Apple Music vs YouTube Music: Difference and Comparison

There is no gainsaying in saying that Apple Music and YouTube Music are among the best music streaming platforms.

Apple Music is said to have about 60 million songs, and YouTube Music says it has 50 million official songs, but that’s just one-dimensional as YouTube Music has loads of mashups, live videos, remixes, and other unofficial videos.

Key Takeaways

  1. Apple Music provides a seamless user interface with advanced features like Siri, while YouTube Music offers a massive collection of official music videos and live performances.
  2. Apple Music is compatible with Android and iOS devices, while YouTube Music is available on Android, iOS, and web platforms.
  3. Apple Music offers curated playlists based on user preferences, while YouTube Music provides personalized playlists based on the user’s search history and listening habits.

Apple Music vs YouTube Music

The difference between Apple Music and Youtube Music is the variation in their cost of the premium subscription, Free trial duration, Podcast service, Music Library, Radio Streaming facility, Number of songs available, Number of users, Offline Playback, Streaming Quality, and their availability on various platforms. 

Apple Music vs YouTube Music

Globally, Apple Music is a huge success as estimates suggest that Apple Music had 72 million subscribers worldwide in June 2020, up by four million from December of the previous year.

Regarding India, Youtube Music is likely to have more success as people are already familiar with the Youtube Video Sharing Platform.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonApple MusicYoutube Music
Free Trial Duration3-Months1-Month
Podcast ServiceAvailableNot Available
Music LibraryOver 60 Million (official releases only)Around 1 Billion (both official and unofficial releases)
Radio Streaming FacilityYes, Beats 1 RadioNo
Number of Users11 million Paying Users1 Billion Active Users
Offline PlaybackPaying Users OnlyYoutube Red
Streaming Qualityup to 256 kbpsup to 128 kbps
Available PlatformsiOS, Apple TV Mac, Apple Watch, and Windows PCiOS, Android, Google TV, Xbox, Playstation, and Chromostat.

What is Apple Music?

Apple Music is a music and video streaming service developed by Apple Inc. Specifically, it is Apple’s answer to its competitors Spotify, Google Play, and others.

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Apple promises to give you access to over 60 million songs, a live radio station, and a personal connection to artists you admire.

It is a built-in music app that means if you don’t want to use this service, you can still listen to the music you have preloaded on your device. 

Apple gives you a free 3 months trial to try out this new music and video streaming service. You can either go for Automatic Renewal or turn it off for further usage. 

They offer individual and family plans (for 5 members) to subscribe for all of the benefits of iTunes Match, along with passage to the entire Apple Music catalogue

On the app, the Connect feature enables you to connect to your favourite artists as they post stuff there. It is a little personalized and minimised version of Twitter and Instagram feeds.

There is a feature Radio, Beats 1 Radio, and a 24-hour radio you can enjoy. The New Music feature has a personalized segment where you can set your music priorities for a personalized experience.

Apple Music

What is YouTube Music?

YouTube Music is a dedicated music service from Youtube. Google owns it, which leverages Youtube’s large music directory, emphasising video and live performances.

It is well known to all that a lot of the time, Youtube is the only place some of these live performances are screened.

YouTube Music promises to give access to 1 billion official and unofficial releases. The best part of YouTube Music is that it is available on Android and iOS devices, unlike Apple Music.

It comes with a smart speakers like Google’s, Bose speakers, JBL, and others.

To start, Youtube gives you a free 1-month trial to try this new music and video streaming service. You can either go for Automatic Renewal or turn it off for further usage.

They offer student plans (for individuals) and family plans (for 6 members) to subscribe for an interruptions-free experience by removing video overlay ads that run before and during a video.

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The New Release Mix is a playlist updated every Friday of 30 new songs that YouTube selects based on your music preference.

The Discover Mix is a 50-song playlist updated every Wednesday with songs from artists that you already like and other songs that YouTube suggests to you based on the preferences you gave.

