Vim vs Vi: Difference and Comparison

Every computer has a text editor which helps the files and configures the document full of text. These texts are edited and configured in a code that helps them to program every source.

There are many text editing sources and software available. Vim and vi are the two text editor which helps to edit the text and transform them into program codes.

Key Takeaways

  1. Vim (Vi IMproved) is an enhanced version of the original Vi text editor, offering additional features, functionality, and customization options.
  2. Vim supports more plugins and extensions than Vi, providing a more comprehensive and adaptable user experience.
  3. Both editors are popular among developers and system administrators for their lightweight design and command-based operation, but Vim’s improvements make it a more powerful tool overall.

Vim vs Vi

The difference between Vim and Vi is that Vi is a standard text editor very famous among users. IT members are also fond of this editor,; it greatly helps the users. On the other hand, Vim is a very high-quality editor which helps you transform and configure text with high-quality documentation.

Vim vs Vi

Programming Is very helpful and also many web designers and web users use programming codes and languages. They always require text editors which helps them to configure high-quality text.

Vim is a high quality and high-performance text editor which gives you many results. It makes the hard work easy, and understanding the code is also easy.

People worry about the damaged files and documents, and if they want to edit,, they can use Vi text editor. It helps you edit the file and folders easily from the beginning.

The editor helps to work and understand the codes and languages quickly. It helps to create files and documents in the way users want.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVimVi
VersionsVim is the enhanced version of ViVi is the version of the UNIX operating system
FeaturesVim has a multilevel of undoVi does not have a multilevel undo feature
SupportVi does not have any permission for color text in syntaxVi only works in the UNIX system
Operating AvailabilityAvailable on all major devices and servicesVi only operates in the UNIX system
CompatibilityVim also supports ViBut Vi does not support the Vim system
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What is Vim?

Vim text editor is not just a text editor; you can find many features and options to do more with this editor. It is not more than that; it only gives you help with editing the text and creating the text in other documentation and files.

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People are also familiar with Notepad, Linux, and atom editor, which helps users to write and edit text. Vim is also an editor providing high-quality features to edit and create text with different languages or codes.

Before Vim, it was Vi, and that is now updated with new features and designs of options.

Vim is famous for its efficiency and unique ability.

Most people spend their time editing text and making document changes, especially the software members and the IT engineers who always manage codes and text in their daily routine.

Vim is a robust text editor that is possibly the most extensively utilized vi clone, with capabilities beyond what vi offers. When you understand how Vim operates, you can do sophisticated edits efficiently and.

Conversely, Vim is a powerful text editor that is used to develop software, brief documents, and inputs to a textual styling system rather than a text structuring software.

Even students edit their documents and essays daily with computer technologies. And now also Vim provides mouse shortcuts that enable you not to use a mouse with the keyboard at the same time.

What is Vi?

When you come to the term Vi, it is a screen-based text editor which helps all the small details and text to configure easily and it was created for the UNIX operating system.

Before Vim, all the languages and software were based on and supported by this text editor. The essential ability and behaviour of the Vi editor were all in the set for the user. It is also considered the specification of all single Unix units.

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Bill Joy wrote the original code for Vi, and since then, the editor has been famous and used it for many software applications.

All these years, the creation of new languages, codes, and other essential software technologies supported the Vi editor, and simply accepted the text. It was free, and it still is. It is easy to operate and function.

It provides full-screen mode, and it also highlights the text which is essential and mistaken.

Vi helps you use fewer keyboards, providing all the shortcut keys and functions in one-hand mode. It makes the operative system easy to operate and gives the user some special commands.

The user does not need to remove his hand over the home row when performing and commanding the amendment. Vi provides a lot of shortcut keys, which have multiple purposes for editing and help you steer codes easily.

Main Differences Between Vim and Vi

  1. The main difference that you can find between Vim and Vi is the advanced features. Vim is the upgrade for Vi and has more advanced features which help users work more easily. Vim is more powerful than Vi.
  2. The other difference is that in Vi if you make a mistake then you cannot change it. It will remain the same. You will only have one option to make a new project or delete it. But in Vim, you can change the mistake and correct it as as you want.
  3. The other difference is that the text in Vim highlights every text differently. It helps you to remember and work with the content correctly. On the other hand, Vi does not have this feature, as it shows all the text in the same texture of colour.
  4. The other difference is the GUI, Vim has its GUI, which is also known as Gvim. It is the most advanced graphic interface which helps the user to have a mouse in some important sections and can highlight the target. Vi does not have its own GUI, and it works outside the terminal.
  5. Vi creates small files which help to manage the storage. It does not consume all the space but Vim has large files which consume the storage because it has a high range of power and GUI.
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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.

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