NDS vs NDSI: Difference and Comparison

In the world of technology and software, people can rely on the various applications created that can be installed on any electronic device.

However, other than those applications, many companies manufacture video games.

These companies create various models that are introduced with several features released after a specific period. One of these companies is Nintendo.

Nintendo is a company from Japan that produces video games. They have made many electronic video games. Two of those are 1. NDS or Nintendo DS, and 2. NDSI or Nintendo DSI.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Nintendo DS (NDS) is a dual-screen handheld gaming console featuring a touchscreen, microphone, and Wi-Fi capabilities.
  2. The Nintendo DSi is an updated version of the NDS, offering a larger screen, improved audio, and two cameras.
  3. The DSi also includes an SD card slot and a built-in store for downloading games, while the NDS relies on game cartridges.


NDS, short for Nintendo DS, is a handheld gaming console released by Nintendo. It features dual screens, touch controls, and a wide range of games. NDSI, short for Nintendo DSi, is an upgraded version of the Nintendo DS console. It includes additional features such as larger screens, built-in cameras, improved audio quality, and downloadable games.


The NDS or Nintendo DS is a video game product that Nintendo released in the years 2004 and 2005. The “DS” in the Nintendo DS stands for two long forms: the developer’s system and the dual-screen.

In Nintendo DS, one can connect other devices through wifi instead of joining them through another wireless network.

The Nintendo DSI, or NDSI, is also a video game product from Nintendo that was released on 1 November 2008 in Japan. It was developed with a dual-screen and is straightforward to handle.

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In late 2006 the development of the DSi series began, which further led to many of her models from Nintendo.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonNDSNDSI
Full formsNintendo DSNintendo DSI
Dual CameraAbsentPresent
WeightComparatively heavierComparatively lighter
Battery LifeMoreLess
CostComparatively lessComparatively more
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What is NDS?

The Nintendo DS is a handheld video game, and it can be carried from one place to another. It is a product by Nintendo, a company that manufactures and produces video games in Japan.

This product belongs to the DS family and has a unique storage system.

A unique feature of the Nintendo DS is that it can be connected to other devices through wifi and can also be used without having to connect it to a pre-existing wireless network.

Even if Nintendo is the developer of this video game, Foxconn is the manufacturer of this product.

The screen of this product is slightly smaller than many other Nintendo products. However, it provides many features at affordable prices.

Also, Nintendo also introduced some free applications and services in this product. The free wifi connection was one of the pre-installed services in these video game products.

If a person wants to play multiplayer games with other Nintendo DS devices, then they can use Download Play. While playing video games, one can chat with other players through the application called Poictochat.

nintendo ds lite

What is NDSI?

The NDSI, or Nintendo DSI, is one of the most popular video games series that Nintendo developed. It is the upgraded version and a part of the Nintendo DS series.

It was launched initially in Japan in 2008, but it was launched worldwide one year later in 2009. The fourth version of this series was the Nintendo DSI XL. It came with more advanced features.

The engineering department members were Masato Kuwahara, who was appointed as the leader for the first time during the development of the Nintendo DSi series.

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The development of this model began in late 2006. A rough presentation of the model was ready by the initial months of the year 2007.

The sales of the Nintendo DS were almost 170,000 out of the 200,000 units shipped only after two days of the release. By the end of the month in which the model was released, almost 535,000 units were sold by Nintendo.

Later on, there were more colours in which the model was introduced in different parts of the world.

The games designed for the Nintendo DS are played on Nintendo DSi. Some games offer an option where many other players with the same device from Nintendo can play games together, known as the multiplayer option.

This option is made available to the players when they connect their device to the wifi connection from Nintendo.

nintendo dsi

Main Differences Between NDS and NDSI

  1. NDS is the short form for Nintendo DS. On the other hand, NDSI is the short form for Nintendo DSi.
  2. Nintendo DS does not have a dual-camera feature. On the other hand, the Nintendo DSi does have a dual-camera feature.
  3. The Nintendo DS is comparatively less costly. On the other hand, the Nintendo DSi is relatively more costly.
  4. The Nintendo DS is comparatively heavier. On the other hand, the Nintendo DSi is comparatively less heavy.
  5. The Nintendo DS is made up of comparatively less good battery life. On the other hand, the Nintendo DSi has better battery life.
  6. The screen of the Nintendo DS is comparatively smaller than the screen of the Nintendo DSi.
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=zWVUAQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=nintendo+ds&ots=GZ9CH9S3PV&sig=8GQxAL47I2_l3EKXy8jsyB1a8Ww
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=M-pGHGDm5a4C&oi=fnd&pg=PA5&dq=nintendo+dsi&ots=NX_N9qFUq9&sig=nmHsE73GfCd4wfzgdJFNrkC_hVY
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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. This is a very useful comparison, I’m always checking for the differences when buying a new console.

  2. This is so interesting if you’re a technology nerd, and it turns into a useful guide if you’re thinking about buying a new console.

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