Return on Investment vs Return of Investment: Difference and Comparison

People would wonder what Return on Investment and Return on Investment mean the same, but with a critical difference.

Here are the essential points you must come across before knowing the real and exact erudition between each term discussed in the following paragraph.

Key Takeaways

  1. Return on Investment (ROI) measures the profitability of an investment by comparing its gains with the cost of the investment. At the same time, Return on Investment (ROI) refers to the return on the initial investment amount.
  2. ROI indicates the effectiveness of the investment, whereas ROI helps determine the time required to recoup the initial investment.
  3. ROI is expressed as a percentage, while ROI is expressed in monetary terms and is useful in determining the breakeven point.

Return on Investment vs Return of Investment 

The difference between the Return on Investment and Return on Investment is that the change in an asset’s price, or any other valued project over a specified period, results in variations in ROI percentage.

Return on Investment vs Return of Investment

Return on Investment (ROI) is a ratio between net income(over a period) and investment (investment’s costs then). It is used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiencies of several different types of investments. It helps you to understand the investment, whether it is profitable or a fiasco.

Return of Investment or Rate of Return is also the same as ROI, which is used to specify the growth and reduction of an investment, but with minute differences. Meanwhile, Return of Investment is the total gain or loss over a particularized period, denoted as a percentage of the investment’s initial cost.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonReturn on InvestmentReturn of Investment
MeaningROI is an instrument that measures an investment’s probability and compares it with other investments.Return of investment is somehow similar to ROI, but returning an investment impacts a change in the price of an asset or any valued project over a specified period, which results in a change in ROI percentage.
How to calculateFor the calculation of ROI, they follow a formula: ROI= Current value of Investment (Subtract) Cost of investment (Whole divided by) Cost of Investment (Multiplied by) 100. The measure of this calculation results in percentage as it’s comparatively easy to analogous with different investments.​
The changes can calculate return of investment- if it is positive, the return represents a profit, whereas a negative return says the loss of investment. Nominal Return can be calculated by figuring out the change of an investment over a period (plus) distribution (minus) Outlays.
Benefits Calculation of ROI is best to compare the possibility of an investment.ROI gives comparative analysis by considering different investments and comparing their benefits or return.ROI determines decision-making on acquiring assets and disposing of capital, focusing on maximising profit. Any acceleration in divisional ROI brings overall benefit to the organization.Return of Investment gives fastidious financial data about an investment. Annualisation is converting shorter or longer return intervals to annual returns, making it easy to compare. 
Risk factorComparing different investments of different companies, you will see that they won’t follow the same accounting policies, which makes it hard to process. Window dressing may happen. Managers make the current capital employed look flavour without any wary about the future organization.
Giving a spurious Rate of return on investment, especially during the period of high inflations- offers false investment value. So investors should make decisions astute before getting into afflict.
Safe percentage Many investors prefer an average annual rate of return of 10% or more, which states a good percentage for long-term investment in the stock market.The change of return determines the return of investment. Positive return ascribes a beneficial impact on investment. 
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What is Return on Investment? 

The performance factor is used to estimate an investment’s efficiency over the period.

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The formula to calculate Return on Investment is by dividing the profit earned on an investment by the total cost of the investment.

They are widely generalised in the finance stream. It plays an essential factor in the business, as it determines the investment’s performance.

For instance, if you are into purchasing a house for 1,000,000 dollars, after five years, you are ready to sell it to A for around 1,120,000 dollars. As a result, you have a profit of 120,000 dollars within three years.

As per the ROI formula, (GAINS or LOSS- COST)/ COST. Using the formula; (1,120,000 -1,000,000)/ 1,000,000, ROI was found to be 0.12.

On the other hand, you are selling the same house to B for 100,000 dollars. As a result, after one year, 160,000 dollars has been invested.

According to the formula, (160,000-100,000)/100,000: ROI was 0.6.

As you see, there is quite a difference between the first and second example, with 0.6 variations, ultimately affirming whether it is a win-win situation or a dead loss.

return on investment 3

What is Return of Investment?

It is the change in the investment or cash flows the owner receives from that investment, including interest payments, cash stock dividends, or the profit from the product.

A loss in the investment is described as a negative return, asserting the amount to be greater than zero. 

The formula to calculate the Return of Investment is dividing the difference between the final value(including dividends and interest) and the initial value by the initial value. 

For example, if you are up for buying 10 shares at an initial rate of 5, then the initial rate is 10 x 5= 50.

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Having said that, if the sharer is collecting 0.50 per share in cash dividends, and the final share rate is 9.80, the sharer would eventually have 10 x 0.50= 5 in his hand, adding to that 10 x 9.80=98 in shares.

Ultimately, with a total of 103 as a final value. At the same time, the initial value is 50. As per the formula, (Final value-Initial Value)/ initial value; (103-50)/50 = 1.06.

In layman’s terms, it is the loss or gain of an investment over a specified time. 

return of investment

Main Differences Between Return on Investment and Return of Investment

  1. The significant difference between ROI and Return of investment is that ROI is a measurement used to calculate the benefit of investment. On the other hand, Return of Investment is the change of returning an investment. 
  2. Calculating ROI and Return of Investment varies, where there would be a formula for calculating Return on Investment, even though Return of Investment measures the change on return of investment.
  3. ROI works only if taken companies for comparison follow the same accounting policies; Albeit, Return of Investment determines when there is inflation.
  4. Moreover, a Return on Investment can be done if the investment in the stock market is reasonable. Besides, Return on Investment is done exclusively if the investment price impacts any changes in an organization.
  5. Investors play a crucial role in Return of Investment. In contrast, Return on Investment gives the organization’s Investment managers much attention- as they are the ones who determine the rate of ROI.
Difference Between Return on Investment and Return of Investment
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.