NTSC PS3 vs PAL PS3: Difference and Comparison

The PS3 is an indoor video game device developed by the Sony Company. It is a direct successor to the PS2 and was released into the market in the year 2006. NTSC PS3 and PAL PS3, both being in the family of PS3, might get hard to be distinguished.

Key Takeaways

  1. NTSC PS3 systems are designed for North American and Japanese markets, while PAL PS3 systems cater to European, Australian, and Asian markets.
  2. The NTSC PS3 supports a 60 Hz refresh rate, whereas the PAL PS3 supports a 50 Hz refresh rate.
  3. NTSC and PAL PS3 games may have regional lockouts, preventing them from being played on systems from different regions.


NTSC PS3 is a video game device. NTSC only works with NTSC TV sets. NTSC PS3 cannot support PAL PS2 and PAL PS3 cannot support NTSC PS2. NTSC PS3 is faster as compared to PAL PS3. It also provides higher frame frequency and more output. PAL PS3 provides better quality than NTSC PS3. PAL only works with PAL TV sets.


The NTSC version is associated with a low-resolution range with a comparatively much lower frame frequency. NTSC ps3 is capable of collaborating with NTSC TV sets.

The version has a vertical resolution of up to 480 lines, making it comparatively faster than the PAL version.

The PAL version is associated with a high range of resolution with a comparatively high frequency of frames. PAL ps3 can only collaborate with TV sets belonging to the PAL version.

The version has a vertical resolution of approximately 576 lines, making it slower than the NTSC version.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonNTSC PS3PAL PS3
Compatibility with the TV sets.It has the capability to work with TV sets entitled among NTSC. It cannot work efficiently with other TV sets or hardware.It has the capability to only work with TV sets entitled among PAL. It has difficulty working with NTSC TV sets.
ResolutionIt uses a resolution lower than that of the PAL version. It casts 525 resolution lines that provide less quality.It uses a higher resolution than that of the NTSC version. It casts 625 resolution lines that provide better quality.
Frames per secondThe NTSC ps3 is associated with a higher rate of frames or frames per second. It offers an output of approximately 60fps.This version is associated with a lower rate of frames or frames per second. It offers an output of approximately 50fps.
Connection with SDTVWhen the NTSC version of ps3 is connected to SDTV, it fails to support the gameplay of PAL ps2.When the PAL version of ps3 is connected to SDTV, it fails to support the gameplay of NTSC ps2.
FrequencyThe NTSC version works at an approximate frequency of 50 Hz. They are comparatively faster than the PAL areas.The PAL version works at an approximate frequency of 60 Hz. They are comparatively slower than the ones launched in the US and Japan.
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What is NTSC PS3?

The NTSC ps3 is primarily supported in NTSC TV sets and cannot be supported with other hardware. It is unable to be compatible with other systems like PAL TV sets or many others.

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The ps1 and ps2 games of PAL are not supported or worked on NTSC TV sets, and all three are required entitled to the same standard for making the games playable. The NTSC version is complemented with high frame frequency and low resolution.

The NTSC versions have 525 lines of resolution. It is associated with a frequency of 50 Hz, making it faster than the games launched in the PAL regions.

Recently, the NTSC or PAL ps3 can be played in any system to overcome the problem related to compatibility, provided there is no region coding. While working with CRT, the NTSC version is going to broadcast an output of 480i.

NTSC is not chosen for its degraded quality as compared to the PAL versions. They operate in low frame rates per second as 30fps or 60fps for getting supported by old TV sets or hardware versions.

The low-resolution range of the NTSC versions is evident as it has a comparatively lower quality than that of the PAL versions.

What is PAL PS3?

The PAL ps3 is only eligible to work with PAL TV sets and cannot be made to work with any other hardware. It fails to work if the version is made to work in NTSC TV sets or other systems.

PAL’s ps1 and ps2 games are not supported or work in PAL TV sets. This version is complemented with low frame frequency but high resolution.

It is associated with a frequency of 60 Hz, making it comparatively slower than that of the NTSC versions of the games launched in the US and Japan.

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Though PAL or NTSC ps3 can be worked or played in all the systems recently as they deviate from the former requirements.

However, just like the NTSC ps3, the PAL ps3 also works efficiently with LCD screens and HDTV sets. While working with CRT, PAL ps3 is going to generate an output of 576i.

PAL provides a better quality version than the NTSC versions as it is associated with high resolution. This version generates an approximate number of 625 lines of resolutions.

Due to the variation in resolution, the high quality provided by PAL versions can be noticed evidently.

Main differences between NTSC PS3 And PAL PS3

  1. The NTSC version only supports working with NTSC TV sets and does not support working with other hardware or TV sets. On the other hand, the PAL version supports working with PAL TV sets only and fails to work with NTSC TV sets.
  2. NTSC ps3 is associated with lower resolution than the PAL version, which provides higher resolution and better quality.
  3. The NTSC version has a comparatively lower frame rate or frames per second than that the PAL version.
  4. When connected by SDTV, the NTSC version fails to support the gameplay of PAL ps2. On the other hand, when connected by STV, the PAL version fails to support the gameplay of NTSC ps2.
  5. The frequency associated with NTSC ps3 is 50 Hz, whereas the one associated with PAL ps3 is 60 Hz.
  1. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jakub Kurzak/publication/249664063_A_Rough_Guide_to_Scientific_Computing_On_the_PlayStation_3/links/552bd2120cf29b22c9c1fbd5/A-Rough-Guide-to-Scientific-Computing-On-the-PlayStation-3.pdf
  2. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.18574/9781479802265-003/html
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.