Sony Vegas Pro vs Vegas Platinum: Difference and Comparison

Sony is a technology company that is considered one of the biggest companies in producing professional and consumer electronic products. It has its headquarters in Tokyo.

It is known for manufacturing the largest video game publisher and video game console. Sony is also known for producing music and has the largest music company and third-largest film studio globally.

Sony has many ventures and different businesses like audio, video, photography, videography, computing, mobility, healthcare, robotics etc. Vegas Pro and Vegas Platinum are Sony’s two video editing software.

Key Takeaways

  1. Sony Vegas Pro targets professional users, offering advanced features like 3D editing and multitrack audio support, while Vegas Platinum is aimed at beginner and intermediate users.
  2. Vegas Platinum is more affordable than the Sony Vegas Pro software.
  3. Sony Vegas Pro supports a broader range of video formats and offers greater customization options than Vegas Platinum.

Sony Vegas Pro vs Vegas Platinum

Sony Vegas Pro is a professional video editing software that includes advanced features and capabilities such as multiple camera compatibility, 3D editing, and color grading. Vegas Platinum is a consumer-level version of the software that offers basic video editing tools at a more affordable price point.

Sony Vegas Pro vs Vegas Platinum

Sony Vegas Pro is a video editing software that Sonic Foundry originally published. Then it was published by Sony Creative Software. Vegas Pro was made to run on the Windows operating system.

Originally Vegas Pro was launched as an audio-editing software. Then it was converted into NLE, i.e. Non-linear editing for both audio and video versions. Vegas Pro can edit audio on unlimited tracks, and it has real-time tracking for video.

Vegas Platinum is the more advanced version of Vegas Pro. This was designed for PC and consumer-based NLE video editing software. Vegas Platinum is called Vegas MovieStudio.

Earlier, it was named Sonic Foundry VideoFactory. Vegas Platinum can edit only ten audio and video tracks at a time. Then its capacity was gradually increased by 10% more, i.e. 20 videos and audio can be edited.

The standard aspect ratio of Platinum Edition is 4:3 and 16:9. It also has very powerful colour correction tools, just like Vegas Pro.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSony Vegas ProVegas Platinum
Released 19992003
Audio editing Unlimited20-200
Sound MixingDoesn’t have5.1 sound mixing and encoding
FeaturesIntegration with 24p DV, Clips and sequences can be copied and pasted etc.Ability to export to iPod and Sony PS, direct upload to Youtube etc
VersionsVegas 1.0,  Vegas video 2.0, 3.0 till 7.0, Vegas pro 8.0 till Vegas Pro 19.Vegas Movie Studio 1 till 7, Vegas movie studio Platinum 8 till 17.
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What is Sony Vegas Pro?

Sony vegas pro was earlier an audio editing software. Then it was modified into video editing software. Vegas Pro doesn’t need any special hardware to run properly.

It can run on any Windows. Originally published by Sonic Foundry, it developed into NLE, i.e. Non-Editing software in its 2.0 version.

Features of Vegas Pro include audio editing of unlimited tracks that makes it unique among other Sony products. For video, it can multitrack video in real time.

Other4 Features are resolution-independent video sequencing, complex effects and compositing tools, 24-bit/192 kHz audio support, VST and DirectX plug-in effect support, and Dolby Digital surround sound mixing.

In 2016, Sony Vegas Pro was sold to Magix, and it said it would continue developing it just like Sony did.

Vegas include a large category of tools that include 3D track motion and spatial arrangement of visual planes in the field of motion graphics and composting.

Vegas has a unique feature that is integrated with 24p DV. Various clips and sequences can be copied and pasted while the song is playing in between. Every version of Vegas is released alone, and it is upgraded from time to time.

It was released as a “Multitrack Media Editing System” in Beta mode in 1999. In Vegas 1.0, it was used as an audio tool, and the focus was on resampling and r4escaling audio.

Vegas Video Beta, or 2.0, was the first that allowed video-editing tools. Vegas Video 3.0 had a lot of new features released, like New Video effects, Dynamic RAM Previewing, VideoCD and DataCD Burning etc.

Then many new versions with a lot of new technology were added to improve it.

sony vegas pro

What is Vegas Platinum?

Vegas Platinum is the more advanced counterpart of Vegas Pro. Earlier, Vegas Platinum was called Vegas Movie Studio. It could only edit ten audio and video tracks when it was released in 2003.

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Then with the coming of the Platinum Edition of Movie Studio, it was able to edit 20 videos and audio. As well as it was able to edit them in standard as well as multiple aspect ratios, i.e. 4:3 and 16:9.

It can also edit 24p video. Unlike Vegas Pro, it doesn’t have composting tools, nesting or masking project etc. Colour Correction tools also found in Vegas Pro are also included in Vegas Platinum, which is very powerful.

Three-wheel colour corrector including HDV and AVCHD- capabilities. But it doesn’t support the formats like SD and HD-SDI formats. DV batch capture that is found in only HD video editors is also included in Movie Editor.

With version 6.0, it can capture videos from the Sony Handy Camcorder. But it cannot record analogue videos. Effects and Transitions are numerous in the Platinum edition. Wide variety of codecs and file formats, and even 

13 different audio effects are there in Vegas Platinum. In addition, it has 5.1 Surround sound mixing and editing. It is compatible with Sony’s ACID Music Studio software, and ACID Xpress ships with 1000+ effects CDs included.

Main Difference Between Sony Vegas Pro and Vegas Platinum

  1.  Sony Vegas Pro was released in 1999. Vegas Platinum was released in 2003.
  2. The audio-editing capability of Sony Vegas Pro is unlimited tracks. The audio-editing capability of Vegas Platinum is between 20 to 200 tracks.
  3. Sony Vegas Pro doesn’t have sound-mixing technology. Vegas Platinum has a 5.1 sound mixing and encoding technology.
  4. Sony Vegas Pro is cheaper than Vegas Platinum.
  5. Features of Sony Vegas Pro include Integration with 24p DV, Clips and sequences that can be copied and pasted etc. Features of Vegas Platinum include the ability to export to iPod and Sony PS, direct upload to Youtube etc.
  6. Versions of Sony Vegas Pro include Vegas 1.0,  Vegas Video 2.0, 3.0 till 7.0, Vegas Pro 8.0 till Vegas Pro 19. Versions of Vegas Platinum include Vegas Movie Studio 1 till 7 and Vegas movie studio Platinum 8 till 17.

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.