Blackberry vs Boysenberry: Difference and Comparison

Blackberry is a pine-shaped black-colored edible fruit popularly known for its benefits for health as it provides enough amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese, and fibre.

Boysenberry is a round-shaped edible fruit. It has a purple tinge. Boysenberries are close to blackberries because they belong to the same family.

Boysenberries contain similar nutritional values as blackberries, such as Vitamin K, fibre, manganese, and iron.

Key Takeaways

  1. Blackberries are a naturally occurring fruit, whereas boysenberries are a hybrid of blackberries, raspberries, and loganberries.
  2. Boysenberries have a larger size, softer texture, and sweeter taste than blackberries.
  3. Blackberries have a longer shelf life, while boysenberries perish more quickly and require immediate consumption or preservation.

Blackberry vs Boysenberry

The difference between blackberry and Boysenberry is that they both differ in shape, color, and size. Blackberry is a small pine-shaped fruit coming from the Rosaceae family. Boysenberry is a large round-shaped fruit coming from the same family of blackberries. Blackberry is a black-colored fruit. On the other hand, Boysenberry is a little on the purple side.

Blackberry vs Boysenberry

Blackberry is a part of the Rosaceae family and is a sweet-flavoured fruit popularly used for Jams and similar concoctions.

Containing Vitamins C, K, A great amount of fibre, and manganese and provides great value in strengthening our brains. They are fully packed with antioxidants.

Boysenberries are also a part of the Rosaceae family and a little purplish-coloured fruit. They are bramble in taste but are used to make jams and other sweet concoctions.

The nutritional value of Boysenberry looks similar to that of blackberry as it contains Vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals, iron, calcium, and dietary fibre.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBlackberryBoysenberry
ShapeBlackberries are pine-shaped. Boysenberries are round-shaped.
SizeBlackberries are small in size. Boysenberries are large in size.
ColourBlackberries are black in color as their name defines. Boysenberries are a little purplish in color.
Nutritional valueBlackberries contain vitamin c, k, manganese, and fiber. Boysenberries contain vitamin c, k, iron, calcium, manganese, and dietary fiber.
UsageUsed in jams, medicine, and smoothies, etc. Used in jams, pies, tarts, etc.

What is Blackberry?

Blackberry is a pine-shaped little fruitfully packed with antioxidants, Vitamins c, k, and other enriching nutrition.

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From its fruit to leaf and roots, everything carries tremendous benefits for health and skin with its great luscious taste.

Blackberries are a treat for those sweet tooth people who don’t want to gain even after munching over tasty treats.

One cup of blackberries contains as low as 62 calories, one gram of fat, and 14 carbs.

Blackberries contain a whole lot of benefits for our bodies. The high fibre content of blackberries, 8 grams of fibre per cup, makes it a great source for providing fibre to the body.

Fibre deficiency can lead to heart disease and other issues like constipation and high cholesterol.

Vitamin K blackberries provide 29 micrograms of vitamin K to our bodies, approximately one-third of the daily requirement.

Vitamin K helps our blood clot and restricts heavy bleeding during any injury or menstrual period and bone thinning.

Vitamin C and manganese provide collagen that keeps the bone, skin, and hair health-appropriate. One cup of blackberries provides 0.9 milligrams of manganese and 30.2 milligrams of vitamin C.

Blackberries reduce free radicals in the body and maintain blood sugar levels and strengthen brain health.


What is Boysenberry?

Boysenberry is a long round-shaped fruit. In the early 1900s, Charles Rudolph Boysen bred a crossbreed with different kinds of berries, such as blackberry and raspberry.

That came out as Boysenberry, a hybrid fruit with the qualities of both blackberry and raspberry. Newzealand is the largest producer of boysenberries.

Boysenberries taste delicious in jams, pies, tarts, and smoothies. You also top these little berries on your desserts for a nicer look and taste.

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Even though it doesn’t taste good in its raw form, it comes out as bliss for satisfying your sweet tooth.

Boysenberries are rich in Vitamins c, k, iron, calcium, manganese, dietary fibre, minerals, and potassium. Like blackberries, they also provide a good Nutritional value accompanied by their taste.

It is a summer berry that suitably grows in cooler climates and hotter regions, marketed in the month of May and June.

Boysenberry’s nutritional values help in promoting cell renewal with high antioxidants and prevent cell damage. Its high fibre content helps in better digestion and bowel movements.

With its vitamin content, it keeps the immune system healthy. One cup of boysenberries contains almost 66 calories, 0.3 grams of fat, and 16.1 grams of carbs.


Main Differences Between Blackberry and Boysenberry

  1. Blackberries are small pine-shaped berries, and Boysenberries are long round-shaped berries.
  2. Blackberries are black. On the other hand, Boysenberries are of a little purplish color.
  3. Blackberry grows in late spring to early fall, while Boysenberries grow in the spring and summer season.
  4. Blackberry holds a high nutritional value and is even used in Medicines. On the other side, Boysenberries are consumed through different varieties of dishes.
  5. Mexico is the largest producer of blackberries worldwide, and New Zealand produces Boysenberries worldwide.
Difference Between Blackberry and Boysenberry

Last Updated : 17 August, 2023

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7 thoughts on “Blackberry vs Boysenberry: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I disagree, I think blackberries are superior. They have a longer shelf life and many more uses than boysenberries.

    • I have to agree with you. Blackberries are really versatile and can be used in various ways, making them more practical than boysenberries.

  2. These berries are truly fascinating. I had no idea about the intricate details of each fruit and I find it quite intriguing.

  3. I’ve never been a big fan of fruits, but after reading this, I might give blackberries a try for their health benefits.

  4. I’m not a fan of how boysenberries taste, but considering their nutritional value, maybe I should give them another chance.


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