Quartz vs Chronometer: Difference and Comparison

Watches are the best human-made gadget that shows us time. In ancient times, people did not have watches neither they have any gadgets that could tell them about the time, so they got to know about the time by the changes in the pattern of the sun. The watch was invented as the human brain evolved, with the proper division of hours, minutes, and seconds.

Quartz and Chronometers are divisions or types of watches that are designed to show the accurate time during the day and the night. Quartz watches are available in many patterns and styles, but mostly, they are analog watch that contains minute, seconds, and hours hands.

Key Takeaways

  1. Quartz watches use a battery-powered oscillator to keep time, while a chronometer is a watch that meets certain accuracy standards set by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC).
  2. Chronometers are more accurate than standard quartz watches.
  3. Quartz watches are more affordable than chronometers.

Quartz vs Chronometer

Quartz uses an electronic oscillator regulated by a quartz crystal to keep time. A chronometer is an accurate timepiece that meets certain standards of accuracy. Quartz refers to the type of movement used in a timepiece, while a chronometer refers to the accuracy and reliability of the timepiece.

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Quartz was invented in the year 1927. It was first made, as a big clock, with big hands showing hours, minutes, and seconds, and below it, there was a big pendulum moving back and forth. The pendulum that hung below the clock made a sound whenever sixty minutes gets completed.

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The Chronometer was initially designed only to show time with precision. It contained timepieces divided into several parts and put in different circles. One of the timepieces contains a stopwatch that can record the time used while doing activities like sports, etc.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonQuartzChronometer
Material usedQuartz is mainly made up of alloys, steel, ceramic, etc., making it durable and strong. Also, the steel used is stainless or rust-free.A Chronometer is made up of expensive metals like gold, platinum, etc., which makes it tough.
AccuracyQuartz watches have good accuracy, but the time precision changes as it ages and can easily be affected by temperature changes.A Chronometer shows the exact time and records the time accurately.
Year of InventionIt was invented in 1927 by Joseph W. Horton and Warren A. Marrison in bell laboratories.The Chronometer was invented in 1816 by Louis Moinet.
TypesThere are three types of Quartz watches analog, digital and automatic.There is only one type of chronometer watch which is mechanical or analog.
CostQuartz watches are affordable and are lower in price as compared to Chronometers.Chronometers are expensive because they last longer than Quartz.
Energy sourceQuartz uses batteries or cells as its energy source. They have their specific shelf life.Chronometers use the mainspring as their energy source. That provides more accuracy.
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What is Quartz?

Quartz uses electronic oscillator technology to induce electric energy to produce periodic oscillations. And the main material of these types of watches is Quartz, a type of crystal that regulates or maintains the frequency or speed of a moving object very precisely.

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The electric energy provided to run or operate Quartz watches is mainly through electric batteries that are small in size and need to be replaced after their shelf life get expires. But the huge Clock needs two or three large cells or batteries to function properly.

The interface of the Quartz watches is simple as they have numeric values written in a circular pattern and metal hands pointing the numeric values one by one.


What is Chronometer?

Chronometers, or simply chronograph watches, are mechanical watches. Earlier, they were only used by marines for accurate navigation and time. But now they are available to almost everyone in the world. The name Chronometer was put forward by Jeremy Thacker in 1714.

These watches are so accurate that they survive even in worse temperatures without any alterations in the accuracy of the time. And are also certified by many organizations legally. It was named Chronometer as Chrono refers to time, and meter refers to the measurement of time.

Chronometers always come with big dials, sometimes containing no numeric values, only the minute hands. They are costly because of the use of pure metals during their manufacture.


Main Differences Between Quartz and Chronometer 

  1. Quartz is mainly made up of alloys, steel, ceramic, etc., making it durable and strong. Also, the steel used is stainless or rust-free. On the other hand, a Chronometer is made up of costly metals like gold, platinum, etc.
  2. Chronometers use the mainspring as their energy source. Whereas Quartz uses batteries or cells as its energy source. They have their specific shelf life. After that, they get replaced.
  3. Quartz watches have good accuracy, but the time precision changes as the watch get old. While a Chronometer shows the exact time, and it also records the time accurately no matter how old it gets.
  4. Chronometers are expensive because they last longer than Quartz. Whereas the price of Quartz is lower as compared to Chronometer watch.
  5. The Chronometer was invented in 1816 by Louis Moinet. And Quartz was invented in 1927 by Joseph W. Horton and Warren A. Marrison.
Difference Between Quartz and Chronometer
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956566399000408
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1365-3121.2001.00395.x
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Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.