NLP vs Hypnosis: Difference and Comparison

Hypnosis was created by Milton Erickson, who was the brains behind it. Brandler and Grinder are the driving forces behind the success of NLP therapy.

NLP is a more practical psychological therapy. Moreover, Hypnosis has lower practicality.

Key Takeaways

  1. NLP focuses on the conscious use of language and communication to influence thoughts and behaviors, while hypnosis induces a trance-like state to access the subconscious mind.
  2. NLP utilizes rapport-building and re-framing techniques, while hypnosis employs suggestions and guided imagery.
  3. NLP is more goal-oriented and solution-focused, while hypnosis can be used for various therapeutic purposes.

NLP vs Hypnosis

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a methodology that combines the study of language, communication, and human behaviour to help individuals achieve personal and professional success. Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that induces a person’s heightened suggestibility.

NLP vs Hypnosis

In the NLP method, a therapist assesses the problem and assists in the change of behaviour by instilling motivational words that help people perform better and feel better.

The therapy approach of Neuro-Language Programming, or NLP, focuses primarily on improving a person’s behaviour, but it has little impact on their inner attitude.

The conscious mind is more involved in the NLP process.

The hypnosis procedure aids people in forgetting some things and expressing negative memories that they have hidden within them, resulting in an improvement in their mental and emotional health.

Hypnosis is a psychological therapy that aids in enhancing the inner self by establishing awareness of the mind, body, and soul from the inside. The subconscious mind is more involved in the Hypnosis process.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNLPHypnosis
MastermindBrandler, GrinderMilton Erickson
PracticalityMore practicalLess practical
State of mindConscious mindSubconscious mind
Focuses onImproving BehaviourImproving inner self
Interaction and CommunicationMore interaction and CommunicationLess interaction and Communication
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What is NLP?

NLP is a technique that focuses on the conscious mind. By its very nature, NLP psychological therapy is more practical. Brandler and Grinder are responsible for the success of the NLP therapy’s establishment.

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The therapeutic approach of NLP focuses on correcting someone’s behaviour, but it has little effect on their inner attitude.

NLP is thought to be more communicative and participatory than hypnosis since it emphasises linguistic characteristics more.

NLP is a sort of psychological treatment that aids in focusing on specific codes and languages, as well as various methods of recognising them.

In the NLP process, a therapist assesses the problem and assists in the change of behaviour by instilling motivational words, which help people perform better and have a better sense of well-being.

What is Hypnosis?

The procedure of hypnosis has a lower level of practicality. Milton Erickson is credited with inventing the notion of hypnosis.

This method aids people in forgetting some things and expressing negative memories that they have hidden within them, resulting in a better state of mind and attitude.

Hypnosis is a psychological therapy that aids in the creation of awareness of the mind, body, and soul from the inside, which aids in the enhancement of the inner self.

As hypnosis does not include many verbal features, it is regarded to be less engaging and conversational than NLP. The subconscious mind is more involved in the hypnosis process.

Hypnosis is a sort of psychological therapy that aids in achieving a peaceful and worry-free state of mind. The patient is requested to follow simple instructions in this situation.

The therapist listens to all negative sentiments, traumas, and worries during the hypnosis process.


Main Differences Between NLP and Hypnosis

  1. NLP or Neuro-Language Programming, is a type of psychological treatment that helps in focusing on certain codes and languages and different ways of identifying them. On the other hand, hypnosis is also a type of psychological therapy that helps attain a calm and clear mind without any worries. Here the patient is asked to follow certain simple instructions.
  2. In the process of NLP, a therapist understands the situation and helps improve behaviour by inculcating motivational words, which later help in performing better and improving the sense of well-being in people. On the other hand, In the process which involves hypnosis, the therapist listens to all the ill feelings, traumas and anxieties. This process helps people in forgetting certain things and expressing those bad memories which they hide inside them. Later, it helps in improving their state of mind and mood.
  3. Neuro-Language Programming, or NLP, is the therapy process that focuses on improving someone’s behaviour. However, the inner attitude does not get much affected by it. On the other hand, the psychological therapy process of hypnosis helps create awareness of the mind, body and soul from within, which helps in enhancing the inner self.
  4. The process of NLP is considered to be more communicative and interactive than the process of Hypnosis, as it focuses on linguistic elements more. On the other hand, the psychological therapy of Hypnosis is considered to be less interactive and communicative than NLP as it doesn’t involve many linguistic elements.
  5. The process of NLP deals more with the conscious mind. On the other hand, the process of Hypnosis deals more with the subconscious mind.
  6. The NLP psychological therapy is more practical by nature. On the other hand, the practicality involved in the process of Hypnosis is less.
  7. The people who are behind the success of the establishment of NLP therapy are Brandler and Grinder. On the other hand, Milton Erickson was the mastermind who developed the concept of Hypnosis.
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Difference Between NLP and Hypnosis
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Piyush Yadav
Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. I think it is funny that the NLP is both more communicative and less interactive than Hypnosis according to the article. Can’t be both, right?

  2. I consider that it’s better to experience the NLP therapy, seems like a more effective approach.

  3. I found the comaprison quite interesting, the differences between both therapies became clearer after reading the article.

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