YouTube Music

Main Differences Between Apple Music and YouTube Music

  1. Apple Music gives access to a 3-month free subscription, while YouTube Music provides only a 1-month free subscription. Apple Music provides Podcast and Radio Streaming services, whereas YouTube Music has no such services.
  2. Claims Apple Music’s library has around 60 million officially released songs, whereas YouTube Music claims that its library has over 1 billion songs, including official and unofficial releases. 
  3. One can enjoy Apple Music on iOS, Apple devices, and Windows PC; YouTube Music is available on iOS, Android, Google TV, Xbox, Playstation, and Chromostat.
  4. Apple Music supplies its subscribers with daily playlists of new releases and deep tracks to help them discover new music. Google does something similar with Artificial Intelligence. Ahead of generic playlists, YouTube Premium will have a personalized home screen that provides recommendations based on subscribers listening history.
  5. Both the platforms give a personalized touch of subscribers’ favourite singers, but the Feed Segment of Apple, where celebrities post stuff, adds the icing on the cake.
Difference Between Apple Music and YouTube Music



Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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23 thoughts on “Apple Music vs YouTube Music: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Having a wide range of options to choose from is the best part of this comparison. I’d rather have a trial on both platforms before making a final decision. Though I found the comparison table really helpful.

    • That’s a good decision! The comparison table is really informative and provides a clear picture of the differences between Apple Music and YouTube Music.

    • I completely agree. It’s best to try both of them before making a decision, and the comparison table is incredibly helpful for that.

  2. It seems like Apple Music has a larger number of paying users, which is indicative of its widespread popularity. Youtube’s free trial is shorter, but it’s good to have options for different users.

    • That’s a good observation about the paying users. It’s always interesting to see how these different services attract different user bases.

  3. Even though there are vast differences between the two platforms, it’s clear that both Apple Music and YouTube Music have their strengths. The detailed comparison table is really insightful.

    • That’s an astute analysis. There are definitely merits to each platform, and the comparison table provides a detailed view of the unique features each has to offer.

  4. It’s very impressive how successful Apple Music has been, but YouTube Music seems to have a more user-friendly approach and greater accessibility across platforms. Still, both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages.

    • You bring up a good point about accessibility; it’s an important factor to consider when choosing a music streaming service. It’s great that there are options for anyone depending on their individual preferences.

  5. The range of options in choosing from individual and family plans for both platforms is impressive. The comparative details are quite beneficial to potential users.

    • It’s really great to see that there are options for everyone’s needs, whether it’s individual preferences or family use. This thorough comparison definitely helps in making an informed choice.

    • Absolutely! The wide array of options is impressive and caters to a vast range of users with different requirements.

  6. The potential user base and success of Apple Music and YouTube Music seem to differ across regions. It’s interesting to see how people’s preferences shape the popularity of these platforms.

    • Absolutely, the regional differences in preference can play a significant role. It’s a large part of what makes these platforms so successful worldwide.

  7. The detailed descriptions of the benefits of both platforms are incredibly helpful. The user interface of Apple Music and the music variety of YouTube Music both sound appealing.

    • Incredible breakdown of the features of each platform. The distinction between them is quite clear, making the choice easier for prospective users.

    • Absolutely, it’s great to have such detailed insights to make an informed decision. Both platforms have their unique features that cater to different tastes.

  8. The comparison between Apple Music and YouTube Music is quite well-detailed. Though Apple Music has a larger trial period, YouTube Music’s availability across multiple platforms is a big advantage.

    • Definitely! The platforms seem to complement each other in different ways, catering to different user needs and preferences.

  9. The comprehensive comparison between Apple Music and YouTube Music is enlightening. It’s quite clear that both platforms have a lot to offer to users, catering to different tastes and requirements.

  10. I’m subscribed to both, and I’ve found that Apple Music is the best one for curated playlists and personalized recommendations. Still, YouTube Music has a massive collection of songs and videos. I would say that each one has its own advantages.

    • It’s great that you’ve had a good experience with both platforms. It’s really interesting how each person can find different benefits between the two when looking for a music streaming platform.


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