UI Designer vs Web Designer: Difference and Comparison

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Today, there exist several evolved fields in the technology sector. As the technology sector has grown over the years, there has been an increase in employment opportunities in these fields as well.

This evolution has given rise to various occupations and jobs. The world of graphic designing and web designing has evolved immensely as there has been an increase in the computer science field.

However, two of the most popular jobs in these fields are 1. UI designer, and 2. Web Designer. 

Key Takeaways

  1. A UI designer designs the user interface of websites and mobile applications, whereas a web designer designs a website’s overall look and feel.
  2. A UI designer focuses on the visual aspects of the interface, such as buttons, icons, and layout, whereas a web designer focuses on the entire website, including content and functionality.
  3. A UI designer needs to know user experience and graphic design, whereas a web designer needs to know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

UI Designer vs Web Designer

The difference between a UI designer and a Web designer is that the UI designer is a User interface designer who manages the interfaces created between the product on the website and the customer. On the other hand, the web designer is the person who designs or creates the website by making use of the trends existing in the technology world.

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A UI designer is a user interface designer that manages the interactions between a user and the product on the website. A UI designer also handles the responsibility of creating the interfaces on the website.

They make sure that the interactions between any user visiting their website don’t face any issues while browsing it.

A web designer is a person who works at a professional level and designs or creates websites and webpages along with the content that makes the respective website complete.

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They manage the functions of the website and the overall outlook of the website.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonUI DesignerWeb Designer
Meaning/ DefinitionA web designer is a person who works at a professional level and designs or creates websites and webpages along with the content that makes the respective website complete. They compile both UI as well as UX and then create the resultant website, they maintain the website’s efficiency.
RoleTo make the interaction that takes place between a user and the website a seamless one.To make a website efficient.
WorkThey work when the interaction between a user and the product is being carried out.A UI designer is a complemented position and their work is slightly dependent on the work of a UX designer.
Required knowledgeCoding abilities, front-end development etc. Various programming and scripting languages.
PositionIt is not a complemented position; a web designer compiles the work of a UX and a UI designer and works separately.It is not a complemented position, a web designer compiles the work of a UX and a UI designer and works separately.
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What is UI Designer?

A UI Designer is a professional who works on managing the interactions between various users that visit a product on the website or the website in general.

They ensure that a user has a good experience after viewing a particular website.

Some of the work of a UI Designer depends on the creation of a UX designer. The UX designers create a prototype, and the UI designers implement that prototype into reality.

The UI designers must have a basic knowledge of coding and programming. They must also be able to understand some from-end development knowledge. 

They make sure the typeface choices for website creation are appropriate. They give a right colour to the website according to its genre.

They design the crucial features of a website, like scrollbars, toolbars, icons, important buttons, links etc. They make sure that the design is responsive and that the website gains traction with the help of it.

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Other than the colour scheme, and typography, they also look after the checkboxes, various creative symbols etc. They guide a user through the interface of a particular feature on the website.

Thensureure that the website and the brand’s motto is conveyed to the usappropriatelyner.

ui designer

What is Web Designer?

A web designer is a separate profession in the web development sector.

A web designer, however, is a professional who creates and compiles a website and manages the look, including the colour, buttons, functions, features and other aspects that make a website captivating.

A web designer compiles the work of a UX and a UI designer and after that makes the final website.

The utilities present on a respective website and how they are given is one of the essential things that need to be taken care of. A web designer looks after the number of utilities, functions, website aesthetics, etc.

A user must not face any issues and must be able to browse and review a particular website on any desired device.

A web designer ensures that a user can access the website on various devices like mobile phones, tablets, computers, laptops etc. They also look after the way a user gets to deal with a website altogether.

Various scripting and programming languages, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc., are used to create a website.

A web designer must have profound knowledge of these languages and know how to use various web designing software and packages like Photoshop etc.

web designer

Main Differences Between UI Designer and Web Designer

  1. Web designers work independently, and they compile the work of a UI designer and the UX designer. On the other hand, UI designer is a complemented profession of UX design.
  2. The work of a Web designer is independent. On the other hand, a UI designer’s work depends on the UX designer’s work.
  3. The work of a web designer includes managing the content on the website as well as the creation of the website. On the other hand, the work of a UI designer includes managing the interactions between the product on the website and the user.
  4. A web designer must have a profound knowledge of both scripting languages as well as programming languages. On the other hand, the UI designer must have some from-end development knowledge.
  5. The web designer must have profound knowledge of coding and programming. On the other hand, the UI designer can have comparatively less knowledge of coding and programming.
Difference Between UI Designer and Web Designer
  1. https://dspace.vsb.cz/bitstream/handle/10084/134610/2313-626X-2019v6i2p6.pdf?sequence=1
  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-73105-4_35
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.