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Modify and Change are the kinds of words that relate to English Grammar. Let’s know about these words and their usage in detail.   

Key Takeaways

  1. To modify means to make partial adjustments or alterations to something without fundamentally transforming it.
  2. To change means to replace, transform, or shift from one state or form to another entirely.
  3. Both terms imply alteration, but modifying suggests a less drastic and more specific adjustment than changing.

Modify vs Change  

In the English language, “modify” refers to making alterations or adjustments in place of something. It is used in a sentence when partial alterations are to be made. “Change” in the English language refers to replacing something or making something different as a whole. It is used in a sentence to indicate changing something in its entirety.

Modify vs Change

To express some issues that relate to every segment which needs to change parts, we pronounce the word Modify.

The primary concept that will be explained by the verb Change is the difference between the original things and replaced things.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Modify Change 
Meaning Modify is a word used in English Grammar. It is an English word that will use to replace things. 
Usage   This word had referred to substitute the situations with others. This word helps to alter the original things. 
Purpose To change the original things partially. This word alters the whole meaning of the sentence or situation. 
Difference   The entire theme of doing things is the same, where some partial changes need to take place. Sometimes the theme will change completely. 
Example They had played a modified version of their specific game. They had changed the game. 

What is Modify?  

The word Modify is a verb where it prefers to substitute the word, replace. To express something which had changes partially is known as Modify.

  • I want to modify the sentences according to the project.  
  • Adjectives had used to Modify the Nouns, where Adverbs utilize to modify the Verbs.  
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Modification is the noun of the word Modify. Adjust, Adapt, Amend, Alter, and Redesign are some of the synonyms for Modify. We can use these synonyms in place of Modify. 


What is Change?  

There are so many synonyms for the word Change that will be used according to the situations, sentences, forms, and qualities.

The primary concept that will be explained by the verb Change is the difference between the original things and replaced things.

  • Can you please change the topic?  
  • Mohan’s family needs to change their house.  

The above sentences describe the Change between the old situation and the new situation. The project had changed, and the entire theme and work had changed to others.


Main Differences Between Modify and Change  

  1. Modify, Modifying, and Modified are the tenses of the verb Modify. On the other hand, The Present participle, Past tense, 3rd human singular simple, and future of the word Change is Changing, Changed, Changes and Change.  
  2. I want to modify the sentences according to the project is a sample for Modify where the project had changed is the example for the term Change.  
Difference Between Modify and Change

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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.