2. Apple’s market cap primarily relies on its hardware products, such as iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers.
  3. Both companies compete for market dominance, fluctuating market cap values depending on product releases and market trends.

Microsoft Market Cap vs Apple Market Cap

The difference between Microsoft Market Cap and Apple Market Cap is that Microsoft has consistently understated its market cap and is a little less, whereas Apple Market Cap is one of the largest companies in terms of market capitalization and revenue with a high market cap.

Microsoft Market Cap vs Apple Market Cap

Microsoft is a corporation that happens to be one of the most significant companies in a business as it has been involved in a lot of the major technology innovations and is considered as one of the most valuable companies in the world with revenue of nearly a trillion.

Apple is the parent company of Apple Inc., which has over 1,000 subsidiaries and subsidiaries of subsidiaries and thus is also one of the most valuable companies by gross profits. Moreover, Apple’s IPO has a strong base due to online services, including the iTunes Store, the iOS App Store, the App Store, Apple Music, Apple Pay, and iCloud.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMicrosoft Market CapApple Market Cap
DefinitionMarket Cap is simply the total value of Microsoft’s shares available multiplied by its price per share.The Apple Market Cap is calculated by looking at what all of their shares would be worth if they were traded on the open market.
OriginIt is an American multinational tech company that deals with everything from computer software to video games to electronics.It is an American multinational technology company that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics.
ServicesOffers services including Windows operating systems, software, computer hardware, and Xbox consoles.Offers software, online apps, Apple Music subscriptions, iCloud storage, and a host of other products.
RankRanks at a slightly low level.Ranks at the top level with an extremely high Market Cap.
Market CapIt has a slightly low market cap.It has an exceptionally high Market Cap.
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What is Microsoft Market Cap?

Market Cap is simply the total value of Microsoft’s shares available multiplied by its price per share, and there are several ways to determine how much Microsoft currently pays in taxes each year.

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Moreover, it’s the world’s largest PC vendor and produces many innovative technologies as well as one of the best-selling consumer goods in the world.

Microsoft paid about $9.9 billion in taxes in 2014 and $4.9 billion in 2012. In other words, Microsoft’s taxable income for 2014 was $7.9 billion and $3,742 million in 2012.

This is Microsoft’s total cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments minus their long-term investments. In 2011, Microsoft had a net cash position of $16.7 billion.

In 2014, their net value was $81 billion. But in 2016, their net value dropped down to $70 billion due to cash outflow from operations, and in 2021, they have more than a $1 trillion market cap.

Microsoft is one of the most powerful companies in terms of technology, offering software on every device, platform, and even in the cloud.

They have made many of their most successful products while simultaneously creating smaller startups that are completely independent of the main corporation.

They organize their companies into three main subsidiaries.

What is Apple Market Cap?

The Apple market capitalization, or corporate value, is calculated by looking at what all of their shares would be worth if they were traded on the open market.

This is the only way to value the company in an absolute sense. Apple is worth more than a trillion, and the company’s market cap has been steadily rising over the past few years.

As it turns out, the company has a market cap north of $900 billion. That is enough financial clout to put Apple ahead of many traditional and emerging investment opportunities.

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Apple is a multinational tech company that designs and sells consumer electronics as well as digital, communication, and software products.

Company stocks are listed on the NASDAQ Exchange under the ticker symbol AAPL. Apple’s market capitalization is the most valuable part of its equity. It is one of the largest companies in market capitalization and revenue, and thus also one of the most valuable companies by gross profits.

Apple’s market capitalization comes from the value of its outstanding shares or equity, less the amount paid to acquire them.

In short, it measures the company’s total worth at any given time based on supply and demand. Apple offers software, online apps, Apple Music subscriptions, iCloud storage, and a host of other products.

Main Differences Between Microsoft Market Cap and Apple Market Cap

  1. Market Cap is simply the total value of Microsoft’s shares available multiplied by its price per share, whereas Apple Market Cap is calculated by looking at what all of their shares would be worth if they were traded on the open market.
  2. Microsoft is an American multinational technology company that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, whereas Apple is an American multinational technology company that deals with everything from computer software to video games to electronics whereas,
  3. Microsoft Market Cap put forward services, including Windows operating systems, software, computer hardware, and Xbox consoles, whereas Apple Market Cap put forward software, online apps, Apple Music subscriptions, iCloud storage, and a host of other products.
  4. Microsoft’s Market Cap position is at a slightly low level, whereas Apple’s Market Cap position is at the top level with an extremely high Market Cap.
  5. Microsoft Market Cap has a slightly low market cap, whereas Apple Market Cap has an exceptionally high Market Cap.

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.