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Mothers protect their children from an early stage, and they try to provide the items which help in their growth. Some Company products will use to increase the growth rate of children in the infant stage. Similac and Enfamil are products made by a formula that helps infants.  

Key Takeaways

  1. Similac and Enfamil are both infant formula brands.
  2. Abbott Laboratories make Similac, while Mead Johnson Nutrition makes Enfamil.
  3. Similac and Enfamil’s ingredients and nutritional values vary, but both brands meet the nutritional needs of infants.

Similac vs Enfamil

The difference between Similac and Enfamil is that Similac is a product formula marketing by Abbot Laboratories that helps infants. In Contrast, Enfamil is a formula that helps in infant growth which had marketed by Mead Johnson. The ingredients and formula used are different in both Similac and Enfamil.  

Similac vs Enfamil

Similac is a product of formula that helps infants. The Similac formula had progressed by Alfred Bosworth of Tufts University. This university had developed, and Abbot Laboratories company is marketing the Similac product.

This product consists of nutrients and a hypoallergic technique that helps to prevent food allergies.  

Enfamil is an infant-used product formula that had progressed by Mead Johnson, which is an auxiliary for Reckitt. Mead Johnson had worn Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit on the Enfamil packaging up to 2011.

Enfamil had organized as an American brand, and in 2012, the company’s signature changed. Enfamil consists of nutrients that help in infants’ brain growth.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSimilac Enfamil   
Meaning     Similac is a product formula that helps to increase the growth in infants. Enfamil is a product formula from an American brand that helps in infant growth. 
Progress     Similac had progressed by the Alfred Bosworth of Tufts University.   Enfamil had progressed by Mead Johnson.  
Company     The company that markets this product is Abbot Laboratories. Enfamil had marketed by the Mead Johnson Company. 
Milk Powder, digestible Vegetable oil like coconut or soy oil, Lactose, Protein Concentration, Potassium citrate, Nucleotides, Vitamins and Minerals. Non-fat Milk powder, Vegetable oil like palm oil or soy oil, lactose, calcium carbonate, potassium citrate, 2% of whey protein concentration, ferrous sulphate and some other oils.   
Uses       Similac uses to increase immunity in infants, which consists of omega fatty acids in the high range. Enfamil product will help to build the infant’s mind where it is similar to breast milk but heavy for mini tummies. 

What is Similac?  

Similac is a product formula that helps to feed newborn babies. The Similac formula had progressed by Alfred Bosworth of Tufts University. Abbot Laboratories company is a marketing company for the Similac product.

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Similac Alimentum will help in reducing the baby’s cries within 24 hours. When a newborn baby had fed with the Similac, then the infant will gain immunity. This product will decrease allergies and colic symptoms because it consists of hypoallergenic formula.

Similac products contain the ingredients like Milk Powder, digestible Vegetable oil like coconut or soy oil, Lactose, Protein Concentration, Potassium citrate, Nucleotides, Vitamins and Minerals.

This product formula helps in developing immunity and protects the eyes of infants. Similac products will use for newborn babies for up to 1 year.    

Similac nourishes immunity, and an infant can gain nutrients from this product. Usually, mothers like to feed the Similac product to their babies for their growth, whereas infants cannot eat all the product at an early stage. However, this product has positives, and it also has some effects.

An infant may suffer from diarrhoea, constipation and stomach pain and these are temporary effects for the infants. Because of some issues, the Similac product had banned in 64 Countries, including China. The whey protein concentration had taken from cows’ milk to prepare the formula.  

What is Enfamil?  

Enfamil is a product formula that helps to build up the brain in infants. Enfamil product had progressed by Mead Johnson, which is an auxiliary for Reckitt. Mead Johnson had worn Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit on the Enfamil packaging up to 2011.

Enfamil had organized as an American brand, and in 2012 the signature of the company changed. Enfamil had used for newborn babies, where an infant can gain 20 calories from this product.

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This product consists of fats, carbohydrates and potential renal solutes that help in brain-building.

The Enfamil product contains the ingredients like Non-fat Milk powder, Vegetable oil like palm oil or soy oil, lactose, calcium carbonate, potassium citrate, 2% of whey protein concentration, ferrous sulphate and some other oils.   

Fussy infants can recover in 24 hours by using the Enfamil NeuroPro product. The drug administration and food administration state that the Enfamil product is safe for infants, and the United States use these brands widely.

The liquid Enfamil, which had unlocked, can use for up to 48 hours by storing in refrigerators, and the powder will utilize for 30 days at room temperature. Enfamil has some effects like Vomiting, Irritability, Nausea, and Skin rashes, but these are temporary effects.   

Main Differences Between Similac and Enfamil  

  1. Similac is a milk product formula that helps in increasing immunity in infants, whereas Enfamil is a milk product formula that helps in brain-building.  
  2. Similac had progressed by the Alfred Bosworth of Tufts University, where Enfamil had enlarged by Mead Johnson.  
  3. Both Similac and Enfamil are infant products, but the formula varies from each other.  
  4. Abbot Laboratories market the Similac product, whereas Mead Johnson Company trade the Enfamil product.  
  5. Similac product consists of omega fatty acids, whereas Enfamil product contains Palm Olein oil fatty acids.  

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.