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A protocol also called Communication Protocol, is a set of rules which transmit the information from one entity to another entity via communication systems. Protocols can be implemented in any hardware, software, or combination.

The rules of protocol consist of what type of data is to be transmitted, what commands are to be given while sending and receiving data and how it is transmitted. LPR and RAW are both part of Protocols.

Key Takeaways

  1. LPR (Line Printer Remote) is a printing protocol that sends print jobs to a network printer, while RAW is a direct data transmission method to a printer.
  2. LPR requires a printer queue and is slower, while RAW offers faster printing but lacks error reporting.
  3. LPR is more compatible with older systems, whereas RAW is better suited for modern systems and printers.


LPR, which acronym means Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, refers to the backflow of stomach acid into the larynx and pharynx, causing symptoms such as hoarseness and throat clearing. RAW, which means Respiratory Airflow, is a measure of the amount of air flowing in and out of the lungs.


LPR Protocol is also called Line Printer Daemon Protocol. LPR or LPD is a protocol for printing devices. It establishes a connection between clients and printers. Originally LPR was implemented in Berkeley Printing System in the Berkeley Software Distribution.

CUPS, or Common Unix Printing System, which is found in Linux and OS, also supports LPR. This shows that LPR is compatible with all the devices universally and it is very much flexible.

RAW Protocol is the default protocol and the most insecure connection for devices which doesn’t have Windows in them. It also works on devices that don’t have standard TCP/IP Protocol. It is also known as the Namer Port 9100.

One of the features of the RAW protocol is that, unlike LPR doesn’t process the data further and sends it directly to the printer. It has very little network overhead.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLPRRAW
DefinitionIt works with both printer and computer using LPD.It is a type of programming language.
Used inIt is used in Windows.Non-Windows platform
FunctionIt requires LPD to print a document.It creates a data type and prints the complicated documents.
Network OverheadHigher Network OverheadLower Network Overhead
Known asRFP 1179Port 9100

What is LPR?

LPR is a printing protocol that uses LPD known as Line Printer Daemon Protocol. The full form of LPR is Line Printer Remote Protocol.LPR is very important for both computers and printers as it is a system that provides a network for both of them to work together.

It uses a Transmission Control and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)while transmitting the data.TCP/IP Protocol serves as a channel between computers that permits printers to print the document via LPD.

Originally LPR was used in Berkely Printing System in the Unix operating system. It was designed for Unix only. It is the most common type of protocol that is used in Computers. It is very popular in Windows and other platforms like OS etc.

One of the disadvantages of LPR is that when there is an error, it shows the generic message error and doesn’t tell what exactly the problem is. So users might not know what the actual problem was.

LPD/LPR Protocol is identified in its specification as RFC 1179. It gives allowance to multiple printers and computers to work together. LPD is a software programme that comes pre-installed with the Windows Computer.

Users can print any document by giving instructions to LPR. LPR Protocol accepts the server requests on TCP port 515. Printers that support LPR or LPD are referred to as Internet Printing Protocol or TCP/IP Printer.


What is RAW?

The RAW protocol is just like any other protocol which is used in SHIP, i.e. Serious Human Interface Platform.

It also enables GUI design to send the objects which are typed in Byte, String, or Short from the communication port or to receive this typed object from the Communication port. It is very simple to use and handle the RAW protocol because of its GUI design.

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The RAW protocol is used to print complicated document which doesn’t contain text and letters. Users can easily use this protocol to do so.

It is a type of computer programming language which allows the computer to convert a complicated document into RAW form/ language before sending it to a printer.

It is used as a default protocol in all those devices which doesn’t use standard TCP/IP or Windows OS. One of the features of RAW is that it sends the information very quickly without processing further.

It also has small packet heads. It has very little overhead of the network, which makes it faster. It creates the user’s own data type, and you can start right away with the job of printing it.

When any confidential type of data is to be sent, then RAW is recommended. It is also known by the name of Port 9100. The full form of RAW is Routing and Assignment of Wavelength. It is not very much flexible as LPR.


Main Differences Between LPR and RAW

  1. LPR is a printing system that works with both printers and computers using LPD. RAW is also another type of protocol, but it is more of a programming language.
  2. LPR is used in Windows and other systems like OS etc. RAW is used in the Non-Windows platform as a default protocol.
  3. The function of LPR is that it requires LPD to print a document. The function of RAW is that it creates a data type and prints the complicated document.
  4. LPR has a Higher Network Overhead. RAW has a Lower Network Overhead.
  5. LPR is also referred to as RFP 1179. RAW is also referred to as Port 9100.

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.